chapter 38

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Violet moon pack: Fredrick Pov: In the alpha office: We were currently gathered in the alpha office as the Alpha had ordered us to do so. I am very certain that it was all about the run away case, aka about Aurora running away from the pack. “does anyone knew who was the one, that was brave enough to run away from the pack??. The one that broke the ties with us, and went rogue?? “, uncle Todd Gary, the current gamma, and the father of Chance Gary asked in annoyance, as everyone just kept silent looking at each other's face for the last few minutes. I just took a peek at the Alpha, William Bentick, who was being silent till now. But I know for sure that he was fuming inside in anger, and that he knew that it was Aurora that went rogue. ***he is the Alpha of our pack, for a reason, and more importantly, he is the father of Aurora. Once she went rogue by cutting all the ties with the pack, he would know for sure, as they share blood ties in between them. When Aurora cut her ties with the entire Violet moon pack, she served her ties with her family too. Hence they will immediately feel her absence, since they were related by blood. Alpha William Bentick can refuse to be associated with her, for all he wanted, but in truth he is her father, in flesh, and blood. No one can deny that fact. “You are in charge of the patrolling guards, and if I am correct, it is your responsibility that this incident has happened “, Chance Gary spoke, and quickly put the blame on me. ***’yes dude… so what??. No one asked you to open your nasty mouth. Keep your mouth shut, for the moon goddess sake', I thought to myself. Even though he was right in every aspect, I was like, what in the darn hell??. ‘who in the f*****g hell told him to open his darn mouth, right at this moment, and pour some extra oil in the Alpha’s anger, who was already in the verge of losing his s**t???. That darn jerk…was he planning to direct the alpha’s anger on me, or what?? ‘, I thought in my mind, but I kept my mouth shut, as I could not rebuke him openly. ***’ for the moon goddess sake, I do not want a crazy, and angry Alpha to be on my tail’, I thought. “Then do you know, who was the one that made a fool of our patrol guards, and ran away from our pack, you useless future beta? “, uncle Todd Gary asked me sarcastically, making my dad Thomson, to fume in anger. “Mind your tone, when you are talking about my son, Todd”, my dad Thomson snapped at him, making uncle Todd Gary to shut his mouth immediately. **well. What else can he do?. My dad, the current beta can be as scary as hell, once he loses his temper. “Everyone, shut the hell up!!!”, The Alpha bellowed, and banged his hand on the office desk, making a loud noise to echo in the room. “It was that useless piece of disgrace, that ran away from the pack. The one, that lived in the attic”, Alpha William Bentick said in annoyance. “ It is Aurora, uncle Todd Gary “, Sebastian, the future alpha of the pack, and Aurora’s elder brother, opened his mouth for the first time, and cleared the confusion of uncle Todd Gary, who seemed clueless to the surroundings till now. For the first time, I looked at Sebastian, since I had entered the Alpha office. Sebastian looked a little bit sad, and confused too. Even though he tries his very best to hide it, I could easily see through him, as his eyes gave him away so easily. I am his best friend for a reason. He really did not hated Aurora to the extent of letting her to die alone in the outside world. He hated her, that was for sure. I know that. It was because he did not have anyone else to blame at that time, for the loss of their mother. So once he got to know that Aurora was the cause of their mom’s accident, he blamed his younger sister blindly in sadness. Later that evil b***h, that papa’s favorite girl, Andrea manipulated him, and made him to hate their little sister even more. “What??. It was her??? “, Chance Gary yelled, making me to come out of my own train of thoughts. “We should immediately send some of our pack members as search parties to look for her, and bring her back to the pack“, Chance Gary said the next second, making every one present in the room to be surprised. “why do you say that, son?. Let that b***h go, and die somewhere else. She was really a curse that was put on this pack. It was good, that she went away from our pack on her own. Let us just think that our bad luck was finally over”, Uncle Todd Gary said so casually. “No dad!!. We must bring her back “, Chance Gary said hastily making me to be more suspicious of him. ***’what was this guy’s deal though?’, I thought, while looking at him. “Why??? “, uncle Todd Gary asked again, which was also the question that ran through my mind. ‘Why?? ‘. “it’s… . It is because, she made a fool out of us, and ran away. How dare she??. How dare she to defy our Alpha, and have the guts to insult his authority, by running away from the pack. She tricked our patrol guards, and made our security system to look like a joke. Just think about what would other packs will think about us??. It is an insult to us. We should bring her back, and punish her for her stupid actions. I am saying the right thing, didn’t I, Alpha??”, Chance Gary said all these in a single breath, clearly instigating Alpha William Bentick against Aurora. ***’why was this damned jerk was hell bent on going behind that poor girl, and was being stubborn on bringing her back?? ‘, I thought in annoyance. I wanted to smack that guy across his head, to make him to come to his senses. “Yes. I can not let that good for nothing slave, to make our pack to look like a joke to the other neighborhood packs. She insulted me, and hurt my pride. For that very reason, she should be punished severely. Send two of our trackers to hunt her down “, Alpha William Bentick ordered, making Chance Gary to smile in victory. “And remember. I do not care what method they use. All I want them to do is to bring her back at all costs. Even if it meant hurting her, I do not f*****g CARE!!!! “, Alpha William Bentick said in a determined voice, and told us to go to our rooms. *~~* Somewhere in the neutral lands: Aurora POV: It has been a few hours that I have been running. I do not know where I was going, but what I know for sure was that, I was running in the opposite direction of the Violet Moon pack. Since I was already having a weak body to begin with, coupled with the pain due to the beatings, that I got from Andrea, and her group of minions, had made it difficult for me to run constantly for a few hours in a stretch. Since I was confidence enough that I was far away from the Violet Moon pack, I breathed a sigh of relief, and decided to take a rest for a few minutes. As even if I wanted to continue my running, my weak body protested against that idea of mine, making me to yield to the inability of my body ultimately. I looked around, and after confirming that I was not near any pack territories, and that I was in the neutral, and non claimed lands, I found a nice shady tree, and sat beneath it, leaning against it’s trunk, in tiredness. The reason I made sure that I was not near any pack territories, was because I do not want to be attacked by the pack wolves, as now basically I am a rogue wolf roaming in the wild. Most of the packs around the region, hate rogue wolves, and kill them the second they spot them, in, and around their pack borders. I will not blame those pack wolves as the rogue wolves were really ruthless, and attack the packs without any reason. So it was natural that the pack wolves hate, and treat the rogue wolves as natural enemies. Then I opened the small school bag, which I brought with me, and took out the nutrition nut chocolate bar from inside it. It was given by Frederick. When he knew that I was running away, even after knowing that it might put him in trouble, instead of stopping me, he just let me go, and helped me to run away from the pack. Then he gave me all the money, which he had in his wallet, and these chocolates to me. “I bought these chocolates to give to you anyway. So take it with you “, he said, while stuffing these chocolate bars along with some nutrition bars, which he loves to eat, into my hands. When I was half way in finishing the chocolate, I thought about the people who cared for me till now. Fredrick, and his parents, Aunt Tara and Uncle Thomson were the only ones, who treated me like a human being in that pack. I ate one of the chocolate nut bars, and thought about the time when I went to say goodbye to Aunt Tara. **** Happy reading ❤❤❤
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