chapter 22

2121 Words
Third Person Pov: In the border of a pack, somewhere in the Southern Region. The snarling, and growling sounds of the rogue wolves could be heard everywhere, and those rogue wolves were trying to pick a fight with the pack wolves, who were patrolling, and guarding the borders of their pack. Well, the pack wolves were the pack members of the Infamous “Night howlers pack”. The same pack that was rumoured to be as the most powerful pack with the strongest, and deadly warriors like their ruthless Alpha, in the entire region. The pack, which was rumoured to have the most powerful, and heartless leader as their Alpha. As the rumours have said that the rogue wolves, who crossed the borders of the Night Howlers pack were killed brutally, without any mercy. The Night howlers pack was the strongest pack with the largest number of pack members, and even they have the huge land area to support their high head count of the pack members. One of the patrolling guards had already informed their higher ranked wolves, their Beta, Zander Xavier, about the rogue wolves, that are trying to cross the borders of their pack. It was not a big deal for the three patrolling guards, who are in the borders right now, to take care of the eight rogue wolves that were trying to attack them in the first place. It was like a piece of cheese cake for them. But sadly they were ordered by their beta, that they have to stand back, so that he can come, and try to talk to those rogue wolves. Not for any negotiation, and all, but to find out about the real motives of these rogue wolves, who had made it their habit to attack their powerful Night howlers pack thrice, or more than that in a month, so foolishly thinking that they can win against their Night Howlers pack’s fighters. They would not even stand a chance against one of these pack fighters. The pack fighters were so very fed up with killing these rogue wolves, who were hell bent on getting killed in their hands. As those weak, and unskilled rogue wolves were no match for the highly skilled fighters, who were trained under the strict guidance of the Alpha of the Night howlers pack. The same Alpha of the pack, who was rumoured to be the most ruthless one in that region. When the patrol guards were so busy, and were engaged in a glaring, and growling match with those nasty looking rogue wolves, who were snapping, and snarling at them in return, a tall man with a nicely built muscled body, in a lazy manner made his entry into the scene, while sighing heavily. The tall man was clad only in a pair of black colored trunk shorts, with his upper well defined muscular body left totally naked to the onlookers eyes, showing off his ripped body structure. This scene clearly said that he had just now shifted back to his human form from his wolf. He must have ran to the border in his wolf form to reach the border of the pack soon. The above said man, who has made his entry, so nonchalantly just now can easily cross the height bar set for the above six feet in height, as he was nearly six feet, and one inch in height. That tall man have a nicely tanned, sun kissed tone of skin, that made it easy for the others, who would look at him, to say with one look that he had spent most of his time under the sun. As the sun had played a very great deal on crafting his skin complexion, that was looking like a picture perfect. He was a tall man with a nice body, that would take years to build, with a muscular chest, and ripped six packs abdominal muscles, with an exotic V cut abs below his abdominal muscles, that went down his trunk shorts. And to be honest, the exotic shape of his ripped body would make all the teenage girls, both the werewolves ones, and the human ones, to scream in craziness. And to add to his mature looking manliness, and beauty, he had a nice looking face with sharp features, and a high cheekbones to flaunt his handsome face. He also have a sharp, and pointed chin, that was covered with a thin layer of beard, giving him a mature look. He had a cluster of fine black colored hair on his head to complete his overall look. His dark tree bark colored brown eyes were bright, and sharp looking, and he had a small frown on his forehead, with a bit of slight annoyance combined with a little bit of laziness to it, when he came, and stood in the front, leaving the patrol guards behind him, on the either side of him. He had both a nonchalant, and annoyed look on his face, while looking at the rogue wolves, who were foolish enough to come here, and pick a fight with his pack. ****’Are they dumb, or what?’, he thought to himself. The tall man that have made his entry now, was none other than the Beta of the Night howlers pack, Zander Xavier. Zander Xavier was also the second son of the former Alpha, and the younger brother to the current Alpha of the pack. “tsk….tsk…..I must really say this to you guys. Or else, my inner self would continuously nag me, without no end to it. I really admire your never giving up attitude, and will power, you know. You stupid guys would come here regularly in a periodic fashion, as if you have a schedule for this, all the time. It was like, as if you guys were coming here to give an attendance to our patrolling guards. Sometimes, we would even be bored with not seeing your presence here. It has become a time pass for us. And to tell you guys the truth, we kind of, would expect you guys eagerly every time, as you guys would never disappoint us in coming, and showing your ugly looking faces”, Zander Xavier said so casually in a mocking manner, while breaking the knots in his fingers, making the rogue wolves to growl in return for his comments. ***Well, who would like to be pointed out by others, that their faces were looking ugly, that too in front of their faces, even if it was the true fact mentioned by the other party though. “ Well. We kind of missed you, as you guys were two days late in visiting us, you know. You guys should be punctual in your works, got it. But like all the other times, you guys came here bringing your ugly looking asses, making a big fuss for no reason, in the borders of our pack lands. Take a note of it though. Next time, do not be late guys”, Zander retorted with a mocking, and teasing tone, with a very serious looking face, making the rogue wolves to snarl at him even more. ***but does he care about their snarling???… .. Not a bit though… “yeah….yeah….I know. You guys too missed us very dearly. That was why you guys came here carrying your nasty looking faces. I know...I know....I know you, I read your minds. But you see, I have a breaking news for you guys. I never missed you, and your ugly looking faces, unlike that guy who was standing there, you know”, Another male voice was heard behind Zander, the very next second. The second new male voice belonged to the Gamma of the Night howlers pack, Clint velds, the only son of the ex beta couple of the Night howlers pack. He too was a tall man in comparison with his friend, Zander Xavier, with a nicely worked out, and muscles filled body. Well, what can one expect other than that from the ex beta’s son, and the current Gamma of the powerful pack like the Night Howlers pack. He came wearing a pair of dark blue colored sports pants, and a white sleeveless singlet tops, showing off his well toned arm muscles, while munching on a sandwich, clearly showing to his onlookers that he came all the way here to the borders of the pack, while enjoying his delicious looking sandwich, without any worries in the world, in a leisurely manner. “Damn you, you tasteless guy. You really have a weird kind of taste in taking a liking to the people. Like, just look at their ugly looking nasty faces, man. I am afraid that, even my stomach would have a fight with me, in keeping the delicious, and spicy chicken cheese sandwich, that I had just devoured. And here you are. Missing them, as if, their rugged ugly faces were some how similar to some sexy, and hot looking models from the ramp walk podium… Tsk…tsk….you, and your weird kinky taste”, Clint velds mocked his friend, Zander Xavier, while finishing off the last piece of his spicy chicken cheese sandwich. “Sexy, and hot looking models huh….??. well, I shall take a note on that comment of yours, and I will make sure to remind your mate, Casey about those sexy, and hot looking models, my dear buddy”, Zander retorted slyly, while air quoting his words, making Clint to look at him warily. ***’darn him…. This good for nothing friend of mine’, Clint thought internally, while faking a cheesy looking smile on his face. “Dude!!! Cool down…think about it…I am your best friend. I love you very much, you know. Muah”, Clint said the next second, without even hesitating for a minute, and made several kissy faces towards Zander, while the latter only frowned at his friend. “Piss off, you drama queen. Who wants your kisses….go, and kiss your mate, you jerk”, Zander said with a disgusted look on his face. The bickering of these two guys were stopped in a while, by the growling of the rogue wolves, who were fed up with listening to their childish rants, going on back, and forth. “yeah….yeah….we know, you guys are still here. No need to remind us about it by making some growling noise. It is not a nice thing to disturb other people, who were busy talking. Learn some manners in your free times, guys”, Clint said looking at the rogue wolves, who were snarling at them. “ But Clint, I like them for their blind courage, dude. Just look at them… Like who in their right mind would come to the borders of the most powerful, and ruthless pack, wanting to make trouble, knowing fully well that they would never go back alive”, Zander further continued to say, with a serious expression, while Clint only casted a boring look at the rogue wolves, who were busy growling their lungs out. All they can do now was to snarl at them, while maintaining a distance between them, as those rogue wolves clearly know that once they step a foot, and cross the border of the Night howlers pack, then they would be totally done for. They knew very well that, it would be the end for them. “Stop spouting some baseless non sense. They were not courageous, or anything else. They were foolish, and being stupid, as they could be. They keep coming here, and knocking the door to the hell on their own accord”, Clint snorted mockingly. “Then it is their fate..We are just a mediator for them to make them safely settle in the hell, as we were just fulfilling their wish, weren’t we, you snarling guys??”, Zander asked the rogue wolves, who were on the other side of the border of the pack. “Guys….out of kindness, which is a very rare thing, coming from me, I kindly remind you that if you take even one more step further in our direction, then you will have to face a dire consequences for your actions. I am telling you guys. The fighters of our pack were not to be taken lightly”, Clint added with a very somber expression on his face. But if one should have to take a closer look, only then they could find out that both Zander, and Clint was emotionally oppressing, and making the rogue wolves to stop fighting against them. They were playing with the minds of those rogue wolves. *** happy reading❤❤❤
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