chapter 23

1264 Words
Third Person Pov: But if one should have to take a closer look, only then they could find out that both the guys, Zander, and Clint was emotionally oppressing, and making the rogue wolves to stop fighting against them with their words. They were playing with the minds of those rogue wolves. The two guys were literally brainwashing those rogue wolves, and indirectly threatening them. This was to make those rogue wolves to be scared of them, so that they will not make the mistake of attacking their pack. Both the beta, and the gamma of the Night Howlers pack had a similar calculative glint shining in their eyes, as they both were trying to instill fear in the already trembling hearts of the rogue wolves, wanting to make them surrender quickly, and quietly, without shedding any blood on both the sides. Zander wanted the rogue wolves to surrender willing, so that he could know the reason, as to why those rogue wolves were keep paying a regular visit to their pack, and wanting to fight against the well trained fighters of their pack, despite them knowing very well that they could never, and ever could win against the highly trained fighters of the Night howlers pack. Zander Xavier did not want the fighters of his pack to kill the rogue wolves, as they had done in the previous times. He wanted to know the reason for the endless attacks of the rogue wolves on his pack. There must be, and should be a solid reason for their constant attacks on them by the rogue wolves, and Zander wanted to find out that damn reason. That was the only motive of his, as to why he had requested to the Alpha of the pack, aka his elder brother in the last meeting that they should capture the rogue wolves, Who would come to attack them the next time, instead of killing them as usual. Even though his Alpha brother had disagreed to his proposal at first, as his brother, the current Alpha of the Night Howlers pack hated the rogue wolves, who threatens the safety of his pack. But with the support of everyone present in the meeting room, Zander was able to convince his elder Alpha brother, and made him to accept his proposal half heartedly. That was the reason as to why both Clint, the gamma, and he was talking to the rogue wolves, while trying to play with their minds, and make them to surrender. It would save a lot of time, and energy for both the parties, and truth to be told, also will save from blood being shed unnecessarily. But all the words that was said by both Zander, and Clint seem to have gone through the deaf ears, as the rogue wolves never backed off from their plan of attacking them, and was also snarling at them even more, while snapping their canines fiercely. Forget about the peace talks, the rogue wolves did not even looked like that they had thought about the word “back off”, even for a moment. “Instead of being a nuisance, and an unnecessary headache for us, which you guys already were, be practically, and tell us as to why you guys were attacking us in a regular basis, or as to whom you guys were working for, or on whose instructions, or orders you guys were coming here?. Then we will not kill, or hurt you, unless you guys make the first move”, Clint asked very seriously, looking straight at them. So that he could make the rogue wolves believe that he meant every word that he had said just now. And also clint tried to convince them to give up without fighting, as he clearly knew that once the rogue wolves make their first move, then he, and his fellow members will not have a choice, but to kill them. Clint velds, the gamma was not being merciful to begin with, and showing compassion to the rogue wolves, and all. He was just fed up from all the useless killing, and he even more so hated the fact that after the killing, the removal, or more like taking care of the bodies of those rogue wolves, he had to make a complete report on it though. He was afraid of all those long piled files of paper works, that would fill up on his office desk. But when both Clint, and Zander was busy talking to the rogue wolves in front of them, the one, that stood in the middle of that little rogue wolves group, shifted back in to his human form, and stood in front of them, busy glaring holes on the faces of Clint, and Zander. “Stop your non sensical chit chat, you useless pack wolves. You guys were all howls instead of bites, far apart from what you have been rumoured to be”, the one, that seemed to be the little leader of the small group of rogue wolves said, and scoffed mockingly at them. Hearing those mocking words, both the beta, and the gamma guys were as annoyed as hell, all because the nasty rogue had successful made them to be pissed off. The guys standing in the back, the patrol guards sighed internally, as they could already feel the change in the mood of their superiors. They could already imagine, and could tell how this was going to end. ***’these dumb guys were digging their own grave', thought one of the patrol guards, and sighed softly. “your Alpha was being a little b***h, and was hiding behind his large office desk, by sending you guys to deal with us. What a spineless guy, he was”, the shifted rogue wolf mocked, gaining a few angry growls from the pack wolves, as their respected Alpha was being ridiculed by that foul minded nasty rogue. When Zander was about to give a little piece of his mind, or more likely to say, was about to throw some punches on that nasty rogue, as he wanted to teach a lesson to that rogue wolf, for insulting his brother s***h his alpha, he was stopped by an earth shattering growl. The growl was very deep, and menacing, with a commanding aura to it, making the hair on the skins of the ones present there, to stand up straight in goose bumps. Without any delay, all the patrol guards of the pack bowed their heads to that domineering growl, as they clearly knew who that powerful aura belonged to. All of a sudden, a black colored shadow ran past them, like a lightning of the thunder, and crossed the pack borders, in a blink of an eye. The next second, the sound of flesh being ripped apart was heard, followed by the whimpering sounds of the rogue wolves on the other side of the border of the pack. The black colored shadow that ran past them was the black wolf, that belonged to the pack. Clint then saw that one of the rogue wolf was near the border of the pack, and was clearly trying to sneak an attack on one of the patrol guards. In the next few minutes, all the rogue wolves that came to attack the Night Howlers pack were dead, and in the midst of their ripped bodies stood the above said black wolf. The black wolf was none other than the Alpha of the Night Howlers pack, Zion Xavier. *** happy reading❤❤❤
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