chapter 24

1432 Words
Third Person Pov: In the next few minutes, all the rogue wolves that came to attack the Night Howlers pack were dead, and in the midst of their ripped bodies stood the above said black wolf. The black wolf was none other than the Alpha of the Night Howlers pack, Zion Xavier. The black wolf looked bigger than a normal werewolf’s wolf of an Alpha, and it looked more majestic, with its front legs on the dead rogue wolf's body. With a loud sound, the black wolf did a final howl, making all the other wolves that belonged to the Night Howlers pack to bow in respect for their Alpha. Like rumoured as the ruthless alpha around the southern region, their Alpha had made his kill very swiftly, and neatly, but making the most cruel killer moves on the rogue wolves. He made sure to slice off the most important parts to make them to feel more pain, and then finished them off neatly. The black wolf moved forward, and stood in front of Zander. Zander only shook his head in a way to say ‘no comments’, and sighed heavily, while giving him a pair of black sports shorts to wear, which the black wolf took it in his mouth, and went behind a tree to shift into his human form. After a few minutes, with a series of sounds being heard that was caused by the breaking of bones, the Alpha of the Night Howlers pack came out of his spot from behind the tree. “You had to waltz in here, and spoil my peace talk, don’t you, bro??. Are you happy now?”, Zander asked in an exasperated tone, making Zion Xavier, his elder brother, to scoff at him mockingly. Zion only gave a side glance to his younger brother c*m the beta in a weird way. “peace talk??. Really dude… . More like a rubbish talk.. You were spewing non sense for so long, and going on, and on with your spouting. As he was not able to hear those non sense any more, that rogue wolf made a sneak attack on our patrol guards!!”, Zion said to him, making Zander to huff, and puff in annoyance. “It was not my problem. you see brother , they did not have enough knowledge to understand the diplomatic talks of mine“, Zander said slyly trying to push the blame on the other ones. Zander Xavier would never admit that he was not able to convince those rogue wolves. No… . Never… that too definitely not in front of Clint velds, who will then make it a habit of his, to tease him, and Zander would never hear the end of it. “ you had to come, and crash on my peace talk, you heartless guy. You really like dumping me with more paper works, don’t you?.. Now, are you happy??? “, Zander asked his elder brother in annoyance. He folded his hands across his chest, while huffing, and puffing like a five year old kid, who was complaining about his extra home Work. “Very much”, Zion said in his usual deep tone, ( meaning that he was happy to annoy his younger brother), making Zander to sigh in defeat. Zander should have expected this outcome anyway, when the rogue wolves had foolishly tried to sneak an attack on their patrol guards. Even without his elder brother Zion’s interference, he would have done the same. Moreover, the rogue wolves would not have made much damage to their patrol guards, as truth to be told, the patrol guards who were trained like a professional warriors by their Alpha, would have killed them the very next second. But to Zander’s bad luck, the rogue wolves had been caught in the act, by his big brother, who was in the mindset of killing the rogue wolves, from the very beginning. When Zander was mulling over these things in his mind, another familiar voice that heard near him brought him out of his little world. “that is why you should leave the diplomatic peace talk to the expert guy, the handsome, and sexy one in the entire pack, and you all know who it is. Of course, it’s none other than me!!”, Clint bragged in a shameless manner, making the patrol guards who were behind him to stifle their laugh. “what are you guys laughing at? “ Clint asked a little annoyed, as he clearly saw through their thoughts, they had on him. “ They were laughing at the lengths of your shamelessness, and at your foolish confidence on bragging about your excellent looks“, Zander said, and made a gagging gesture, clearly trying to pull his best friend’s leg. “And that too in front of our dear Alpha bro, who is the other name for excellent looks. I must say, that you have too thick of a skin, to spout things like that, that too so confidently“, Zander said further, making Clint to stick his tongue out at his annoying friend. Even though Clint was a good looking guy, with a nicely built body structure, he was very wrong about bragging out loud that he was the most handsome, and sexy guy in the whole pack, that too in presence of Zion, their Alpha. Zion Xavier, the Alpha of the Night howlers pack, stood at a height of six feet, and three inches, being the tallest one in the entire pack. Not only he was the tallest in the pack, he was equally built, and looked more handsome too. He had a sun kissed, perfectly tanned skin tone for his complexion, with a broad, and strong looking shoulders, a well built triceps, and biceps with an equally strong chest muscles. He had an eight packed abdominal muscles, with a very clear V line below his abdominal muscles, running down, and disappearing into the bottom shorts he was wearing. To top it all of that, he had a very sharp facial features with a broad forehead, two thick pairs of eyebrows, a sharp, and vigilant looking, a pair of stormy grey eyes that could trap a person in it, if someone would stare at it for a long time. He had a high nose, a pair of thin lips with sharp jaw lines, and a well defined chin, that could even cut a piece of paper. He had a thick set of hair as black as the onyx stones, sitting on top of his head, adding to his beauty. If Zander Xavier, his younger brother’s muscularly built body would make the teenage girls to scream their lungs out, then the fit, and sexy physical appearance of Zion will make all those teenage girls to have some inappropriate wet dreams, and make them to drool over Zion’s appearance like crazy. Zion Xavier, the Alpha of the Night Howlers pack was the epitome of handsomeness, and sexy, all combined together like a set. “Will you guys stop messing around now???. We have a lot of work to do. Let’s go”, Zion said to his beta, and gamma, who were still going on, and on with their little bickering. “Oh yeah…I forgot….thanks for reminding me. We have work to do. Lots, and lots of paper work, thanks to those stupid rogue wolves, and a certain someone, who could not control his emotion. I am not talking about you, dude. Darn those rogue wolves. Giving us extra paper works, as if we were chilling out, and having fun. Blast them, for making our workload to be double the amount, than it already was “, Clint mumbled like a wronged kid, while giving a side glance in Zion’s direction, symbolically blaming him for killing those rogue wolves in his rage. “I know, right. Come on bro, we have lots, and lots of work to do, thanks to a few certain some ones“, Zander said to Clint, while sighing heavily. But Zander was clearly aiming at his elder brother, as he was making them to work more. "Stop whining like the kindergarten kids about doing works, and focus on the current topic, will you? ", Zion said to both of his guys. " did they say something? ", Zion quesioned. " As usual, No.. these stupid guys were using their mouths only to growl, and snarl at us, instead of speaking ", Clint replied while looking around. *** happy reading❤❤❤
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