chapter 25

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Third Person Pov: " did they say something? ", Zion questioned. " As usual, No.. these stupid guys were using their mouths only to growl, and snarl at us, instead of speaking ", Clint replied while looking around. Hearing this, Zion only nodded his head, and then turned his focus on the patrolling guards. “Dispose the bodies of the rogue wolves, and clean this place”, Zion ordered the patrol guards, and started walking back towards the pack house, leaving his brother, and friend to bicker with each other over their petty little topics. *~* On reaching the pack house, Zion’s nostrils was greeted by the burnt smell of food, clearly giving off indication to Zion about the culprit, who was burning the pack kitchen down in the name of cooking, early in the morning. Zion shook his head, and went inside the pack house, and took a straight route to the pack kitchen. As Zion had expected, the kitchen in the pack house was turned upside down, and the entire place looked like some one had fought a world War three in there. The kitchen counter in the middle of the large kitchen, that was made of black marble, was filled with all sorts of scattered food items both cooked, and uncooked. Well safe to add to the list was that there was even food items that were overcooked, aka burned to the extent, that it looked more like a piece of charcoal. The food items were more like destroyed mercilessly. And the kitchen counter even had some semi cooked food items, that was lying on the counter top, while in the middle of deciding whether it was cooked right, or wrong. “kiddo…!!!“, Zion called out, when he saw the untidy condition of the pack kitchen. Mrs. Jimmie, the cook, and the one who was responsible for the pack kitchen, stood in the corner of the room, while holding her head in her left hand, and having a helpless expression on her face. The moment, Mrs. Jimmie heard Zion’s familiar, and deep voice, she looked up the next moment, and she looked at Zion like he was her saving grace. In truth, Zion was really her savior, as he came at the right time, and saved her pitiful kitchen, and stopped that over excited person from burning down the whole pack house down to ashes. Zion noticed Mrs. Jimmie's helpless expression, and made a gesture to her saying that he will handle it properly. Hearing Zion’s voice calling, a mass of brown colored cluster of hair peeked out from behind the kitchen counter. The next second, a female wolf of about five feet, and six inches stood up from behind the counter while beaming at Zion with a beautiful smile on her small round looking face. The one that smiled at him was none other than Zion’s little sister, Zara Xavier. Zara Xavier was the little sister of the Xavier brothers, Zion, and Zander. She turned 17 years old last year, and in the next six months, she would reach the adult age of the werewolf world, the sweet 18 years of age, the age when she would be blessed with her other part, her inner wolf soul, and when she would be ready to find her destined mate soon too. She was the bubbly girl in her teenage years, with a beautiful facial feature similar to that of their mother, Elizabeth Xavier. She had a nice brown colored hair, which she got from her mother, with grey eyes similar to her big brother Zion, which both pf them got from their father. She was the youngest kid of all, and the only girl child in the pack house, who grew up with the other four guys (Zion, Zander, Clint, and Kevin). She was their one, and only sweet little sister, and so she was pampered by all the four guys in the family that included Zion- the alpha, Zander- the beta, Clint- the gamma, and Kevin- the delta. Since the Xavier aka the alpha family kids had lost their parents in their very young age, the beta, and the gamma family took care of them since their childhood days, and thus all the children grew up together as one big family. That was also one of the reasons why the four guys were as thick as thieves, having each other’s back at all times. “hello big brother. Good morning”, Zara beamed at Zion. “Good morning to you too, kiddo. Come over here”, Zion called out, while mildly shaking his head helplessly, as he looked at the condition of both the pack's kitchen, and his little sister. When Zara came near Zion, he took the wet tissue paper on the kitchen counter, and used it to wipe his little sister’s face, which was filled with the debris of flour here, and there. “What happened in here?. Who the hell left the gas on, and made the kitchen to catch fire?. Who was that careless person?? “, Zander shouted, and came to the kitchen, smelling the burnt smell, and the smoke that filled the entire room. “Oh my dear moon goddess. Then what would I do?. What will I eat??? What about my breakfast!? “, Clint asked with a exasperated look on his face, making Zander to threw a nasty look at his friend, who followed behind him, and entered into the kitchen. “for the sake of the dear goddess. Please stop being over dramatic, Clint”, came a sweet female voice, in a boring tone, from behind everyone. At the entrance of the pack's kitchen, stood a female, who looked to be in her early twenties. It was Casey, Clint’s mate. The famous gamma female of the Night Howlers pack. Among the guys, Clint was the only one, who found his mate the moment he turned 18 years old. Six months after his 18th birthday, on his visit to the neighbourhood pack, Clint found his mate, Casey. She was the only daughter of her parents, and her dad was a high ranking warrior in her old pack. Casey, and Zara clicked together so soon, like the minute they both saw each other, as Zara was so happy to have a girl member in the similar age group as her, and as a icing on the top, she got a sister, to whom she can share all the stuffs like gossips, and wardrobe choices. Well, Clint’s family was the original beta family. Clint’s dad was the beta of Zion’s dad. Since Zander was made the current beta, rank wise speaking, Clint became the next high ranking wolf to the beta position, that is, the gamma of the Night howlers pack. “what happened in here?. Dear holy moon goddess. Who was the culprit that made this mess, and poured water on my delicious morning breakfast routine? “, Clint asked half anxiously, and half annoyed at the thought of him not getting any food for his all time hungry tummy. In all his anxious worry about his delicious food, he totally forgot to catch the scene of Zion wiping Zara’s black marks from her little adventure cooking, more like burning the food. Casey, and Zander only looked down to hide their smile from the over dramatic Clint, who was busy complaining, and whining, and stifled their laugh hearing Clint complaining, and making a fuss about the breakfast. Even Mrs. Jimmie, the pack house’s cook shook her head, and smiled as it was nothing new to her. As she was working as the cook in the pack house since the four guys were kids, and she practically saw them growing up from their kindergarten stage. It was a scene she had seen many times, as Clint was the all time foodie from his childhood days. Hearing Clint’s exaggerated wailing about his supposed delicious food, Zara sneakily moved, and stood in front of Zion, making use of his big, and muscularly built body to hide her small figure. She basically used Zion as her cover shield, and hid from Clint’s eyes. “Oh… nothing big, and new took place in here”, another new deep, and strong male voice replied to Clint’s question in a sing a song manner. The new voice belonged to Kevin Clark, the current Delta of the Night howlers pack. He was the fourth guy in the little group of the friend's circle of the Xavier brothers. Kevin Clark was the son of the ex gamma Ronny Clark, and gamma female Maggi Clark. Since Clint was made the gamma of the pack, Kevin, the original guy that deserved that position was made the Delta of the Night howlers pack. It was also so helpful for the other guys, since the Night howlers pack was a large pack with more than thousand head count as their pack members, it was easier for them to handle the pack affairs with ease with the Delta of the pack, dealing with half of both of the beta's, and gamma’s duties, and responsibilities. “Don’t spout non sense, and mess with an annoyed hungry werewolf, that too early in the morning, Kevin. I would then have you as my breakfast “, Clint replied in his annoyed voice. “jeezz…Get lost, geezer. I don’t swing that way… your mate is over there. Go, and have her as your breakfast. Don’t come near me“, Kevin replied slyly, getting a smack on his face, by the tomato that was aimed to hit his face squarely, the next second. It was none other than the big tomato, that was thrown at him by Casey, Clint’s mate. “You duffer. Don’t pull me in your stupid conversations. Beware!!!. You have been warned!!. I will skin you alive, and nicely spread salt, and pepper on it afterwards“, Casey threatened, while fisting her hand, making Kevin to gulp involuntarily. Because he knows very well in his heart that Casey was a real nut job, and she would happily make her threats into a reality show, and make it into a live telecast for the pack members to see. ***she was a badass gamma female. “oops, sorry. I didn’t knew you were here”, Kevin held his hands up in the air, in surrender, and smiled sheepishly at her. “now, Back to you. To answer your question, Zara happened to the kitchen “, Kevin turned his attention to Clint, and replied mischievously as he really loved to pull Clint’s leg. ‘Who asked that guy to be a drama queen, who always likes to be over dramatic, and exaggerate every little thing… hmmm', Kevin thought to himself, and tried very hard to hide his smile, that was threatening to make it’s way on his face. On hearing Zara's name, Clint looked around the kitchen, and finally caught the little cluster of brown hair peeking from before Zion, as Zion was having his back faced at him. Then, like a little rabbit peeking from its deep burrow, Zara peeked from the gap between Zion’s body, and his arm, as she moved Zion’s hand away from his body to make space for her to peek from in front of her big brother slyly.. **** happy reading❤❤❤
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