Chapter 45

1421 Words
In the Night Howlers pack: Aurora Pov: The moment I opened my eyes, and saw those new people, I really thought that I am dead. I really thought that they would hate me, and hurt me for being a rogue wolf, and lock me up in the prison cell, as generally all the pack wolves would do, as they hate the rogue wolves. Leave out the others, Even I had some resentment towards the rogue wolves, as they took my mom Lily Bentick, from me, and all because of that, my life took a drastic change to the worst. But to my surprise, these new people all treated me with care, and even allowed me to stay here, even though they know nothing about me, except for my name. *** That too only my first name, and not my family name. Casey, she was such a nice person. She have a warm aura around her, that made me to feel a little relaxed, in her presence. I wanted to change the way I live my life, and leave my old pathetic life in the past. Now it looks like the moon goddess have showered a little bit of mercy on my pitiful life, and given this rare chance for me to start a new life. And I am very damn sure, was going to take this chance to start a new life with the pages in my life afresh, and clean. That’s why I decided not to tell them about anything about my old pack, or about my old life. I do not want them to see me in the same perspective, as my old pack members had did. I do not want my past life to cast a shadow on my new life here. So I decided to leave my old life in the past itself. Thinking about all these things consumed my entire energy, and I fell asleep without me knowing when I slept. In the night, Zara came to my room to give me dinner, and she even had her dinner with me. She is such a sweet girl. Her childish behavior attracted me more subconsciously, and within a day she made me feel more comfortable around her. *~~* In the violet moon pack: Fredrick Pov: I just rolled in my bed right and left, without even a bit of sleep in my eyes. I was both anxious, and frustrated to say the least. It was all because of the order, the Alpha, William Bentick had issued. It has been a day, and we didn’t even receive any tiny news from our trackers. Not knowing about the situation in which Aurora might be in, made me to go crazy, and I was on the verge of losing my mind. The Alpha had sent two of our trackers in search of Aurora, and ordered them to bring her back at all costs. It was more like he ordered them to hunt her down. I was afraid that Aurora would get caught by them, and will be brought back to this hell hole again. Her life here before was already hard enough for her. And I don’t even want to think about what would happen to her, if she was ever brought back here again. I know for sure that it will be even more unbearable, and miserable for her. As the Alpha was hell bent on punishing her, as he thinks that she had hurt his ego. I really regret now that I didn’t go with her. I really do. Truth to be told, I secretly liked her all these years. I didn’t know at first whether it was pity, or like that I had for her. But as years passed, seeing her getting hurt made my heart to sting in pain. Her tears made me to feel pain, and all I had wanted was to wipe her tears away, and hug her into my embrace. All I ever wanted to do was to hide her little petite figure in my embrace, shielding her from all the evils of the world. Only then I had really realised that I had liked her. I hoped, and even prayed to the moon goddess that she should be my mate. Then I would really do all the things, that I had said above. I made a promise to myself that if she was really happened to be my mate, I will make her to get the respect she deserved in this pack. If not, I would leave this pack, taking her along with me. This I eagerly waited for my 18th birthday. But it turned out that she was not my mate. I was sad that she was not my mate, when I realised that fact. The great moon goddess must have thought that I didn’t deserve such an innocent soul as my mate, as I didn’t help her, when she was tortured, and abused by the members of the pack. I thought that it was my punishment, that I did not get her as my destined mate, as I was a selfish bastard. Even my inner wolf mocked me that day for being a coward, and a darn selfish jerk. My inner wolf taunted me that we did not get Aurora as our mate, as I said that only if she was our mate, then I would save her from her misery. I was being a selfish jerk, instead of saving her in humanity wise. ‘That was the reason that the moon goddess did not see us fit enough to protect that innocent angel. You deserved this, you selfish, and coward jerk', my inner wolf taunted me, when I was sad knowing that Aurora was not my mate. Even my inner wolf had a special liking to Aurora, and he too just like me, wished to have that innocent girl as our mate. That fact that we were not blessed to have Aurora as our mate, was a great disappointment to both of us, on the day we turned 18 years of old. I know that I did not deserve her. But still, I really liked her. But my inner Wolf’s remark about me being a selfish jerk, and a coward was right though. It was a slap on my face, making me to come to accept the reality. I did not express my feelings, and did not accompanied her, as I did not want to give her hope, only to hurt her in the end. I did not want to make a promise to Aurora, and give her hope, that I will be with her, and only love her all my life. Because that would be impossible, and truth to be told, would be a lie. As I know for sure, that I have my own destined mate waiting for me out there, somewhere. If I find my destined mate in the future, then I will only love her whole heartedly with my entire being, as my future mate would be the other part of my soul. If that really happens, then I will have to leave Aurora for my future mate. I would be hurting Aurora in the worst way possible, by giving her hope, and then destroying it eventually. If I expressed my feelings for Aurora, and followed her, then I would definitely hurt two girls all because of my selfish desires. I can not be so selfish, and hurt both Aurora, and my future mate. That was the real reason that I hid my feelings for her till the very end, and did not go with Aurora. I was suddenly attacked with the thoughts of Aurora, who had ran away from here. like where she was now, and what she was doing? . I just hoped that she was far away from our pack, and that she had found a place that was safe enough to stay for her. I do not want her to get caught by the trackers sent by our Alpha, William Bentick. “Dear moon goddess. Please be with her, and protect her”, I prayed from the bottom of my heart for the safety of that girl. With all these conflicting thoughts eating my brain cells, I was totally at a loss to what to do further. Then I slowly closed my eyes in tiredness, as all these mental stress made me to feel weak. Without me knowing, I fell into a deep slumber. ** happy reading❤❤❤
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