Chapter 46

1165 Words
Aurora pov: The next day morning. I woke up too early as the biology clock in me, forced me to open my eyes automatically. Well, some things are very hard to change, once you get used to it. It was the case in my life. Like the habit of getting up early, as I was forced to do chores in my old pack. I looked around, and then saw that I was in a new room, and then everything that had happened in the last two days came back to me automatically. More like, everything that has changed in my life. How the sweet girl, Casey told me that Zion was the one, who saved me from that rogue wolf, and brought me back here to their pack. Casey told me that I can use this guest room as mine from now onwards, and also asked me, if I needed anything else, or a different room, which was suitable, and likable to my taste, which made me speechless for a second. I snorted internally. Because, me, not liking This room???. Then I must have definitely gone crazy. This is the first decent room, that I have had in last few years. The old, and small attic room's memories flashed in front of me for a second, mocking me cruelly. And not to mention the bed with a comfortable mattress, which was far far more better than the worn out, hole decorated mattress, that I had used before. I just laid on the comfortable bed, even after the sleep had left me. The cosy feeling of the comfortable bed, and the soft texture of the bedsheet below my hand, constantly reminded me that I was not in my old pack, and that I was in a new place, away from the place, that was the source of my nightmares. Just then, suddenly a thought crossed my mind, and I quickly went to the closet in the room, and opened it. From inside, I took the small school bag. The bag that I had brought with me from my old pack. Casey also gave me my bag, that I really thought that I had lost, back while I was running from the rogue wolf to save my life. She told me that the guy who saved me, brought it along with me. After a few moments, I looked out of the windows to see that the sun was rising in the lower region of the horizon, and it was indicating the birth of a brand new day. I thought that I too should be like that new day, and needed to start everything new like the dawning day, greeting with the shinning bright sun. I quickly went in to the washroom, that was inside the room, and took a quick shower, and changed into a dress that Casey, and Zara gave me yesterday, for now. Even though they told me that this dress was not new, I could tell in a glance that they chose only the new clothes, which they mostly did not have worn before, from their wardrobe for me. The dress that I wore today was a dark blue coloured full sleeved shirt, and a black pencil type pair of pants. I wanted to repay their kindness, and the only thing that I know how to do nicely was to cook food, and clean the house, as that was what I had done all my life till now. So I decided to make some breakfast for them. And it won’t be a big trouble for me, as Casey had said that the only people, whom I saw yesterday in the room, were the ones living in this house. The original pack house for the pack members were a little bit far away from this house. I came down, and managed to find the kitchen successful. Praying to the moon goddess that the refrigerator in the kitchen should have all the ingredients needed for making the breakfast, I opened the room, only to be surprised to several levels. The tall double doored refrigerator was stocked to the brim, with all types of ingredients including eggs, veggies, and various meats needed for making a big feast. Quickly taking out the ingredients, I started to make breakfast. By the time, I finished cooking everything, I looked up, and was startled as there was an older woman standing by the door, and was watching me without making any noise. ‘ who is she?. I didn’t see her yesterday??. Is she going to yell at me for stepping into the kitchen, and making breakfast, without getting permission from anyone??. How stupid of me to get into trouble as soon as possible?. Dear moon goddess, please save me’, I prayed internally, and stepped back, when the older women started walking in my direction. I stopped when I hit the kitchen counter, and looked at her warily, as I was afraid that she would yell, and try to hit me. “I… I am… . Am… I am sorry for coming into the kitchen, and making breakfast without getting any one’s permission. I am sorry. I didn’t mean to offend anyone. I won’t do it again “, I started to stutter in my nervous state. But to my surprise, she just smiled at me, and hugged me tightly, making me to be surprised, and shock at the same time. “don’t be scared of me, dear. It’s okay. You don’t have to worry about me. I just came to cook breakfast for the kids, but seeing you cooking foods, with so much involvement, I decided not to disturb you, and stood silently looking at you cooking. I just waited near the door, just so if you wanted anything, I can come, and help you with that. But you handled everything so smoothly, and neatly, making me to be very impressed by your cooking skills”, the older woman spoke everything in a single breath, while I just stood still, not knowing what to say, and just looking at her speak so happily like she had known me for years. “And by the way, I am Jimmie. I am the cook here. I cook all the meals for the kids in this house. And this is the first time, I am seeing you. you are, sweet heart? “, she asked me warmly, giving off a motherly aura. “I am Aurora. I am new here”, I introduced myself, hoping that she would not ask me anymore questions. And to my greater relief, she stopped asking me about anything more, and helped me in moving the dishes from the kitchen to the dinning table. I took everything out with the help of Mrs. Jimmie, and placed it on the dinning room. When we placed the last dish on the dinning table, everyone started to come into the dinning room for breakfast. ** happy reading ❤❤❤
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