Chapter 44

2010 Words
Casey Pov: She stuck her little body to the headboard of the bed, and her small innocent looking eyes looked at us warily. ***’this girl had freaked the life out of herself.. ', I thought. 'Communicating with her was going to be one hell of a difficult task', I thought, and sighed heavily. . … I looked back, and saw that all the guys were looking at her in a curious way, with their intimidating stares. These good for nothing idiots… .. I really wanted to kick them hard, to put some sense into their stone like heads. That poor girl was already nervous enough, and was afraid to be present in an unknown place, with strange people around her, whom she has never saw before, and those duffers were scaring her more with their sharp stares. Not to mention their over intimidating presence. With all that built up muscles, and height, they were clearly scaring the life out of that poor innocent soul. I looked at her, and then back at the guys, and she was clearly inching backwards little by little, even though there was no space left between the head board, and her small body. She literally became one with the head board. ‘guys??….. Hello!!!!… . Stop your stupid staring session, and get the hell out of this room', I snapped at them in the group mind link, which I share between them. ‘Why???!!!! ‘, all the three guys chorused at the same time, in a complaining tone, like a wronged five year old kid, except for Zion, who only raised an eye brow at me questioningly. But I could tell that even Zion was unaware of the real reason, as to why I was telling them to get out, from the confused expression on his face. ‘What did we do now??. Why are you telling us to get out, Casey? ‘, Clint whined childishly in the group mind link, making me to have a strong urge to throw the pillow straight at his face. ‘Guys… open your eyes wide, and See that girl, for the moon goddess sake. She was feeling insecure with seeing so many unfamiliar faces, all at once. And to tell you guys the real reason, you guys were scaring her even more, with your mountain like built bodies. So kindly get out, so I can try to talk with her. Now… . OUT!!!‘, I rebuked at them. The guys were totally disappointed, and frowned, but they all finally went out. But those sneaky duffers stood right outside the door of the room, clearly wanting to eavesdropping in on our conversation. ‘can I stay here, in the room, please Casey’, Zara whined, and gave me her famous innocent puppy dog eyes. I felt that keeping that innocent looking prankster can help us to maintain a stress free environment, thus I allowed her to stay in the room. I sat near the headboard of the bed, while Zara sat at the foot of the bed. Then Zara looked at the new girl with her infamous sweet innocent child like smile. “hey there, sweet heart. Hello. How are you feeling??. Are you good now?? “, I asked her in hope, that she would speak up. But as I had except, all we got in reply was her silence. I just smiled at her, and tried other methods. “Well, sweet heart. It’s okay if you don’t want to talk to us. You can nod your head, in the least. So that I can know that you are fine”, I probed further softly. “Are you feeling better now?. Do you feel pain any where? “, I asked her again. To my surprise, she slightly nodded her head in positive, giving a small response to me. “Any pain, any where, dear??? “, to that she nodded a ‘no', making me sigh in relief. “well… Nice to meet you. My name is Casey, and her name is Zara”, I introduced ourselves to make it easy for her. “Now, What is your name, sweet heart? “, I asked her, but she looked a little lost hearing it. “Well. I can call you, ‘sweet heart', because you look like an innocent doll. But sweet heart, I need to know your name to call you. So will you please tell me, what is your name, honey? “, I asked. “please… . Please… . You look so beautiful. Can you please tell me, what your name is??. And by the way, my name is Zara…Zara Xavier“, Zara introduced herself in her grand dramatic way, and extended her hand towards her. The new girl looked a little startled, and taken aback, when Zara extended her right hand in her direction. Looking at her instinct reaction, I could tell clearly that she thought that Zara was going to hurt her. “Sweet heart. Look at me. We are not going to hurt you. Trust me.. We just wanted to know about you. And I promise you that you are safe with us”, I assured to her again firmly, and looked at her straight in the eyes, to let her know that I was telling the truth. There was a shift of emotion in her moist eyes, and she looked like she was trying to take this chance. “Aurora… . My.. My name is Aurora “, she said slowly, and very softly, that if we were not werewolves, who have high sensitivity to sounds, I am afraid that we would have missed hearing her name. “Aurora… .. What a cute name. A nice name for a pretty looking girl like you”, I said, and smiled at her, happy that she was opening up to us. “I like your name very much. It’s so cute. And I like you too”, Zara voluntarily took the new girl’s hand, and shook it, making both Aurora, and myself to be surprised, for a second. But like I had thought, Aurora didn’t pull her hand back in fear, instead just looked a little taken aback, by our little brat's enthusiasm. “Do you have any family members, to whom you wanted to go to?. Are you heading some where, sweet heart? “, I asked. Aurora looked a little sad, on hearing the word family, but soon she shook her head negatively, saying that she had no one to go. “To which pack ,you belong to, sweet heart?”, I asked her again, as it was a custom, or more like a normal thing for us to get to know from which pack they were from, for security purposes. Looking at her all silent, I asked the next question, for which more, or less I have the answer to it. “Are you a rogue? “, I asked finally, making Aurora to sit still like a statue. Her posture was so stiff, that she looked like a frozen ice doll. “It’s okay, sweet heart. Even if you are a rogue, it doesn’t matter to us”, I answer her unasked question, in a reassuring way. The moment I said those words, her tensed small shoulders sagged a little, and she looked a little relaxed. “ If you didn’t have any place to go, or stay, you can stay here as long as you like. Just consider this pack as your new crash place, Aurora “, I said, to which she only nodded her head in agreement. ‘guys…. Enough of playing the hidden spy role play. Come inside the room, and let me introduce you guys to her', I mind linked the guys, who were busy sticking their ears on the room’s door, wanting to hear the things we speak. ***those nosy idiots. The next second, the door to the room opened, and the guys came in like a parade. Looking at them coming inside, Aurora was startled again, and she subconsciously moved back a little, and grabbed the comforter in a tight grip. “Sweet heart. Don’t be afraid. I asked these guys to come in, so that you can get to know them”, I said slowly, making her to relax a tad bit. “Aurora, dear. That guy, standing in the right end, that is Clint, and unfortunately, that guy is my mate. And the other guys are Kevin, Zander, and Zion. You can ask any help from me, Or from these guys “, I introduced each one of the guys formally to Aurora. “well, guys.. This is Aurora. And from now on she is going to stay with us, in our pack as a guest. So treat her good, and behave yourself well in front of her”, I said to them in a playful, yet serious tone. “ pleasure to meet you, Aurora “, Kevin said being his diplomatic self. Well the other guys only waved, and smiled at her. Except for Zion. He only had a blank look on his face, and nodded his head at her saying “ welcome to the pack”. “Yeah!!!!!. I am so happy that you are going to stay here, Aurora. And you look like you are around my age. Can you be my friend? “, Zara yelled in happiness, and asked this to Aurora, who looked a little dumbfounded by Zara’s crazy self. “Okay, Zara. Don’t scare her with you over excited self”, I said to Zara, and pulled her back, making her to pout like a kid, in protest. ***’such a drama queen', I thought, and shook my head at her silliness. “well, Aurora dear. Are you hungry?. Shall I bring some food for you to eat now? “, I turned, and looked at Aurora to catch her small nod in consent. “okay, guys. Go, and do your works. Zara, and I will keep Aurora company “, saying that, I chased the guys out, much to Kevin, and Clint’s displeasure. They both wanted to be friends with Aurora too, like Zara. “Zara, honey… . Go, and bring some thing to eat for Aurora “, I sent Zara out too, so that I could have some private chat with Aurora. When I was alone, I looked at her without saying anything. She looked down at her lap, while her fingers were kneading the invisible dough, in her anxious state. Her shiny not well groomed long dark brown hair fell from her shoulders, and in front of her face, and was acting like a screen hiding her small face. “Aurora, sweet heart“, I called softly, to grab her attention, and not to startle her. When she looked at me through her long eye lashes, I began to tell, what I wanted to say to her the most. “Sweet heart. I know that you still don’t trust us, and was afraid of us hurting you, somewhere in the corner of your mind. But don’t worry. I swear to the moon goddess, that you are safe in here, with us, and we will not do any harm to you. And I want you to remember this. That if you ever wanted to say anything about your past, feel free to treat me as your elder sister, and speak your mind out, honey”, I said to her with my utmost sincerity, as I really wanted her to open up herself to us. I don’t know why, or how, but I really feel an unexplainable feeling towards her, and I believe that we have some sort of bond between us. The moment I finished speaking, Zara came with a tray of food, and soon after Aurora had her food, we left the room telling her to take rest. **** happy reading ❤❤❤
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