chapter 37

2022 Words
Fredrick Pov: After finishing the dinner, I went to the borders of the pack for patrolling, as it was my turn to do it tonight. Even though I was the one in charge of the patrolling guards, who make their schedules for guarding, I took it upon myself to check it once in a while, as how things were going around the borders, and how the patrol guards were working. Just when I was about to go, and check another place, I found something moving in the side of the bushes, catching my attention. It might be some animal for all I know, but strangely I felt the need to go, and take a look at it. Suspicious, I went closer to find out what, or who it was. But to my great shock, I saw the person, whom I had never thought would be present there. It was none other than Aurora, who came out of the bushes, looking all scared, and nervous like a little bunny coming out of it’s burrow, for the very first time. I was curious as to why she was here at this time. So I went, and placed a hand on her shoulder. The moment I placed my hand on her left shoulder, she started shaking like a leaf in fear, and turned around slowly to face me. When she saw that the one, who stopped her was me, she just sighed in relief, without her knowing that. Even though she stopped looking scared, she was still lightly trembling unknowing to her. Then she started crying like someone had hit her hard, making me to be startled, as I did not expected her to cry like this. I waited patiently till her cries died down, and blurted out the question, which I was curious about. “What were you doing in here, that too at this hour? “, I asked the question automatically, which was eating me out. But instead of answering me, she avoided looking at me in the eyes, and looked down without saying a word. All she did was to cry again. I scanned her from top to bottom to check whether she was hurt, or something to find out the reason as to why she was crying. But I found nothing of that sort. Only then I found out that she had a small school bag in her hand, that looked too old to use, along with her. After putting two, and two together, and combined with her suspicious actions, I quickly realised that she was planning to run away from the pack. ‘So finally she had come to her senses, and gathered her courage, and she was going to do something good for herself, for once!!’, I thought internally. I sighed heavily knowing that she was going to do the thing that I dreaded the most. I had thought several times before, that she should just run away from this horrible pack, a long time ago instead of staying, and going through all those tortures, and abuse from the members of the pack. But at the same time, I also wanted her to be in the pack, in front of my sight. I know that my words were contradicting to each other, but that was what I had really thought about though. I wanted her to go away from this stupid pack, which was mistreating her, yet at the same time, I wanted her to be in front of my eyes, at all times. If I had stopped her from going away from this pack now, then it might be the most cruelest thing, that I would be doing to her. So not wanting to be a selfish jerk, I made up my mind, and decided to help her to run away from the pack, even though I know for sure, that it might definitely land me in troubles with the Alpha, William Bentick, if ever the words get out about what i was going to do. I said all the things, which I had always wanted to say to her, and bid her goodbye. To take care of herself in the outside world, I gave her all the money I had left with me, and waited till she crossed the borders of the pack, and was away from my line of sight. Then I returned to my house dejectedly. When I reached the living room, I saw our mom Tara, crying silently on the couch, with our dad, Thomson sitting next to her, consoling her. Her eyes looked as red as a cherry fruit all due to her crying. “Mom!!?. What has happened to you?. Why are you crying?. Did dad said something hurtful to you, or what? “, I asked confused, yet curious at the same time. “you stupid brat. Stop spouting non sense, the moment you walk in to the house. I do not have the power, as well as the heart, to make your mom cry like this “, my dad retorted in annoyance, while still consoling his mate. “Then why is she crying like this? “, I asked again. “Aurora came to see me”, My mom, Tara said in between her cries, while sniffling like a five year old kid in the end. When I heard that Aurora came to visit my mom, I got struck in between, as to whether I should tell my mom about the little stunt, that Aurora had pulled, or not. But before I could manage to spill a word out of my mouth, my mom, Tara said something that surprised me to the core. “she is going to go far away from me. My baby…..she had made up her mind to run away from the pack, leaving me alone”, My mom Tara said, making my dad to be surprised even more than me. “How do you know that she was going to go away, mom? “, I asked suspiciously yet cautiously. “ I know it. It’s because, I am like a mother to her. I know my daughter well enough, to see through her thoughts. And more importantly, she wore the necklace chain today, that I had gifted to her for her 18th birthday. She never wore it so casually like today except on her birthday. That was when I told to her to take it with her, when she gets to meet her mate, and happens to go away from this pack, away from me. But today she wore it around her neck, and I knew for sure, that she did not meet her destined mate yet, as she did not looked to be like the girl who have met her mate. She was indirectly hinting to me that she will keep my gift with her safely, wherever she goes to. She was taking the things, that only belongs to her, and came to say goodbye to me. My poor baby…..she was suppressing the sadness of her leaving, before me. My dear baby came to bid me her farewell. That was how I knew for sure that she was planning to leave the pack without saying anything to anyone, including me”, My mom Tara said, while sniffling in the middle. ‘ so Aurora really did came to say goodbye to my mom, like my mom has predicted’, I thought to myself. Just when I thought of saying that her assumption about Aurora’s departure was right, and that I saw her crossing the pack borders safely, without getting caught by anyone, I felt a small pull inside me, like a string was being cut in the entire pack link. After some seconds, there was a small void in the pack's entire link that told the other members in the pack, that someone had cut their ties with the pack. I turned to look at my parents, and it seemed that they too had felt that pull. “It’s Aurora. I knew it. It is my baby girl. She ran away from this horrible pack, and went rogue”, my mom Tara said, and bawled her eyes out, before I could say anything to her about Aurora. Out of no where, my younger sister, Perry came into the living room, and looked at our mom Tara crying her eyes out. “so it was that good for nothing slave, huh…It was her, that went rogue, isn’t it?. Wait till I tell that she came to our house, and then, that she ran away from the pack to Andrea, and Alpha William Bentick ”, she said making me to have the urge to make her mouth shut close. Sometimes I really wish that my younger sister Perry would shut her mouth close for good, and did not utter any stupid words out of her shitty mouth like how I am wishing to happen, at this moment. My younger sister Perry was really a nice, and good kid, when she was a child. But like the elders say, a person was influenced by his, or her surroundings, and by the type of friends he, or she choose to have with them. Since Perry became friends with that egocentric, and selfish b***h, Andrea, and became a part of that alpha's little princess's bunch of idiots, she too turned into a mean, and unreasonable person. Sometimes the way Perry behaves, and acts like a spoiled brat, well more like a shitty person, and spouting whatever non sense that she wanted to say, regardless of considering the feelings of the other person in front of her, I really wanted to beat some sense into her, because she really pisses me off with her bitchy attitude. But to avoid making our mom Tara to get to know the things, that Perry was doing behind her back, I stopped myself from teaching her some manners. Because my younger sister’s attitude would make it hard for our mom to take. Because our mom Tara was proud of the way she brought us up. As, to make our mom sad was not what I wished to see though, I kept silent, and tolerated my younger sister. But that does not mean that I have not scolded Perry for the mean things that she did, and does with her little gang of stupid people. I had scolded her many times in private, and that was the reason, why Perry mostly refrain herself from doing, or saying something out of the line, when she was in front of me. But before I could say anything to her, or scold her to mind her words in front of our mom, while talking about others, our mom Tara roared like a lioness, at my sister Perry, making everyone present in the living room to be startled, by her sudden out burst. “PERRY THOMSON PERVIN!!!!!. SHUT YOUR f*****g MOUTH UP, BEFORE I ZIP IT CLOSE FOR YOU PERMANENTLY”. “if I ever gets to know that you had spilled the beans about anything that had happened in here, to anyone in the pack, I swear to the moon goddess that you will see the wrath of the beta female, Tara Thomson Pervin, and I assure you, that you will regret the day you were born. AM I MAKING MYSELF CLEAR, PERRY PERVIN????“, our mom Tara bellowed, making everyone to be stunned, and speechless, by the choice of words, she had used to scold my sister Perry. As our mom Tara had never used any curse words, or even sweared before, that too in front of us, her kids since we became teenagers. As she wanted both of her kids, Perry, and me to follow her good habits of not using curse words inside our home. Perry only nodded her head robotically, as she was too shocked to even say a word right now, and ran back to her room. Even our dad Thomson looked a little taken aback by our mom’s little outburst. *** happy reading❤❤❤
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