chapter 36

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Aurora Pov: A hand was suddenly placed on my left shoulder, making my heart to stop beating in fear. ‘I am dead ', was the only thought that came to my mind, when I felt the hand on my left shoulder. I started sweating buckets in fear, and I was drenched in my own sweat in a few seconds. My heart was beating twice the times than it should have normally done, and I am very sure that even the person behind me could hear, how fast my heart was beating due to my nervousness. ‘What have you done, Rory?. Why did you stupidly thought that running away from the pack would be so easy of a task, and got yourself into more trouble?. you really are stupid. See where your dumb idea have got you to???.’, I thought to myself, and wanted to kick myself hard for my stupid mistake. ‘should I run??’, a small voice in the back of mind echoed softly, but the next second, the answer to that question was like the reality’s wake up slap to me. ‘like really, girl??. Are you dumb?. just use your useless dumb brain for at least once!!. How can you outrun the well trained male patrol guards with your weak, and stamina less body???. They will catch you within a blink of an eye’, the realistic part in me said mockingly, making me want to cry out in loud. Knowing that I am doomed for the rest of my life, and that I can not, and have no way out to get out of this problematic situation, which I got my stupid self into, I took several deep breaths to calm down my racing heart, even though I know that it was not an easy job to do now. I slowly turned around very timidly. Within this few seconds, my heart was beating so fast, that I thought that it might come out of my chest. The moment I fully turned around, and I saw the person, who I had least expected to see there, at this moment, I sighed a breath of relief subconsciously. As seeing that person, at that moment, I had not been that relieved, and happy to see someone in the last few years. It was none other than Fredrick, Aunt Tara’s son, and the future beta of the Violet Moon pack. Even though he was the next beta of the pack, who was in charge of the patrol guards, and a high ranking wolf of the pack, I was not afraid of him, seeing me now in this place. Instead, I was relieved that he was the one who saw me, instead of the other patrol guards, or any other members of the pack for that matter. The high level of fear in me disappeared instantly seeing his usual expressionless face, because deep down I know for sure that he will not bring, or do any harm to me. I sighed in relief, and released the breath, that I was holding till now in fear, without even knowing myself. He gave me that secure feeling, as he had indirectly protected, and helped me to survive in this horrible hellish of a place all these years. I kept a hand on the left side of my chest, and took in large gulps of air, to try to calm down my racy heart, which was beating crazily. Once the fear had vanished from within me on seeing him, I do not know what to say to him, as his face clearly held the question mark, prying deep inside his heart for wanting to hear what I was going to say to him, as clear as a pool water. As if something had broke down with in me, I started crying without my knowledge, and when I realised that I was crying, I did not even want to stop crying. Those tears were due to the different conflicting emotions, which I was dealing with right now. “What were you doing in here, that too at this hour? “, Fredrick asked the question, I dreaded the most, and in response, I avoided meeting his questioning eyes, which were filled with some strange sort of emotion, which I could not comprehend at all. Instead of answering to him, I only avoided meeting his expectant eyes, that was waiting for my reply, and I kept on crying without making any loud noise, in fear of attracting other members of the pack, around the borders. I really did not know for what I was crying for in the first place though. I just had that immense urge to cry, and that was what I did. Whether it was in relief, that it was Fredrick who saw me instead of the other pack members, or because of the mental breakdown, due to the rude actions of my elder sister Andrea, and the cruelty from My ex mate Chance Gary. Fredrick just looked at me silently, and then his line of vision lowered. And he saw the small old school bag in my hand too. As if, a light has been went off inside his mind, he had a knowing look on his serious looking face, and the hold he had on my left arm tightened slightly. He just closed his eyes for a second, and I was freaking out already, because his facial expression clearly told me that he might has realised my intentions already by now. I was afraid to no ends, that he would stop me from running away, and bring me back to the pack house, aka my own private hell. But all the negative thoughts that were racing through my mind turned out to be some stupid assumptions, as the next words that he had uttered was definitely not the words, that I had expected to hear from him. “I thought that you will stop being a spineless fool, and take this decision of running away from this hellish place of a pack, a very long time ago. But sadly, it took you all these years to gather up your courage, and grow some spine. Anyway you did good in the end. It is good this way. At last, you did managed to be courageous for yourself“, Fredrick said, while looking at me straight in the eyes. Hearing him say these words, I was both totally surprised, and shocked to say the least. Looking at the confused expression that spread across my face, he might have known what was running through my mind. He gently patted me on the head, as if he was comforting a crying five year old child. Then he smiled a little which was so warm looking. He looked like Aunt Tara now, with his warm smile. “I forgot to give you a present on your birthday. I will not stop you from executing your decision, nor will I tell about this to the other pack members. So do not be afraid. Think of this as my birthday present to you”, he said in his deep mellow voice, that it made me instantly relaxed, and it was comforting at the same time too. He carefully wiped my face clean, to get rid of the tears with the utmost care, and said, “ Now, off you go. Take care. Live your life, and be well”. I just nodded at him gratefully, and was about to cross the pack borders, when Fredrick stopped me by pulling at my hand. I looked back at him, with confusion clear on my face as to why he had stopped me again. He quickly took out his wallet from his pants pocket, and took out whatever cash he had in his wallet, and stuffed them all into my hand. “It is for you. Do not deny it”, he said, and all of a sudden, he pulled me into his arms, and hugged me tightly, shocking the hell out of me. “Remember this. Our life is short to let others take control of it. So be brave from now on, and do not let others walk all over you again. Live for your own happiness, and do things that makes you happy”, he said, and his hold on me tightened a little. “let the moon goddess be with you. Stay safe. Take care, Aurora Bentick “, he said, and released me from his hold. I was still shocked by his actions, and it took me a few seconds to come back to my senses. Before crossing the border, I turned back to look at him for the very last time. “Thank you, Fredrick. For now, and for all the things that you had done for me all these years”, I thanked him, from the bottom of my heart. With a determined mind, I crossed the borders of the Violet Moon pack, and quickly dashed away from it. After putting some distance from the border of the pack, and me, I stopped for a second, and quickly served all the ties that I had with the pack, and officially made myself into a rogue wolf. The moment I served all thr ties with the pack, I felt something inside me break, like a string was being cut loose. And I felt a little void deep within me too. But not wanting to dwell on these thoughts at this moment, I shook my head to clear my mind. The next second, I quickly turned around, and ran as fast as I can, because by now, all the members in the pack must have felt the pack bond break, and will know that someone had gone rogue. So before they could find out who it was, and realise that it was me, who went rogue, and send someone to fetch me, I had to be away from the pack lands, and must hide well, so that they can not bring me back to the Violet moon pack. As I really did not want to step a foot in that horrible pack ever again in my life. With that in my mind, I ran as quickly as possible with my weak body. ** Happy reading❤❤❤... finally....Aurora ran away.....
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