not a chapter 74

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Zion Xavier pov: When I was passing by the play school I saw a scene that made my blood boil in anger in several degrees. Sam, one of the fighters of our pack was speaking to Aurora.... I tried to walk away without minding what sam was doing at first when i only saw his face and the backside of the girl he was talking to. but all that 'minding my own business' went out of the open window when i saw who the girl, sam was talking to. it's none other than Aurora, the one who was currently staying in our pack as a guest. well more like trying to hit on Aurora. And that sam guy was a damn player of the pack on top of that. I don’t know what came over me and but the next second, without me knowing, my legs brought me near them, and in a blink of an eye, I was by their side. And the words I heard next, made my mood to turn sour, in an instant. That Sam guy was asking Aurora out on a date. Not wanting to waste any time, I quickly went and stopped their conversation, so their conversation would stop before it grews out in a large manner. the moment Sam saw me, he swallowed all the words that was going to come out of his mouth the next second and looked like a guy who was caught red handed when he was committing a mistake. "Al...Alpha Zion..greetings", Sam greeted me while Aurora looked shocked and scared at the same time. " what were you doing here, instead of warming up for the training?", I asked him. even though I very well knew what he was going a moment ago. "nothing Alpha....just....", Sam dragged the words out making me annoyed. " go to the training ground and start your warm up exercises ", I said to him, making sam to run to the training ground with his invisible tail in between his legs. As i am very strict when it comes to training. I can be the devil himself, during training the members of my pack, especially the members who are part of my group of fighters. then i turned to Aurora who stood still on her spot while picking on her nails anxiously. " you can go do your work ", I said yo Aurora who only nodded her head at me in response while not even making eye contact with me as she has always done. I sent Aurora with Zara and came to the training ground. With a foul mood, I trained the fighters more strictly making everyone tired very easily. To ease my anger, I even called the fighters and did a sparing match with them. When I was about to flip the 10 th fighter over and finish the match, Clint came and stopped the match. “hey bro…. Stop it. You were already torturing them with such intense workouts and now you wanted them to have an one on one match with you??. Are you crazy?. Are you trying to break our fighters or what?. Leave him… put him down for the moon goddess sake. Spare those guys”, Clint said making me annoyed. “Fine…everyone go back. Today’s training ends here”, I dismissed them. I quickly dismissed all the fighters and came to my room to take a hot shower. But instead I took a cold shower to cool down my tensed mood, which didn’t help much though. So to try to feel ease, I decided to work on the pending files in my office. But soon after I finished a single file, the door to my alohas office opened and in came the parade of my friends. The only one person who was missing right now was Zara. Casey, Clint, Zander and Kevin all came and sat in the available places and looked at me questioningly. Enough being under their scrutinized gaze, I closed the file and looked at them with a raised eyebrow. “What??? “, I asked them. “Nothing… . Why were you so pissed at the training ground? “, Clint asked me directly. “nothing serious. Just so… .. The guys were slacking off instead of training. That’s why I was a little angry”, I said in a convincing tone. “A little angry??... Really dude… you were pissed off… .. Did you get that… . Pissed Off. You were literally draining the life out of those poor guys”, Kevin said. “Well. Not all the guys… .. That one guy… what was his name again??. Huh yes….Sam… he was talking with Rory near the tree and seeing that you were pissed off. And I saw that crystal clear”, Casey said in a sly tone. “Why were you pissed when Sam talked to Rory?. Tell me” Casey asked and looked at me pointedly. “No…. Don’t talk non sense, Casey“, I said and evaded the topic. “well then leave it. It looks to me that Sam is interested in our Rory. Let me ask him directly. Well let me make them go on a date first. They both look so cute together looking like a match made in heaven “, Casey said dreamily making my patience level to drop by several degrees. “don’t you dare Casey. Don’t you dare poke your nose in my matter”, I warned her and tried to not to yell at her for her stupid behavior. “when did Aurora became your matter?. Don’t kid around. I should go and plan that date well”, saying that Casey stood up and went to open the office room door. “She became my matter when I first laid my eyes on her. She is MINE. AURORA IS MY MATE”, I yelled at Casey who only grinned from ear to ear instead of being shocked. ***** oopsie doopsie......for all those who wanted to know who Aurora's second we are.... happy reading ❤❤❤.... be honest.....who were having the exact reaction of casey right now...... meeeee........
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