chapter 58d

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Casey pov: I saw how much Zion loves Rory, and how much he cares for his lovely mate. In the morning, I saw how he looked at his mate, with not even blinking his eye lashes, and with literally heart emoji symbols replacing his eyes, and a never ending small smile at the corner of his lips. **that’s the look of a unadulterated hopeless romantic guy…. ***shaking our head in a helpless way moment… The moment, Aurora yelled out in pain, he was next to us, the very next second like a flash of light, and he quickly treated Aurora’s burn wound. Man…. I feel like even our little Rory has, or must have definitely felt some sparks in between them, at the moment Zion held her hand, as I can tell just with the flustered look on her face. When Zion was treating her burned hand, Rory looked at him in a daze. And more importantly, my super spot on love antenna was picking up some signals from them though… *** naughty teasing laugh moment*** 'Well I must have a nice chat with our little Rory’, I thought, and made up my mind to talk to her. I am currently looking at the little kids who were playing with each other, as I was in the play school. What a lovely sight it was to see. Just seeing those innocent little kids, each of them with such a warm heart melting smile, can make a person to feel the warmth in his, or her heart. It was rightly said that kids were the little angels, who were sent to the world to spread love, and that they were the blessings that was showered upon us, by the Almighty above all of us. These lovely cute kids with their little legs run around the play room with such enthusiasm, and energy, making me to really wonder from where these little brats are getting this much energy from their little bodies. Watching these lovely little kids playing without any worry in the world, makes me to envy them the most. And most importantly, I like how innocent, and naïve they were, away from the corrupts, and the ways of this evil world. All they do was to spread love and laughter around them, with their innocent, and pure heart. That was one of the many reasons, that I volunteer to come here, and help in the play school in the pack, whenever I got some extra time to spare in my hands. And after looking how Aurora was scared of everyone around her, and was always on her toes in fear, I thought that putting her in the middle of these little angels, would be the best idea, and arrangement for her, when that day, Aurora came to my room to ask if I have any job for her to do. Because I had noticed several times before, that whenever some one unknown to her crosses her, or speak to her, mainly those bulkily built men, who wanted to strike a conversation with the new girl, she would be scared without any reason. So I decided to put her in a place, where there was no way a man was present in there. And the other, and the most important reason was that, it would provide her a stress free environment. Which would be making her to feel relaxed, and quickly allow her to feel that this place ( night howlers pack) was safe enough for her to stay, and that no one will hurt her here. And above all of that, I want her to be as open as possible, so that her real nature, or personality can come out. And like I had expected, Aurora had quickly adapted into this stress free environment, and she loved all the kids very dearly. And as I had expected, Rory too lowered her guard down around the kids, and her real inner nature came out without her knowing, that it was actually happening. And that was eventually, how I get to see the real first smile of our innocent Rory, smiling so happily for the very first time. And to tell you the truth, she looked like a freshly bloomed little flower, that was brightly shinning, and moving in the gentle breeze, when she smiled so happily. After finishing all my work regarding the issues in the pack, I came to the play school in search of Rory. As I had wanted to have something to speak to her. I entered the building which was surrounded by brightly painted walls on all the sides, with sweet, and lovely famous cartoon characters, and other things painted on the walls. Then I looked around, and quickly spotted Rory, who was sitting near a few little kids, who were drawing, and coloring some pictures in their coloring note books. When those naughty kids went to play with the other staffs in the room, I went, and sat beside Rory. “How was everything going in here, Rory dear?. Do you like working here? “, I asked her casually, starting up a conversation. “Yes. Thanks, Casey”, Rory said, and was taking the scattered books from the floor. “and do you like this pack, Rory?. I mean, do you like living in here, Rory honey? “, I slowly probed further. “mm…Truth to be told, I was going to say that, it was more than 'like', Casey.. I actually love this place, and I love living here with all of you guys”, she said to me with a small smile on her face, showing me that the words she was saying was all true. “And, do you like me, and Zara? ”, I asked her, the next second. “yes.. I love you both of you girls. You guys are like my elder, and younger sisters “, she said to me. “Then, what about Zion?. Do you like him too? “, I dropped the bomb on her so casually, as if I was asking her whether she likes to eat tomatoes, or not. Rory looked so startled, and sat still for a second. Rory Pov: Casey too joined me in the play school today, a little later, in taking care of the kids in the play school. We sat near the two kids who were not interested in playing. Instead they were drawing, and coloring cute little pictures in their books. I was always less stressed, and more relaxed in mind, when I am in the play school, as these kids make me really happy. It was all because that I know very well in my heart subconsciously, that these kids can not, and will not try to hurt me, and they does not judge me for being myself, like the adults would do most of the times. Casey too joined me, and sat next to me. In the middle, out of no where, Casey started to ask some random questions to me, and I too answered all of her questions, without any worries, and hesitation, as I felt already in peace, sitting among these little kids. Casey asked normal questions to me in the starting, and then she asked the question which made me to stop breathing for a second. “Then, what about Zion?. Do you like him too? “, she dropped the bomb on me so casually, and looked at me keenly, with her eyes looking at me, like she was searching something that was present in my eyes. The moment I heard the question, I was hell shocked, and sat still, and like an electric current was give to me, a tingling shiver ran through my spine, making me to quiver lightly. It was purely because of the shock that I was in, when I heard her weird question. “Huh… .? ??... Wh… .. What????!!! “, I stuttered out the words, as I did not expect her to ask something like this to me, making me both shocked to the very being, and making me speechless. “what I meant was, What do you think about Alpha Zion Xavier??. What is your opinion about him, as a person, in general? “, Casey explained making me to let out a breath, in sigh of relief. My tensed shoulders sagged a little in relax, and I took some deep breath to calm down my racing heart, and thoughts. “Well…. . Alpha Zion is a nice person. He is not like what the rumors portray him to be as a ruthless alpha. Because he was not like that at all. he was the one who saved me from the attack of that rogue wolf, and a reason I am speaking to you alive, right in front of you, instead of being six feet under the ground. Because I know well enough that I would not have survived alone in the woods for a long time, when I experienced myself, about what it would be like to in the woods, that too all alone”, I said, and continue further. “And I am very grateful to him, as because of him, I got a chance to live a new life. I got a place to stay, a roof above my head, and found new friends too. And most importantly, he respected me, as a person. I got my first salary, and living with the money I have made, was all because of the fact, that he acknowledged my efforts, and gave the respect I deserved, without any prejudice against me, as I was a rogue wolf once”, I said, and there was a strong urge inside me to cry out loud, as I thought of all the things he did for me unknowingly. Maybe Saving me from that rogue wolf, was not big deal to him, and he did not had any reason to save me in the first place. But what matters to me was that he did save me that night, and that was the reason I am still alive today. His small act of kindness in saving me from that rogue wolf had changed my life altogether, and that to for good. It was like what my mom, Luna Lily used to say, when I was a little kid. She told me to be kind to everyone, and be helpful to those who are in most need of it, as even though that act of kindness might not be a big thing to us, but for the ones, who needed that help from us, in that moment in their life, it may make a big difference in their life. **’ A small act of our kindness can make a big difference to the others who are in need of it'…. . That was what my mom Lily used to say to me. And my mom Lily lived like that all through out her life. She was the most kindest Luna, who had always helped the other people. Well, may be it was her good deeds that had really did have saved me this time. Only the moon goddess would know. “And I respect Alpha Zion Xavier for his kindness towards me”, I said to Casey without seeing her, as I was lost in the train of thoughts about my mom Lily, that ran through mind. After a few minutes, I came out of my thoughts about my mom Lily, and looked beside me, to see Casey still looking at me with a small smile on her face. Her eyes was shinning brightly, with some unknown glint in it, like she was thinking about something that she loves too dearly. “what is it, Casey?. What are you looking at? “, I asked her, as I was curious, as to what she was thinking about smiling like that. “Nothing, dear. I was just going to say.. “, Casey was about say something, but was interrupted by the loud crying sound, we heard near us. We looked in the side to see that one of the two kids, who were drawing near us, was the one crying. “what is it, Tessa?. Why are you crying?“, Casey asked the little girl, who was crying her eyes out. “It was Tim. He broke my crayon, that I was using to color my drawing “, the little girl said in the middle of her crying, while pointing an accusing finger at the boy sitting near her. “Tim???. Is it true?. Did you break her crayon intentionally? “, Casey asked the little boy, who looked down at his lap. “no…. It was…. It just happened without me knowing. I was just trying to get the crayons from her. I wanted that colored crayon to color my drawing, but she did not give it to me, when I asked her to give. So I tried to snatch the crayon from her hand, but we both held it too tightly on both the ends, and pulled it in different ways, making it to break into two pieces.. I am sorry. I did not mean to break it”, that little boy said sadly, in a choked voice. “Well…. It’s okay, buddy…. Say sorry to Tessa”, Casey said, making the girl to stop crying. After the little guy said sorry to Tessa, she stopped her crying, when Casey promised to give them both a new set of crayons pack the next day. “Here, each take one of it, and color your drawings. And sweeties,…no more fighting. And you Tessa dear, you should share your things with others. And you, naughty boy, do not snatch things from others. It is a bad habit. Now off you two go”, Casey said, and sent those two kids away. Then Casey came, and sat next to me. Taking my hand, she looked at me with warmth in her eyes. “Rory, sweet heart. I wanted to say something to you. I know that you are still scared of some things, and was always very cautious in doing things. But I want to say this to you. This pack, and we are not like the members of your old pack. You do not need to be afraid to ask anything to us, or do something in here. Just be yourself, and do not think about what others may think of you, or may do anything to you. I swear on my name, that no one…. I mean it, sweet heart…. No one will say, or do anything that might harm you. They had to cross me to hurt you dear”, Casey said, and ran her fingers around the scalded area in a soothing manner. “it was not like that. I am happy here, and was being my normal self only “, I lied through my teeth, hoping that she would buy my lies. But I can tell from where she was coming to. And yes. Even in this pack, even now, I still feel a little bit scared, like I was in my old pack. It was like I am subconsciously doing things, and thinking about what others might tell, or do something to me, in case I do, Or say something that might be a wrong thing in the other person’s eyes. And, yes… I am still looking over my shoulder in fear of someone sneaking up on me, like in the old days. “ Honey, do not even think about trying to convince me the other way. I know you, and I can see through you like you are an open book. I know that your not being relaxed, and be your true self at all, except for the time, when you are with these little kids in the play school. And I know the reason for it too. You trust that these little kids can never do something to hurt you, would never judge you, and that was why you can be yourself in front of these kids. And I am assuring, and asking you to do the same thing in front of us too. Just trust us fully. We will never even think of hurting you, at any point of time, sweet heart”, Casey said making me to be overwhelmed with the emotions that was running inside of me. “look over there, sweet heart”, Casey said, and pointed at the kids, who were busy coloring their drawings. “ take a look at that crayon in their hands. Even after that crayon was broken into two separate pieces, it still was able to color the picture like it was able to do before”, Casey said, and continued further. “I know that you have been treated badly, and went through a lot in your life in the past. And I can tell that even a part of your inner being was broken inside. But what I am telling is, even after something was broken, it can still be used again, like that broken pieces of crayon. You deserve to be happy. So stop restraining yourself from living your life to the fullest. Leave the things that had happened in the past, in the past itself. Give a second chance to yourself. Allow yourself to be happy, live happily, and do what your heart likes, and desires to obtain. Do not let the fears from your past to stop you from living happily in the present. And I promise you that I will always love you, and support you endlessly, and stay with you till the end”, Casey said making me to cry in both happiness, and gratefulness. I was very happy to have gotten myself such a true friend in my life. ‘Thank you, dear moon goddess, for the life you have given me now', I secretly thanked, and hugged Casey even tightly, who was hugging me to console me. **** happy reading❤❤❤ well, guys everyone deserves a second chance....
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