chapter 57d

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Chapter 44 Zion Xavier Pov: Once Casey said that she was going to talk to Aurora about her past, I was hell a lot of worried, at first. As I did not want to put a pressure on her, and make her to feel uncomfortable here. What I was most afraid of was the thought, that if we put more pressure on Aurora, when she was not ready at all, making her to talk about her past experiences, and asking her the sort of answers, which she does not want to give, can make her to feel cornered. And when a person was cornered to do something, which he or she does not want to do it in the first place, can make them to want to run away from that situation. Since Aurora has already ran away once from her previous place, I do not want her to take the same decision again. I do not want her to leave the pack. But Casey was so sure that she can handle the situation, and other guys too were concerned more about Aurora. The only way by which we can understand her, and help her to overcome her troubles was to know what had happened to her in the past. Eventually getting to know about her past life has became a necessity for us, and all the other guys too voted to follow Casey’s idea. When Casey was going to talk to Aurora, we all demanded to be in connected in the mind link with Casey, and we all asked Casey to have her mind link open to us. Then Casey went to see Aurora. Except for Casey, we all gathered in the training room in the, ground floor of our pack house. We all took our seats in the space we got, and waited for Casey to start the conversation. I was nervous as hell, and was sitting at the edge of the couch, all because of the silence, and suspense, that was killing me. We were all both curious, and nervous, at the same time. We all wanted to know what had happened in the past to Aurora, but at the same time, we were also afraid that Aurora will not open up to us. I was in the same cat on the wall situation too. I want to know more about her, but at the same time, I did not want to press her for answers, as that would make her to feel uncomfortable. Then finally, after all that comforting, and reassuring words from Casey, Aurora finally opened up to her, making all of us in the training room, to sigh a breath of relief. When my mate broke the news that she belonged to a pack before, and that she was not a rogue wolf, every one in the training room was totally surprised. We did not saw that coming at all. We all looked at each other, and had a dumbfounded look on our faces. But all that surprised feeling went down the drain, when we learned that she was abused both physically, and mentally in her previous pack. And what shocked us more was the fact that instead of supporting, and helping her (their own family member), her good for nothing family joined to the pack's side, and abused her, along with the others. ***what a heartless, and hellish family was that. Like seriously…. How can they let their family member to suffer like that, in the hands of others. My inner wolf surfaced hearing that, and I let out a loud growl in anger, when I heard all the things that Aurora was made to endure in her old pack. Even the guys looked pissed off too, and they all looked ready to kill, when they heard everything through our group mind link. Zander threw the glass, he had in his hand on the wall, breaking it into several pieces, while Clint let out an angry growl like me. Kevin too looked beyond angry, but he managed to control his anger, like he had always done. As time went by, we heard everything that Aurora had said, and I was beyond furious, to be honest. Not wanting to scare Zara more, who was already crying terribly, I stood up from my spot on the couch, and went into the personal training room, and looked around to vent my anger. Finally my eyes caught sight of Clint’s special training sand bags in the corner, and I took one of it, and hung it from the ceiling hook. Then to vent my anger, I began to punch it vigorously without taking any break. ‘how dare they??. How f*****g dare they to hurt my Aury. Those heartless bastards. My dear poor Aury. Now I know why she was afraid when she saw our bulky appearances, and behaved like a scared little bunny. She always tried to keep a distance from all the guys. The only guy who she was a little comfortable was with Clint, may be because of the bond, she has with Casey. She would jerk, and be jumpy, if we make some sudden movements in front of her. Now I know that it was just her reflex. I was in the private training room, for quite a some time now. In my anger, I had already destroyed more sand bags. When I was putting up a new sand bag, the door of the training room opened, and in came Casey. She too looked sad, and even her eyes looked red, clearly telling me that she had cried before coming to see us. “how was she, Casey? “, I asked as I was worried about her.. “Tired, Zion. But she looked relaxed now, and looks like a heavy burden was ridden from above her. It was because that she told me about her past. She cried, and then, she went to sleep”, Casey said making me to go crazy again. All again, I remembered how Aurora cried while speaking about her past experiences. All those crying sounds were ringing inside my ears in a repeat mode, making me, and my inner wolf to go crazy to the point, that we wanted to kill every fucker that abused our mate. So, yet again, I started punching the sand bag to vent my rage. “Zion. Zion!!. Stop it. I know you are both upset, and angry right now. But venting your anger on these poor sand bags were utterly useless”, Casey said making me to stop punching the sand bag. “then what am I supposed to do Casey??. I am f*****g angry!!!. How dare those spineless low life fuckers hurt my mate.. My Aury!!.… she was such an innocent girl. How monstrous those pack members of her pack were to abuse such a kind girl. They were really monsters “, I yelled in my frustrated mode. “do not let your anger to subside by venting it out, Zion. Store it. Neatly, and nicely. Once we find who had tortured, and made the life of our Rory as a hell, they will be begging for us to kill them soon. Then, we all shall do them a favor, and show them what real hell means on earth itself. Those guys deserve our rage, but not these useless sand bags, Zion “, Casey said making me to stop my punch in midair. “yes….what you were saying was right, Casey. We should vent our anger on that useless piece of spineless bastards. Only they deserve it, and more than that. Wait till I get to know which pack she belonged too. Then, I will hunt them down, and make them to regret, each, and every second for putting their filthy hands on my Luna ”, I sweared to myself. ~*~ It was dinner time, and we all came to have food. All of us were in the training room, all day long, venting off our anger and steam all due to the new information we got to know about Aurora. Casey, and Zara were too present in the room with us, as Casey consoled our little sweet heart, Zara. Our little sister was too overwhelmed by emotions, by just hearing what Aurora had went through in her past life. Our baby sister was such a kind hearted, and innocent soul. We pampered her, and kept her in the middle of our palms, and cherished her, from her childhood days, since she was the youngest child out of all of us, and Also she was the only girl in our generation. Zara had never heard of such a cruelty before, and these things when she learned that Aurora was abused like that, it had hit her hard. As Zara have made a solid connection with Aurora in a very short time. Casey sat beside Zara, and consoled her, while us, the guys worked our ass off to calm down both our minds, and our inner wolves, as all of our inner wolves have taken a liking to Aurora, since they know that she was my mate, and the future Luna of the pack. Our inner wolves have become more possessive, and protective of their Luna. And most importantly, we all decided to act as normal as we can in front of my mate, like we did not know anything about her past, in front of Aurora, so as to not to make her feel awkward, and uncomfortable. Today we called Mrs. Jimmie to come, and cook dinner for us, as Aurora was still taking rest upstairs. She fell asleep, and was taking rest till now. We all could understand that she must be tired from all of her crying, thus we decided to give a break to her, and called Mrs. Jimmie. When the dinner was ready, then, Casey went up to her room, to fetch Aurora for dinner. When I was lost in my train of thoughts, Casey came back with Aurora on her left side, and sat on the dinning table. The guys made a casual conversation among themselves, like they usually do, so that they will stop irking Aurora with their words, and actions. When Aurora sat on the dinning table, Mrs. Jimmie came out of the kitchen, and served the food for us. I secretly peeked a glance at my little mate, and all the veins in my body bulged out in pure anger. My poor little mate has been crying for a very long period of time, and her beautiful pair of Hazel colored eyes, that always attract, and pull me into its mysterious world of secrecy, was puffed out, and rimmed with a red color. Her eyes looked like a ripen cherry fruit, all round, and red. I fisted my hand in rage, having a intense urge to punch something very hard, and I hid my hand, and it was below the dinning table away from her eyes. How desperate, and happy I would be if I get to thrash, and kill those useless, and good for nothing members of her pack???. But then again, that day was not very far away, and the day when I find out the real culprits who abused my mate, they will wish that they had died a very long time ago. They will beg me to kill them, not able to withstand under my torture. But I will not kill them very soon though. Quick death will be a blessing to our enemy, and I want to give the most cruel death to all those spineless fuckers. I observed my mate, and found out how timid, and jumpy she was, when a sudden movement was made. And how little she was eating right now??. Everyone had their dinner in silence, and bid their goodbyes quickly, and went to their bed rooms. I laid on my large king sized bed, but still there was nothing a little bit of sleep in my eyes. I just stared at the ceiling in the room, with a lost look in my eyes. All I could think about was how my little mate was abused, and how she was scared of every little thing. I rolled on the bed, and without knowing when, I went into a deep sleep. ~*~ The next day morning: I woke up early as usual, and truth to be told, I woke up even before my normal waking up time. After washing my face, and getting freshen up, I got down, and went to the kitchen to get some water bottle to drink some water. But I stopped still in my movements, and quit making any noises from my actions, as my mate, Aurora was working in the kitchen very busily, probably preparing the morning breakfast for us. Wanting to look at her for some more time, I stayed silent, and leaned against the wall, while admiring the sight of my dear mate. She worked around the kitchen so smoothly like a lovely little flower, that was waving in a gentle breeze, making me to sigh. But then, suddenly I noticed that even though she was working like a busy bee, she was being very careful on not making any sound, or any loud noise in the kitchen. A small part, somewhere inside, deep inside my heart prickled lightly, when I saw her working very carefully, so as to not to make much noise as if, if someone had heard the sounds of her working in the kitchen, then she would be punished for it. She even lowered down the sound of the timer on the microwave oven. 'So this was how much scared, and wary she was in her old pack’, I thought. Suddenly a memory from the past, a long time ago, crossed my mind unknowingly, like a flash. It was the time after Aurora got her consciousness after I brought her to the pack house for the first. Just because she had broke a flower vase accidentally, she got so scared, and hyper that she thought that we would hit her, and even fainted due to her fear. I shook my head lightly feeling distressed because of that memory. Not wanting to think about those depressing things, I looked up, and continued to admire my little mate working with so much involvement in her cooking. Just when I was busy watching Aurora, a finger poked me in my left arm, making me to turn around to see who the culprit was, who was disturbing me, in the middle of my lovely time of admiring my little mate. I turned around to see Casey, who was grinning from ear to ear like an i***t, while wiggling her eyebrows at me suggestively, while looking at Aurora. ***’dear sweet moon goddess…. Why it has to be her???... She would now use this to tease me endlessly….urgh', I thought internally. I used my index finger, and placed it on her forehead, and pushed her back while poking her, like she did to me. “Don’t….do not say anything… “, I said to her silently, while resuming my position, aka leaning on the wall, and seeing my lovely innocent mate work with so much dedication. “Mmm… mmm…. Ok… I will not disturb you. Continue with your lovely sight seeing “, Casey teased me, and she too stood beside me, without making any noise. “she is such a sweet heart, right, Zion?. It was really a great blessing that she came to our pack, bringing a big bundle of happiness, and warmness in all of our lives. See,…. . The big bad Alpha here, who always used to have a big frown, was now feeling happy, and was having a secret smile in the corner of his lips”, Casey said, and bumped me playfully. This woman…. . It was because of the knucklehead friend of mine, Clint. It was all because of his darn stupid influence, that has affected his mate too. He even changed his mate into a goofy one, just like him. “Shut your mouth, will you, Casey?. Stop running your mouth“, I said, and looked to the other side, trying to hide the small smile on my face. “Wooo…ooo. . See…. See there… why are you turning your face, to the other side?. Are you blushing, Mr. Big bad Alpha? “, Casey pulled my leg yet again. ***’gosh…. Why did this woman had to wake up so early, unlike the other days, and had to poke her nose in my private moment… ‘, I thought internally. I just raised an eyebrow at her, making her to stop her teasing. “okay… I will stop pulling your legs. And being the kind hearted, and an ambassador of the true love, I will allow you to enjoy your lovely one sided romantic moment. So stop cursing me in your mind. It was very clear to me, from just one look at your face, that you are bad mouthing me in your mind”, Casey complained, and I was surprised by how she was able to read my inner thoughts…. ***dear moon goddess. Casey, and her spot on gut feelings, and her female instincts. She really is a scary woman….. All of a sudden, Casey left my side, and went to the kitchen, and stood beside Aurora. “Good morning, Rory”, Casey greeted my mate, and beamed at her with a bright smile on her face. “good morning, Casey “, Aurora too replied to Casey, and smiled back at her. But suddenly, Aurora touched the pan that was sitting on the stove unknowingly, while talking with Casey, and let out an yelp. I was fast on my toes, when I heard the cry of her pain. ‘She must have burned her hand, or must have touched the hot food? ‘, I thought to myself. “What happened, sweet heart? “, Casey asked startled by Aurora’s yelp. “I…. I touched the hot pan by mistake “, Aurora said confirming my thoughts, with a look of pain on her face. “Oh my dear… wait, I will go, and get medicines for you”, Casey said to her, and fumbled in the kitchen cupboards for any burn creams. Aurora closed her eyes in pain, and held the scalded hand with the other hand. Not able to stop myself, I went to the kitchen. I held the hand of my little mate to see how bad she got hurt. “ouch…. It hurts, Casey. Leave my hand…do not touch it“, Aurora mumbled in her low voice, while shutting her eyes close in pain. “ stay still “, I ordered her, making Aurora to open her eyes, the next moment, in a flash. Then her small doe like eyes, which was filled with a layer of tears, widened when she saw that the one holding her hand was me, and not Casey, like she had thought. I can clearly tell that she thought that Casey was the one holding her hand. When she saw me, she was totally flustered. Quickly opening the refrigerator, I got some ice cubes from the freezer, and emptied it in a large bowl that was kept on the kitchen counter. Then I filled it with some water from the tap. The next second, I was by the side of my mate, and I took her hand very carefully, and stuffed it inside the ice water, trying to make the burning sensation to go away. At first, Aurora hissed in pain, and then the frown on her face slowly disappeared as time went by, letting me to know that the ice water was doing it’s job clearly. After a few minutes, I took her hand out of the ice water bath, and applied some medicine, meant for burn wounds. “Do not cook anymore. Leave the rest of the cooking to Mrs. Jimmie. Take care of your hand. Casey, take her from here”, I said to Aurora first, and then the latter words to Casey. Only after the two girls left the kitchen, I was able to take a breath of relief. Then I asked Mrs. Jimmie to make our breakfast. **** happy reading❤❤❤
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