chapter 59d

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Unknown Pov: I was super pissed off all due to the news that I had recently received from my useless subordinate. I threw all the things on my office table to the ground, making everything to break into several tiny pieces. Not able to control my anger, I fisted my hands into a ball, and banged them on the office table, as I was on the verge of killing someone. Those useless piece of fuckers. How could they?. How can they let this to happen. When I was in the middle of my angry rampage, a knock on the door to my personal office, brought me back to my senses. “who is it?. Come in”, I yelled out, and waited for the person on the other side to come inside. The door opened, and there stood that good for nothing guy, to whom I had given the most important task to do. “Si… Sir…. “, that stupid guy, stuttered making me to want to fist his hair, and bang his head on the wall several times. “Just tell whatever the f**k you came to tell me. Don’t just stand there like a dumb doll, and tell me what you have come here for? “, I snapped at him, making him to jump a little on his spot. ***that useless bastard…. “sir…. The men we had sent to search, and get details of her, came back”, he said making my curiosity to increase several times. “then….. What did they say? “, I asked in impatience, as I really wanted to get the news about her, so that I can find, and bring her here. “It was.. . . It wass. . They found nothing about her, sir. It was like she had vanished into a thin air. We can not get anything about her at all”, he finished, making my mood to turn a 180 degrees turn in a second. “You good for nothing bunch of bastards…. . You guys can not even find a girl, and not even have the ability to able to get any information on her, after all these days”,….. “Do I have to kill you all, as you guys seem to be no use to me in any way?”, I gritted through my teeth, making him to drop on the ground in fear. “sir…. Sir, please spare us. We will try to get information about her very soon. I promise…. .. Please give us some time “, that guy begged me, making me to be annoyed. “Very well then. This is the last chance, I am giving you guys… if you can not make use of this chance, then the next time be ready to die “, I warned him. “yes…..yes. We will bring good news to you. I promise “, The next second that stupid guy ran away with his tail in between his legs. ***’what a bunch of useless fuckers did I gave the task to? ‘, I thought in irritation, and threw the phone on the ground, that sat on the office table, a few minutes ago. That darn girl…. How can she run away like that???… how dare she to do that???. I was planning for years by now, and when I was just a couple of steps close to achieve my goal, she had to run away from the Violet Moon pack, and mess things up for me, didn’t she??. How can she slip from my hands, when I plan to bring her here, and make her mine for the rest of her life???. “You did a mistake. You did a very big mistake, my little flower. Wait till the moment, I get my hands on you. Then you can never escape from me, and I will make you mine. And that’s a promise”, I said to myself, and made a promise to make her, stay by my side for the rest of her life. Just thinking about the several sort of things, that I will do to her, once I catch her, made my brown eyes to shine in excitement. ~*~ Violet moon pack: Fredrick Pov: It has been a few weeks since that girl ran away from the pack. Even though, that darn jerk Chance Gary instigates the Alpha against his younger daughter, it did not work fine now, like it did in the beginning. Even Alpha William was losing his interest in bringing Aurora back to this hellish pack, as it has been a long period of time. He does not want to waste anymore money, and time in her, as he thought that she was not worthy enough to be doing all these things. I secretly pray to the moon goddess every day, clearly wanting her to bless that poor innocent soul, and keep Aurora away from the harm’s way. When I returned from the training ground, the moment I opened the door of my house, I saw Perry, my younger sister, dancing, and singing around happily, while running around the couch in the living room. “What happened to that stupid girl?. Why is she acting like a crazy person?. Is she alright??”, I asked to our mom Tara, who was sitting on the couch, with a bored look on her face. “Nothing. It is all about the annual dance meeting invite for the non mated werewolf teens. The invitation was already sent to the Alpha office in the morning. Hearing that news, she was acting like this”, our mom Tara said. “I have to go to the beauty parlor, and get an entire body treatment. I want to go to shopping for some new clothes, and accessories that matches well with that dress” Perry said in a sing a song manner. **’this girl, and her crazy obsession for dresses, and accessories', I sighed shaking my head slowly. “Which pack is the venue of the annual mating gathering, this year??”, I asked casually. “the event is going to be held in the Red Cross pack “, mom Tara said. “Dear sweet moon goddess, please save me from that crazy girl”, I prayed out loud, earning a playful smack on my shoulders from Perry, who crossed me. ~**~ I was in my office room, working on the important files on the security details of the pack, when Alpha William mind linked me to come to his office, to discuss about something immediately. Closing all the files, I took a deep breath, as I was still being very careful around him, as I did not want him to find out about my involvement in Aurora’s running away plan. And that was why, I was already avoid seeing him as much as possible, as to not get caught by Alpha William. Like they would say, the person who does a mistake will be tormented from its guilty feelings, and suffer the consequences of it. That was what I was exactly feeling these days. I secretly prayed once again, that the reason for which Alpha William was calling me to, must not be to discuss anything that was related about Aurora. I knocked on the office door of the alpha, and entered only to be greeted by the presence of Chance Gary too in the Alpha’s office. “Good morning, Alpha William “, I greeted him. The moment my eyes caught the sight of Chance Gary in Alpha office, it really did not give me any good vibes, as that guy was always after Aurora, like he was bitten by a crazy dog. I was confused, as whether this guy have yet again manipulated Alpha William against his younger daughter Aurora. As now a days, Alpha William too lost interest in in the matters regarding Aurora, and he was trying to avoid that topic as much as possible. “Very well, Fredrick. I called you here to discuss something very important”, Alpha William said, dragging the suspense , making my veins to pop out automatically. I tried my very best to control my racing emotions, and sat on the couch in the room with a neutral look on my face. “well, Fredrick. This is the grand invitation call for all the unmated single werewolves in our pack, to join the annual mating gathering event held in a few weeks later In the Red Cross pack. It was actually Chance Gary’s work to take care of the list of teenage werewolves in our pack, who are yet to find their mates, and to take them to the mating gathering event. But he said that since he had already found his mate, he was not going to attend the gathering. Thus instead of him, it is your turn to take care of everything regarding the gathering event. Make the list of names, with unmated werewolves, who are going to attend the event, and give the list to me later. Also since Chance Gary have other important things to do, you arrange everything, and inform me later “, he said making me to nod my head at him. Well, I do not have any other way though. I can not deny the orders of the Alpha. It was because I thought of not going to attend this year’s annual mating gathering event. As I was not in the mood to go there. But see what fate had in store for me. It really likes to play in its very own way, in each of our lives. Sighing I went back to my home, as I was not in the mood to see those darn files that were piled up like a mountain, which would give me a splitting headache, with all those numbers in it. But who could have thought that I would be escaping from the clutches of one crazy headache to end up sticking with a way more crazier headache in the end. Well, that was what had happened to me in the end. ***poor me…. Yeah, I know… I went home only to be bombarded with unwanted, and unnecessary questions that was thrown in my direction, all by my dear little sister, the one, and only…Perry, the great. From the day, that the news came to our pack, that the annual mating gathering event for the unmated wolves was going to take place in the Red Cross pack, that brat sister of mine tuned on her crazy mode for 24/7, eating the brain cells of everyone in the home. My mom Tara was fed up with her constant, and repeated questions on the similar topics, making our mom to lose her temper. The ultimate scenes were when my little sister ask these questions to our dear dad. Our dad loves his little girl very much. So he does not scold, or say anything to her. The scene will be even more terrific, as our dad will not say the truth to my dear sister,( not to make his little princess sad), so he just lies through his teeth, that everything that she picks to wear would look too good to look on her, as she was a natural beauty ( * snort* nauseating moment for me…). ***’well, even if Perry dresses up like a crazy person with her clothes littered with holes in all sizes, our dad would compliment her that she was creating a new trend in dressing up. ‘**puking moment for all the guys born with a girl siblings **’, I thought sarcastically. How come all these girl children are looking like a sweet little innocent angels, with a halo on their heads to their poor hopeless fathers, when in real, instead of the halo light rings, they have only the two horns of a devil, on their heads……. I can never relate to that though….. I came home, and just fell on the couch in the living room, emotionally too tired to do anything. “Fred…… . . Fred!….. Fredrick!!!!! “, Perry yelled at me, making me to sprang up on the couch in shock, due to all of her shouting. “Damn it, Perry…. Now what? . What do you want now??!!!! “, I asked back in a annoyed yet tired tone. “How is this dress looking on me??. Should I go for the dark red colored dress, or the blood red colored dress, or the ruby red colored dress? “, Perry asked me, while shoving three different dresses on my face, making me to be startled by her actions. ***what in the darn hell…. If I was a little careless with her, she would shove me into those dresses, and play doll with poor me…. Mumbling to myself all my grievances, I looked up to see the dresses that was literally sticking to my faces. ‘What in the freaking duck in the hell was that? ‘, I thought in bewilderment. Because all the three dresses that Perry had on her hands looked all red, I mean, it looked only red colored one to me. But that freaking girl said that it was three dresses with three different colors!!!!?. ‘What am I supposed to do now. It I said the truth to her, that all the dresses look just red colored dresses to me, then that crazy girl would rip me apart, and eat me alive!!!!!’, I thought, and looked around to see how I can escape from this tough situation. ‘Where in the hell did that useless brain of mine went off to, when I needed it the most???. Urghhhh‘, I thought annoyed, and avoided looking at Perry, and looked at the three dresses in her hand, as if I was seriously thinking about which colored dress would look good on her. But truth to be told, all the three dresses looked the same to me, with the only differences in them were the different model of the dresses. “Fred… you!!….. I know that look on your face. Don’t you dare try to cook up something in that sly mind of yours. Tell me truthfully!!”, Perry threatened me, making me to gulp in nervousness. “Answer me in a blink of an eye. What do you like to eat?, spicy food, or sweet items”, Perry started asking me random questions like she usually does. “Spicy food”, I said. “Summer season, or the winter season, which do you like the most? “, Perry asked. “Of course. It’s Summer “, I said in a duh tone, because I like to go on a long run, during the summers the most. “what are the colors do you see in my hands? ”, She asked me all of a sudden. “it’s red”, I said in a duh tone, only then to realize, how bad I had messed up. I looked at my little sister, who have steam coming out of her ears in anger. “You stupid useless blind man. Do you have those two marble sized eyes on your face for decoration, or what??.... You can not even tell the difference between the different shades of red!!!!! . You big Buffalo “, Perry threw, all those three dresses she had on her hands on the couch, and threw a cushion straight on my face, which I successful dodged in the nick of the time. ***dear sweet moon goddess…. I just missed my face…. Thank the goddess…. “You crazy girl. All I can see was that those three dresses were all the same red in color, and that was what I had said. Why in the freaking hell are you going full on rampage on me?? “, I yelled back at her, while safely standing behind the couch, keeping a good distance from that crazy sister of mine. “that was three different colors, you stupid moron!!!! “, Perry snapped at me, losing her temper. “What is happening in here? “, our dad Thomson, came into the living room, with a nice timing. He looked like a real saving grace in my eyes. “Dad!!!!!. That stupid brother of mine is teasing me on purpose…He is not helping me…instead He is frustrating me, dad”, Perry complained in a whiny tone, making our dad to threw a nasty frown at me. **’dad!!!. Can’t you first listen to the full story before you glare at me???!!. How come when it comes to your daughter, every reasoning of your disappear into the thin air!!!!?? ‘, I complained in my heart, while looking at our dad with a helpless look on my face. “Fred… you better help your little sister, and do what she asks you to do”, our dad said making Perry to squeal in happiness, and kiss him on his cheek. My face fell the next second…. **dad!!. How could you do this to me… silly poor me!!! “Thank you, daddy. You are the best”, Perry said to him.. **that sly honey tongued brat!!!! “anything for you, honey puppy. Now stop being moody”, saying that our dad sat on the other single couch in the living room. ‘What have you done, dad?. How can you give your word to that brat, not knowing what I got struck into, while happily selling me out!!!!. I am your son too, for the moon goddess sake!!‘, I thought internally, and sighed. “Wait here. I will come back in a minute”, saying that, Perry went inside her room. “dad!!!. How can you sell me out like this, without asking anything to her??.", I asked our dad in a wronged tone. **** happy reading❤❤
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