not a chapter 79

1376 Words
Aurora pov: I ran and ran till I felt like my legs would fall off due to the fast running. I don’t know why I was running and from whom or what I was running from. All I know was that I had this huge urge to run and my adrenaline was pumping due to my anxious state. The only thought that popped in my mind was that I should run to be safe from the danger and that some one or something was chasing me continuously, making me to be unwilling to stop. But then again, the next second, I found myself standing against a tree with my back leaning against the tree. In front of me was dark and gloomy every where with not even a ray of moon light to see something. All I could hear was the sounds of insects chirping, and crickets calling out in the dark night. Then I heard it loud and clear. The sound of something hitting or running on the forest floor, making my heart to beat loud with every time I heard that terrifying sound in the dark night. “No…. . No…. Stop… .. “, the words came out of my mouth when I was running. But I was not sure what I was talking about though. I was feeling very anxious and my heart was in a state that I felt I it would jump out of my chest region. When I felt that the darkness around me was surrounding me, and making me feel like it was closing on me, I started to panic in fear and I was unable to take a breath. I looked around for something or anything so that I could use that to escape but found nothing around me. There was only endless darkness around me. Then I heard some other sound in the distance. Like a hope of light ray in the dark alley, I concentrated more on that voice sounding at the distance. The more I focused on the voice, I felt a little bit normal as that voice gave a new stroke of strength to me. The voice was so deep and alluring that I was compelled unknowingly to listen to it. After a few seconds, I heard it like a crystal clear water. That deep baritone voice said these words. “Shhhh.. Shhhh… . Its okay.. You are safe. Don’t be afraid. I am here… its okay… it’s just a nightmare Aury. It’s just a nightmare“, coaxing my wounded soul. Just these words made me so touched as these words made me feel safe and gave me a hope. These were the words I was yearning to hear for a very long time, since the death of my mother. As I always wanted someone to say that they were with me and that I don’t have to be afraid. Thus when I heard these words of comfort, I felt like a peacock feather was caressing my bleeding heart, giving me instant comfort beyond words could describe it. So I closed my eyes and the fell into a deep abyss. Then it happened again. I stood leaning against a tree with my back facing the tree. But now I could see things, unlike the other times. The moment I looked around, my eyes caught the sight in front of me. The silver grey eyes… . So sharp and looked calculative. There stood a big black wolf, at a size bigger than a normal alpha wolf, with soul piercing silver grey eyes, looking straight at me, like drilling holes in my inner soul. I was both shocked and surprised at the view in front of me and looked at the big black wolf in front of me. But the next scene I saw, made my eyes to widen in fear and I started shaking like a fallen leaf in pure fear. The big black wolf was looking straight in my eyes and it’s snout was dripping with red blood. When it snarled, the exposed teeth if it was tainted with the blood and more so, the blood was still dripping blood on the ground. But the next second, when I blinked my eyes, The surroundings changed quickly and now I was standing in a different place. The sight of the wolf with it’s snout filled with dripping blood, made me to dip deeper into my own memory, which I buried deep within me in the back of my mind and didn’t wanted to ever think about it. It brought back memories back from that rogue attack when I was a little kid, the time when I lost my dear mother altogether forever. The saw the scene of a rogue lunging at my mother with an intend to kill, replay slowly in front of my eyes. “no… .. No!!!!... Mommy.!!!!! “, I shouted and started to cry and scream, wanting some one to come and save my mother. In between my cries of help, I heard an anxious yet concerned voice calling out my name repeatedly, asking me to wake up.. To open my eyes.. “Aury… .. open your eyes!..... Aurora!!!!. Wake up!!!!!! “, the voice yelled making me to obey those words of concern. I opened my eyes and sat up in a sitting position. My lungs seemed as if it was deprived of oxygen, making me to take long and deep breaths. Then I felt it… A warm and big hand holding and rubbing my back, which was very weird for me, as no one ever did something like this for me, for a long period of time. “Shh… . Its okay… . You are okay”, I heard a male voice all of a sudden. The same deep and baritone voice that rang in my ears when I felt like the darkness around me was devouring me. In the speed of light, I turned around, only to be met with the sparkling silver grey eyes which I saw a moments ago. All the hairs on my body stood up in fear and I felt a trail of sweat dripping down along the backbone of mine. I blinked my eyes and when I opened my eyes to see again the person to whom those silver grey eyes belongs to was none other than to Zi…Zion Xavier, the Alpha of the night howlers pack, himself. Without thinking for a second, I started screaming my lungs out in fear, as I suddenly remembered that the wolf with silver grey eyes with blood dripping from its snout was none other than him. I cried and screamed as the only thing that repeatedly ran through my mind was the scene where a rogue wolf killed my mother and thr black wolf with sparkling silver grey eyes starring right back at me. “It’s okay… . Don’t be afraid, it’s only me… . No one is here. So don’t be afraid. I am here”, Alpha Zion said in a low and concerned voice, making me to think back that I have heard this voice some where. As if the voice was very familiar to me. I forget to take a breath and started having problems in breathing making me look like a fish out of the water. All I could see in front of me was a blurry figure of Alpha Zion as my eye sight was blocked my the tears. Just then, the door to the room was opened and in came running a man wearing a white cloth, with disheveled hair, like he came here running all the way from where he was. The entry of the new man made me even more paranoid and all that made me have a panic attack. “Aury…. It’s okay… . You are safe. I am here… . I will never let anything happen to you Aury “, Alpha Zion said to me in the most soft voice, making me to have an urge to want to believe him. Only now I remembered that it was the same black wolf, back in the meadow, and in front of the school, who saved me twice. ...... Happy reading❤❤
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