not a chapter 80

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Zion Xavier pov: Due to tiredness, I slightly closed my eyes. But without me knowing, I fell asleep. I woke up with a jerk, when I felt that someone was squeezing my hand. I quickly opened my eyes as I knew that it was Aurora who was the one doing that. When I looked at her, yet again, she was whimpering in her sleep, due to her nightmares. ****damn those stupid nightmares. I cooed and said comforting words so that she would feel safe. But the moment she woke up, she started gasping for air, as if she ran a long marathon. I gently rubbed her back to ease her anxiety from having a nightmare, like I used to do to Zara, when she was a little kid. But the next second, like a light bulb went off, she quickly turned in my direction and looked straight at my eyes. Her lovely hazel eyes that didn’t have a correct focus looked straight into my silver grey eyes, making me to feel happy. Because I was yearning to have an eye contact with my mate all these times. But before I could fully enjoy my little happiness, my mate started to freak out looking at me and backed away from me. She screamed and cried while curling herself on the other side of the bed, away from me. Just then, the door to the ward opened and in came chief doctor Mr. Ravens. Aurora looked at him and behaved as she did looking at me. She freaked out, and started gasping like a fish that was taken out of water. “Alpha… she is having panic attacks. Do something. She is scared when I approach her”, the Chief doctor mind linked me. Without wasting a second I called out my mate's name and made her to focus on me. “Look at me Aury. It’s okay.. You are safe here. With me. You Don’t have to be scared, Aury “, I said in the most soft voice, successful getting her attention. Slowly I approached her and pulled her into my embrace, safely covering her with my warmth. After a lot of coaxing, Aurora’s panic attack stopped, making me to sigh a breath of relief. I looked down and saw my little mate curled herself into a tiny ball like a kitten, and held my arms in a tight grip, as if she was afraid that if she would loosen the grip on me, I would disappear the next second. I patted her head and managed to put her to sleep, while the chief doctor added few medicines to calm my mate’s condition in her iv drip. My inner wolf was very much happy, as it was the first time, we both were spending more time with our lovely little mate. And more importantly, I was holding her close to me in an embrace…. ***hopeless romantic moment…. But who cares anyway… . Not me though. Aurora pov: It’s been a week that I was in the pack hospital after that rogue attack. The chief doctor Mr. Ravens said that I broke a bone in my leg and that I have to be admitted in the pack hospital to be under observation, as I have a very slow healing capacity. He openly said that I was under nutrition and that I was having low healing powers compared to that of a normal human. So here I am, sitting on the hospital bed covered with white sheets and white walls all around me. All these days that I was admitted in the pack hospital, Casey and Zara both accompanied me as long as they could. They both practically lived or more like moved into this hospital ward with me. Zara was not with me only when she goes to her school. The other guys would come to visit me and they would hang out in my hospital room, as they treated this room more like their play room. And to be honest, I got used to their presence in my daily life in these days. I even got close to them and had a normal conversation with them. The most memorable moments were when they taught me how to play card games and included me in their games. I had never played in my life before, the first reason being that I had no time to spare to do other things and the second and most important one was that there was no one in that pack, who wanted to play or spend their time with me. I really like this group of people and they were more like my friends now and treated themselves as my brothers. They openly said that both Zara, Casey, and I was the same to them. The person who got so close to me and can start a conversation so easily with me was Clint, Casey’s mate. He often praises the food that I make and always whined saying that he missed the foods I cook for them. He went ahead and even made a list of foods that I should prepare for him, on account of my discharge from the hospital, once I was leave the pack hospital. And most importantly, there was another person, who often accompanies me regularly, other than Casey. It was, Zion Xavier, the Alpha himself. Truth to be told, I freaked out at first when I saw him. His blood dripping form reminded me of that traumatic rogue attack in which I lost my mother. But he easily handled by freak out self with so much patience and care. And I was really surprised by my own actions, as I did what he asked me to do. His deep and baritone voice that was mixed with authority and pure concern for me compelled me to listen to his words. It’s like something inside me made me to do what he ask me to do. I was even afraid of the chief doctor Mr. Ravens at first, and Zion was the one who hugged me when I started getting anxious on seeing and letting new people near me. It was difficult for me to trust a new person after all that I had experienced in the past few years. But both the shocking and surprising thing to me was that I took solace in Zion’s presence, which even surprised me more. He would often stay with me overnight and sit on the chair near the window. Whenever I freaks out, and open my eyes due to my nightmares, he would always be there to comfort me. He even held my hand all through out the night one day. The silver grey eyes which made me afraid was no one scary looking to me. Instead those silver eyes were like a comforting safe zone for me. Whenever I was troubled and looks up, those silver eyes would look into my hazel eyes in an comforting manner, instantly making me feel safe and secure. I have this weird feeling of sense of security when Zion was around me. Which puzzles me more than anything these days. But I was starting to be afraid and worried about this weird feeling of mine. Because this feeling of some sort of attachment or more like attraction was the similar feeling I felt back at the violet moon pack, for my ex mate. I was having that same weird sort of fuzzy feeling inside me, whenever Zion was in the vicinity around me. Am I feeling or having some sort of attraction towards Alpha Zion??. Is this what they call as emotional dependence, as he took care of me in my critical times????. All these thoughts were making me feel restless. This thought alone was scaring the hell out of me, as this pack have become my new home. I have friends of my own and even created a identity for myself with my own efforts. I earn my living expenses and was given respect and love in this pack. And I love and cherish this new family and home that I got as long as they allow me to stay here. I don’t want to mess this little world I created for myself with my stupid feelings and crazy thoughts which even I was not clear about what it was. That’s why I made up my mind to stop all these thoughts and wanted to eradicate all these puzzled emotions of mine. 'Because now I have more things that I cherish and didn’t want to lose them', I thought to myself as I fidgeted with the necklace around my neck, which Aunt Tara gifted me on my 18th birthday. I never took it off from the day I ran from my old pack, as it was like an article that always reminds me that both my mother Lily and Aunt Tara was always with me. **’dear moon goddess… .. Please me merciful enough and don’t snatch this new home and friends from me', I prayed to the moon goddess earnestly. When I opened my eyes, right then, Casey came into the ward with a stack of papers in her hands, which she will work on, while accompanying me. I smiled at her and blinked my eyes to clear my mind. And as usual Casey started to talk to me while doing her paper works.. ...... happy reading ❤❤❤
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