not a chapter 78, part 2

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Zion Xavier pov: As she was still not showing any signs of accepting or even acknowledging me as her mate. Which was very confusing to me. Well even if like Casey had said, Aurora was still not yet 18 years of age, she must have at least felt some sort of connection or attraction towards me. With all these thoughts running through my mind, I looked at my mate. All of a sudden, I felt a sudden urge to have a little physical contact with my mate. I was having a big urge to at least have a little physical contact with my mate and at least hold her hand. And since my mate was unconscious, I took this time and decided to use it to my advantage. Even if I would be seen as a bad guy by others, I don’t care about that anymore. I slowly and gingerly reached out and slyly slipped my hand into her hand which was not having an iv line attached to it. Then I slowly and steadily, held her hand into mine. Her soft hand looked so small in my big and rough calloused hand, yet it fit perfectly inside my hand, as it should be. The moment I held her small and soft hands in mine, I felt those magical sparks mildly in the center of my palm and it ran through my arms like a line of small electric pulse, making me feel goosebumps. I closed my eyes and imprinted this feeling deep inside me and enjoyed it to my heart’s content. My inner wolf was so happy that he howled and wagged his wolf tail in pure happiness. He was purring and acting like a love sick puppy. “Look who says that. The one who was sneakily holding our mate’s hand… do you need a mirror to see what your stupid face looks like now…. Let me tell you. Like a ‘hopeless romantic’”, my inner wolf mocked me teasingly. “shut up. You duffer. You are having fun, all because I was holding our mate’s hand. Who was the one that was purring like a kitten, instead of a wolf, a moment ago “, I rebuked back making my inner wolf to snort at me and he went to the back of my mind. I looked at Aurora and alone cluster of hair was on her face, blocking her eye. I slowly shifted in my seat and reached out and took that cluster of hair and swiped it to the back of her ear. And just like that, I sat there looking at my lovely mate sleep to my heart’s content and holding her hand, while caressing it softly. When it was around the night time, all of a sudden, my mate started to frown in her sleep. The very next second, she started to thrash around and cry in her sleep. “no… n… no… . Stop…. . . Stop!!!. No!!!”, Aurora started to mumble in her sleepy state repeatedly. I realized that she was having a nightmare. Quickly I got up and sat on the bed while holding her little body steady as she was about to hurt her head on the bed post in her thrashing around. I held her close to me and blocked all her movements. “Shhhh.. Shhhh… . Its okay.. You are safe. Don’t be afraid. I am here… its okay… it’s just a nightmare Aury. It’s just a nightmare“, I cooed her in her sleep, making her to stop her thrashing slowly, which she stopped doing all together in a few minutes. Now only low whimpers were heard from her. I released her from my hold and sat on the bed near Aurora’s head. In her sleepy state, she slowly turned around in the bed and faced me. The next second, she moved closer to where I sat and nuzzled her head in my side, making my breath to hitch to several levels. She then found a comfortable spot and struck her face on my side and went back to her sleep again. I caresses her hair slowly, aiding her in her sleep, making her to lean close to my hand subconsciously. I smiled lightly and continued to caresses her head. She looked so angelic and innocent even when she was looking all pale like a piece of white paper, due to her health condition. But I know for a fact that it was quite the opposite. Though she looks like she was all okay on the outside, she had suffered a lot and all those things she had to endure had made quite a deep shadow in her heart, making her both emotionally and mentally traumatic to it, till now. When I was sure that Aurora went to a deep sleep, I slowly got up and sat on the chair and resumed my early position, as I didn’t want to scare her by sitting close to her, when she wakes up from her sleep. ... .... happy reading❤❤❤
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