chapter 63d

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Third person Pov: “Do you know, Casey?. At what circumstances, and when I saw my destined mate? “, Rory asked in a painful, yet non bothered voice both combined together, as if she was talking about some other people whom she do not know. “It was on the day, I reached the adult age of a werewolf. Yes…. It was on my 18th birthday, that I found out who my destined mate was actually“, Rory said, making Casey to be even more shocked, and more than that confused with a deep frown on her forehead. But Casey chose to keep her mouth shut, as she decided to let Rory speak out everything that she was trying to hide, and hold within herself. “They all say that the 18th birthday in a normal teenage life of a werewolf was such a wonderful day, and a blessing that was showered up on us by our sweet moon goddess. But in my case, it turned out to be the worst of Worst days in my entire life”, Rory said, and looked at Casey with her eyes filled with the new set of tears, as the tears that were in her eyes had already fell from her eyes. “And the most disheartening thing was that, the moment I saw him, and realized that he was my destined mate, he was locking his lips with another girl, while hugging her deep into his arms”. “ the magical moment everyone speak about, and which you spoke about with such a happy smile, and dreamy look in your eyes, “that eye locking first moment”, I had that moment too. But in a whole lot of different way. The moment I looked straight into the eyes of my destined mate, and was trapped into his endless pool of mysterious eyes, he too looked at me, but with an evil sly smirk playing in the corner of his lips, and he hugged a different girl, and kissed her like she meant the whole world to him, all the while still looking at me the whole time, without even blinking his eyes, even for a second”, Rory said, and looked at a distance, with a lost look on her face, as if all that moments she had said about, was playing right in front of her eyes. With a mocking laugh, Rory continued to speak, making Casey to be hell shocked from one moment to the other, as the new information that she was hearing from time to time, was becoming more intense than the previous one, making her to be dumbfounded in a whole lot of a new level. By now, Casey was so sure of one thing. That as she had already suspected, and had came to a conclusion, Rory had already had a mate in her life, and that Zion was her second mate…. Rory’s second chance mate. “And do you want to hear an interesting thing, Casey?. It was his engagement day with that girl, the day my birthday was. And what was even more cruel, and funny thing at the same time was that he knows. That guy, my mate…. He knows that I was his destined mate since a year ago, as he was a year elder than me. But he acted as if he did not know that I was his mate. And the most cruel thing was that that heartless guy, proposed to his fiancé, right in front of my eyes, and arranged his engagement party grandly, exactly on my 18th birthday, so that I can know that he was my mate on his engagement with another girl”, Rory said making Casey to feel a little pain in her heart too, for her dear innocent Rory. **’that heartless freaking monster! ’, Casey thought, and cursed the ex mate of Rory severely. Casey can relate, and imagine how painful, and hurtful it would had been for Rory, as Casey had experienced all those lovely moments with her mate Clint. Just thinking about the things Rory was telling to her, made Casey to cry in pain too. ***’that darn f*****g bastard!!!. How dare he do that to his destined mate??. The one, the great moon goddess blesses us with. That good for nothing piece of little shit..!!!!!. Just wait till I get my hands on you, you Asshole…. I will cut you into several tiny pieces, and soak you in a salt water bath!!.. I will show you exactly what I will do, if you mess with my loved ones, you nasty jerk!!!... ‘, Casey thought to herself, and swore to take revenge on Rory’s mate,…oops…Sorry… ex mate, for the pain, and torture that he had made Rory to endure all by herself. “ My ex mate, he rejected me on the same day, saying that I was not fit to be his mate. He rejected me on the very spot, without even thinking for a second, and taunted me that I was not worthy enough to be loved by other people, with such a contempt look in his eyes “, Rory said, and fell down on the ground, as just by thinking that horrible moments, made her to feel unbearable pain in her chest region. Not able to withstand that unbearable pain, Rory sat down on the floor, as her legs felt like jelly, unable to support her weight anymore. Rory sat down on the wooden floor of the room, and cried miserably with her tears flowing down her face endlessly. Looking at her crying in so much pain without even making any loud noises, made Casey to feel heart broken too. She loved Rory so much, and considered her as her own little sister. And the moment, she learned that she was her Luna, Casey became even more protective, and possessive over Rory. And above all that, such an innocent, and pure soul like Rory, went through such terrible things, made it unbelievable, and unbearable for Casey to digest it. “Oh, my dear sweet heart”, Casey said once she came out of the shocking situation. Not able to see Rory’s tears of pain, Casey went ahead, and hugged Rory in to a side hug, trying to give her support to Rory, and symbolically say that she is, and will be with her at all times. After crying for a few minutes, Rory sniffled her tears, and had a heart broken look, and a mocking smile on her lips. “do you want to know an even more interesting thing in all this, Casey??”, Rory asked Casey, but it was not a question to Casey though. It was more like a statement. Rory was just letting her know that she was going to say more cruel things, that she was made to endure all alone. “ no.. I do not want to know about anything anymore. Stop talking, and stop thinking about those horrible things. Stop it, Rory, for the sweet moon goddess sake. Stop hurting yourself by recalling all those bad things. I beg you. Please “, Casey shook her head, and begged Rory to stop. As Casey clearly can see the amount of emotional pain, Rory was going through right now. Just from one look at her friend, she can clearly tell how painful it was for Rory, looking in the sorrowful eyes of her dear friend. Rory was literally trembling like a piece of paper in her embrace, and even her voice shook slightly, when she asked Casey that question. But Rory looked like she was lost in a different world, and that she did not hear the protests of Casey, for her to stop speaking, and Casey’s begging to her to stop thinking. Then Rory continued to speak with a look of despair, and loss on her face. “ It was my elder sister. The girl…. The one, to whom he proposed in front of the whole pack, and got engaged to that day”, Rory said in a broken voice, which sounded as broken as her inner soul. “my ex mate….he chose my elder sister as his life partner over me, his destined mate. Like he had said, no one loves me, and will never love me. Even my own family members did not love me, and tortured me. My destined mate too did not love me, and rejected me. Like that guy had said, I am not worthy enough to be loved by other people. I am not worthy to be loved at all. Not… no… no worthy….. “, Rory mumbled to herself miserably, and looked like she was in a daze. “no, sweet heart….. It is not true… do not believe in those stupid words that was said by that nasty jerk. Those words were just some useless things spouted by some crazy bastard. No, sweet heart… stop thinking like that. Do not blame yourself. I love you very much. We all love you, honey…. Hear me out, will you, please??”, Casey spoke out, trying to catch the attention of Rory, who was looking lost. Casey was so shocked, and worried to see Rory thinking so low of herself, and blaming herself like this. Thus she shook Rory lightly, and called out her name loud, trying to bring Rory out of what ever trance she got struck in currently. “Rory…. Rory…. Honey!!.... Aurora!!!!!. Listen to me…. Look at me, sweet heart. Please”, Casey called out frantically in her anxious state, as Rory looked totally lost. Just when she was scared out of her wits, and did not know what to do, the door to the room was opened from the other side, and pushed wide enough with such a force, that the wooden door banged on the wall behind it, so loudly, catching the attention of Casey. Casey looked in the direction of the door, startled by the loud noise just now, and sighed in relief at the person standing at the entrance of the room. It was none other than the Alpha, Zion Xavier himself in flesh, and blood. **** happy reading❤❤
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