chapter 62d

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Violet moon pack: Tara Pervin Pov: After finishing all the paper works that was meant to be completed today, I returned home, not having the heart to do anything else. Once I entered the living room, I found my mate sitting on the couch in the living room. Seeing him, it just made something inside me to be happy, and I realized that he was the one, what I needed the most right now. So without wasting a moment, I went to him, and sat near him on the couch, and leaned on his strong looking broad shoulders. Just that mere physical contact with my mate, made me to be less moody than I was before. Tommy too kept the mobile phone on his hand aside on the coffee table, and wound his arm around me, successful bring me into his warm embrace. I just enjoyed the warmth he was offering me, and closed my eyes while sighing heavily. After a few minutes had passed, Tommy gently caressed my head, and ran his fingers in my hair in a comforting manner. “ what is the matter, sweet heart?. What is bothering you, hmm? “, Tommy asked me. That was how my mate is. He can tell just in a single glance, about what I was feeling, or thinking, without even I say them out loud for him. That was how the bond between us was. “nothing babe…. Suddenly I miss my other daughter “, I said, and hid my face in his strong chest, as just by mentioning her name, I was in the verge of breaking down, and crying. “Why did you suddenly think about her, dear? “, Tommy asked curiously. “I saw the invitation that was sent to our pack, inviting all the unmated werewolves to attend the annual mating gathering event, that was going to be held in Red Cross pack this year“, I said, and sighed lowly. “So what?? “, Tommy asked me still clueless. “Rory is 18 years of old age this year. I thought that she will be able to attend this year’s gathering event, and that she will be able to meet her destined mate in the gathering event. How I had wished that she can find her destined mate soon, and get away from this terrible place, and live a happy life that she always have deserved. How I thought that I can choose a lovely looking gorgeous dress for her, and do her makeup for the most important day in her life??”, I said, and continued further. “but all that turned out to be a hopeless dream, as my dear daughter had ran away from this place, leaving me all alone. Just thinking about her makes my heart to feel heavy, and sad. How my baby was doing right now?. Where she was, and is she safe somewhere, or not?, all these things are making me to feel very bad“, I poured out all the things that had troubled me, and hugged Tommy seeking comfort in his embrace. “Do not be sad, sweet heart. That girl is the most innocent, and good natured girl. She will be fine wherever she is, and moreover, she will be safe somewhere. Nothing of that sort of things, which you are afraid of, will happen to her. Moon goddess will definitely do not let that kid to suffer anymore. And all our well wishing prayers, and blessing will keep her safe from troubles. Just believe in the moon goddess, dear”, Tommy said in a comforting tone, and kissed the crown of my head reassuringly. “I feel like I have let down my best friend Lily, Tommy. I did not take good care of her beloved little girl, and in the end, I was not even able to keep her little daughter safe. I have failed in keeping the promise that I had made in her grave”, I said, and cried silently, while clutching his shirt in one hand. “it was not like that, honey. Lily knows how much you have tried in keeping little Rory safe all these years. She will not blame you, instead she will be thanking you for all these years, for taking care of her little girl”, Tommy said, and hugged me even more close to him. I just sniffled, and hugged him back, as I really miss my little girl more right at this moment. “mom…. “, suddenly I heard Fred calling me, making me to come out of my hiding spot (her mate’s chest region) . Fred, who was standing near the door, came, and stood near us. Fred was kneeling by my side, and he took the hand, which I kept on my knee into his big, and warm hand. “ I wanted to tell you something, mom. Well, I thought of saying this to you before itself, a long time ago, but I just thought that it was better this way, you not knowing this matter. But I think, now you have to know this “, Fred said, making me to be confused as hell, as to what he was talking about. “It is about Aurora “, Fred said, making me to sit straight in my place. “What about her?. Do you know where she is, or where she went to??”, I asked eagerly, while gripping his hand tightly into mine. “No, mom. I really do not know where she is now, or where she went to. But I can make a rough guess about where she might be right now “, Fred said making me to be more happy. “Where is she right now?. And more importantly, how do you know about her where abouts? “, I asked to Fred in both curiosity, and in anxiety. “Well mom, before that I need to confess something to you, and dad, about Aurora… It was like this. On that day, when Aurora ran away from the pack, I saw her near the border of the pack”, Fred said in a low tone, making my eyes to go wide in disbelief. ***this little punk… .. “WHAT???!!!”, I shouted without even realizing that I was damaging the eardrums of both the father, and son pair. “Yes mom. I saw her. Well, more like, I caught her red handed, while she was trying to cross the border of the pack. Then, and there, I knew that she was planning to go away from this pack for good”, Fred said, making me to have an instant urge to smack his head hard. And without restraining myself, that was what I did the next second too. I smacked him on the head real hard, making him to have a wronged look on his face. “Mom!!!!... Why are you hitting me on my head. You very well know that I hate it when someone touches my head, messing with my hair style “, Fred said in a complaining tone. “And that was the reason, exactly why I did it. You are worrying about your darn hair style, when I was dying to know about my daughter???. And yet you kept your mouth shut sealed, until now??!!. You good for nothing lousy brat!. If you saw her that day, and knew that she was planning to run away from the pack, then you should have stopped her, and brought her back to our house. Or you should have at least mind linked me, so that I would had came there to bring her back to our house. But, you being the guy, with your top floor vacant (basically telling him off that he has no brain), did not did either of it. And all because of your dumb brain did not work properly, my daughter is not with me now”, I scolded him, as because of this worthless son of mine, I could not stop my dear Rory from running away from the pack, my dear little girl was not with me now, and moreover she might be lonely, and suffering alone, somewhere, only the moon goddess knows…. “Mom!!!. Will you stop blaming me without any reason, and hear out the reason as to why I did what I did?? “, Fred asked me in an exasperated tone, aggravating me even more. “what reason, huh??... What is your great reason for letting my daughter to run away from the pack, and making her to suffer somewhere out there in the woods?? “, I asked him while trying to not go full on crazy mode on my dumb son. ***urgh…. I can not stop myself from adding extra names next to the name of my dear dumb son (**snorting in annoyance). “Mom…. Calm down first, and listen to me slowly. I thought that Aurora trying to run away from this pack, was what was good for her”, Fred said, calmly. But when I was about to protest that it was not like that, like reading what was in my mind, he stopped me before even I could say a single word out of my mouth. “Mom.. I know what you are going to say. But be practical, and reasonable. That girl running away from this hell of a place called pack, was the best decision that she had ever made in her entire life, and that was what was good for her. Just think about it with a calm mind set “, Fred said, and continued further. “What were the things that she got in this pack, other than getting abused both physically, and mentally?. Hearing baseless taunts, and harsh words, getting punished for the things for which she did not commit in the first place. Her life in this pack was not any less than a torture in the hell, mom”, he said making me to swallow all the words that was about to come out of my mouth. Because all that he had said was the true facts, right on the spot. My little girl really did suffer by staying in this pack. She never had a good day, in which she did not get scolded, or beaten, in the past few years. Truth to be told, in the inner most corner of my mind, even I wanted her to get away from this pack.. But I wanted her away from this pack, by getting a mate from another pack, and that she should live a happy life, away from all these hateful eyes. Well, even now I have the same thought. But what bothers me right now the most was the fact that she was all alone, outside in the cruel world, without any protection, or anyone to protect her from the dangers of the real world. At least she had a roof on her head, and the protection of the pack, when she was here. Now it was all gone. “what is it, honey? “, Tommy asked looking at my dejected look. “I was worried about how my little girl was going to face this cruel world all alone, without having any one to protect her. She is too innocent, and pure to be out alone in this cruel world, dear”, I said, and sighed softly. “Do not worry about that mom. I told her to stay away from the other packs, and mainly to avoid being in the woods, all because of those nasty rogues. I told her to go, and find a safe place to settle in the human town, away from all the packs. I even gave her some money, which should basically last for her, until she makes some own arrangements for her, and find a job to help her to be financially independent”, Fred said making me to sigh a breath in relief. ***well that was good to hear… “really?? “, I asked. “yes, mom. That was why I told you that I might take a guess about her whereabouts. She must be staying in a human town away from all the packs lands. That was the reason why the search parties sent by the Alpha failed to bring her back to the pack, and came back empty handed. Because they did not fully search any human towns till now. And more importantly, we did not receive any news till now from the other neighborhood packs, that they had caught a female member of our pack. So she must be safe somewhere in the human town “, Fred said making me to be less anxious than I was before knowing the news. “So don’t worry about her unnecessarily, mom. And I am also keeping tabs on the news that our pack gets from other packs. So I will know immediately, if Aurora ever gets caught by them”, Fred said in an assuring tone, lifting a heavy worry off my shoulders. “hmm. Now what can I say. All I can do now was to pray to that great moon goddess to be merciful enough, and watch over that innocent little girl, and keep her safe away from the harms way “, I said. “Aurora will be safe, and happy some where, dear. All our blessings, and good wishes will keep her safe. That girl deserves to be happy, more than any one else. So stop worrying, without any reason”, my mate, Tommy said, and hugged me into his embrace giving me his support. I just hummed in response, and leaned more into my mate’s embrace. “I am sorry for making you to worry, mom”, Fred said, making me to slap across his head again. “ouch… . Mom!!!.. What was that for?. Why are you hitting me again for??!! “, Fred asked in a complaining tone. “that was for not telling me about this thing before itself. What else do you expect from me, other than this?? “, I rebuked him, making him to frown in displeasure. “Why didn’t you tell me about all this before?? “, I asked him in annoyance.. “I really thought about telling this to you guys in the beginning. But then again, I did not want to make you worry, mom. I am sorry “, Fred said in a low voice, clearly regretting his actions.. “It’s okay, son. But let me warn you before hand. I dare you to keep important things like this from me again. If I ever find out about it myself in the future, then I am telling you, you will a gone case. You will face the wrath of the Beta female”, I warned him in a serious tone, making him to gulp in fear, and nod his head positively in response. *~~* Third person Pov: Night howlers pack: conversation between Casey and Rory: “did you heard what I had just said, Casey??.... My mate had already rejected me “, Rory said, making Casey to be shocked to her very being. “I was rejected by my destined mate”, Rory said, and cried her eyes out, while clutching her chest region. Looking at Rory crying as if she was in a hell lot of a pain, made Casey to feel sorry for her. And eventually, without her knowing, a layer of tears formed in Casey's eyes, from seeing the pain that her dear friend was going through, as Casey felt as if something was pinching hard deep inside of her, making her to feel pain in the corner of her heart. When Casey was brought out of her initial shock from the sudden confession of Rory, due to the painful cries of Rory, she shook her head to clear her mind first. As Casey thought that she had heard something wrong…. Something that was totally absurd, and impossible to happen. Because Casey clearly knows in her heart that Zion was Rory’s mate. And that was why she did not believe the words that she had heard just a few minutes ago. She thought that she had some problems with her hearing capability. Because for all she knew, Zion would never reject Rory, and he had already said this out loud, and clear to Casey. So it was hard for Casey to believe that Rory was rejected by her mate. All of a sudden, like a light bulb had went off, something clicked deep within in the mind of Casey, making her to look at Rory. But before she could voice out what she had thought of asking to Rory, to clear her doubts, the next words that came out of Rory’s mouth, made her to stop, and gulp her words back into her throat.. “Do you know, Casey?. At what circumstances, and when I saw my destined mate? “, Rory asked in a painful, yet non bothered voice both combined together, as if she was talking about some other people whom she do not know. ** happy reading ❤❤❤
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