chapter 64d

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Third person pov: Zion was busy dealing with the files that was piled like a mountain, on his wooden office table as usual, and was skimming through the contents of the file. Since he was working for a long time, the muscles in his shoulders, and neck were strained causing him to feel a little bit of pain in them. So he decided to take a short break from all the paper works, and closed the file that was filled with the financial details of the expenses of that month. Zion leaned back on his big, and tall cushioned office chair, and sighed heavily in comfort, as he rested his head on the fluffy cushioned head of the chair. After a few minutes, he got up, and stretched his body, to break some knots that were in his body by leaning forward, and around in different directions. Then all of a sudden the red, and golden colored invitation card that laid on the top of the other black colored files, looked to be such a contrast, clearly catching the eyes of Zion. Only then, an important thing popped into his head regarding that red, and golden colored invitation card. It was the invitation card that the Night Howlers pack got from the Red Cross pack, for attending the annual mating gathering meeting. Zion have to sign the permission pass for all the number of members, who were going to attend the gathering meeting event that year. For that they have to make the list that contains the members of the pack, who were going. This was always handled by Casey, in the past. Thus to talk to Casey about this gathering meeting event, Zion went in search of his gamma female, who had suddenly disappeared into a thin air, from the moment he last saw her. Just when he was crossing the corridor leading to the upper floor, where the room of the gamma couple was present, he heard the voice of the person, whom he was searching for. He made a turn to make a detour, and reached near Zara's room, only to realize that Casey was in his sister’s room with his mate, and both the girls were having a conversation going on in between them. Not wanting to disturb their private time, Zion thought of speaking to his gamma female some other time, and decided to go back to his office room to get buried again in his pending paper works. But all that thoughts of working on the paper works went down the drain, when he heard the words that reached his ears, making him stop in his tracks, the very next second. It was his mate, Aurora’s voice that was heard by him, and the emotions filled in that voice of hers made him to stop breathing altogether. Because, her soft, and low voice was filled with such a broken tone to it, making something deep inside him to churn in discomfort. Then he heard the exact words that Rory had said to Casey inside the room. “that is not going to happen in my entire life ever again, Casey. The so called first meeting with my mate, the magical moment of locking eyes with each other, for the very first time”, Rory said in such a broken voice, and that was followed by a thud sound, like someone had fallen to the ground abruptly. ₹₹₹ Zion changed his mind and stood outside the room, wanting you hear what was that all about that was going on between these two girls. Then he heard, Casey’s stunned voice, well more like shocked voice “What are you talking about, Rory? “. “you know why?. Because all that so called beautiful moments had already happened in my life”, Rory broke the news, making Casey to stand still like a statute in utter shock. Not only her, those words even made Zion to be rooted on his spot. Zion suddenly thought that Aurora must have realized that he was her mate on that first night of their meeting. Thus he waited patiently as to what his mate was going to say next. “And do you know the funny thing in all this??. Those moments you talked about was the most hurtful moments in my entire life”, Rory said making Casey to be even more confused and made her unable to speak even a word. Above all that Zion was the most confused and he even felt a little sad sa Rory mentioned that their first meeting and that magical moments were the most hurtful moments in her life. He concluded that Rory too believed in those rumors about him and thought of him as a heartless monster. He thought that finding out that he was her mate, must have made her sad and that she was regretting that she got him as her mate. With a dejected look on his face, Zion stood outside the room’s door, with a broken heart as he thought that his mate had indirectly rejected him and refuses to acknowledge him as her mate. He thought that like the rumors were saying that he will be all alone without a mate, his destined mate too refused him to be a part of her life. His inner wolf was too sad and was whining and whimpering in the back of his mind, adding to his misery. Not wanting you hear more of his mate’s rejected words, Zion gathered his emotions and about to leave that place. But the next words of Rory made him to stop in his tracks. “All because of the real truth that I had already found out who my mate was, and he had rejected me without any second thoughts”, Rory finally said all that she wanted to say, and broke down crying. Zion could clearly hear her cries of sorrow, and pain. Hearing those words, Zion was confused on a whole lot of a new level, and his mind stopped working in all his muddled state. ‘from when did she knew that I was her mate??!. And when did I reject her, and refused to accept her as my mate??!!', Zion thought to himself in confusion. ** Zion stood outside the room of his little sister, and frowned deeply making a few frown lines to appear on his handsome, and godly looking face, which was looking terrible right at that moment, all due to his complicated, and confused mood, and thoughts that ran through his mind. So to clear the confusion about what did he had just heard, Zion stood still outside the room, without making any noises, scared that if he made any noises, and let those two girls in the room, know about his presence, he was afraid that he would break the atmosphere inside the room, causing Rory to stop speaking up about her inner thoughts. As he clearly know in his heart, that his little mate was the most introvert person in nature, and she never let the other people around her to know about her inner thoughts, and pains all of the time. But unfortunately, most of the time, due to her innocent nature, she fails in trying to cover up her facial expressions, making her to be like an open book, making other people to read the thoughts in her mind so easily. Zion’s mood at that moment was so much complicated than the knots that would be used to make a infinity loop knot. That was how messy his mood was right now. His mood was like a combination of confusion, mystery, anxiety, and complicated to the point that he can not even think about anything anymore properly. And to top it all of that, his inner wolf too added more to his pile of complicated emotions, making him to be emotionally exhausted too soon. The whining, whimpering, and howling of his inner wolf made him to have a splitting headache. Then his sensitivity to the senses enhanced more, and his ears perked up, and picked up the clear trail of the voices coming from inside the room, so eagerly, and anxiously at the same time, to know what was about the conversation in between those two girls. “My mate rejected me on the same day, on which I happened to know that he was my mate. He got engaged to my elder sister on my 18th birthday, clearly knowing that I was his mate, as he turned the adult age of werewolf, a year ago itself”, Rory finally broke the news of her deep secret, causing Zion to stop breathing altogether at once. His mind worked like a high speed train running at its full capacity, trying to connect the dots. The wheels of the grasping power rotated in a periodic fashion inside his mind, making Zion to realize that the mate, sorry, ex mate, about whom Rory was talking about was not him, in the first place, and it was some other guy from her old pack. Then like a light bulb went off, suddenly a look of realization crossed across the big bad alpha's face, making him to come to a conclusion, that he was Rory’s second chance mate. And that his little mate was rejected by her first mate on her 18th birthday. Zion sigh a breath in relief, and exhaled heavily, releasing the deep breath that he was holding inside him in his anxious state, which he never knew till now that he was holding his breath in his nervous state. He thought in the past, and was afraid that Rory would, or more like his little mate was already declining the mate bond in between them till now, was all because of the rumors that was spread about him. But when he got to know that she was not doing it intentionally, and that his little mate really was unable to feel the mate bond in between them, he let out a loud sigh in relief, and felt like a huge burden like a rock was being removed from both his shoulders, and poor heart. When Zion heard that his mate, Rory’s first chance mate, rejected her cruelly, all the veins in his body, and arms stood bulging out like the protruding roots on the forest floor, as he was terribly in rage. He wanted to know who that f*****g bastard was, and wanted to torture him to death very slowly, and cruelly. But all that anger level, he felt on first chance mate of his little mate, turned into a pure unadulterated hatred, as he heard that the ex mate of hers taunted, and mocked her saying that she did not deserve to be happy, and was not worthy of other people trying to love her. But all that pure rage turned into a panic in a blink of an eye, When he heard Casey’s cry of consolation, and her begging Rory to not to cry, and his mate Rory’s self blaming about herself, made him to lose his composure in an instant. Not knowing what was happening on the other side of the closed door, and loosing his patience level, Zion decided to make up his mind. With a resolute look on his face, Zion took a step forward, and held the door lock of his sister’s room, and twisted it, making the door to the room to be opened in an instant. But what made him to be stumbled on his feet was the way Rory looked, when his eyes caught sight of her. She looked like a lost wounded kitten. She was kneeling on the hard floor of the room, while Casey hugged her, and was trying to console her. Rory’s eyes were not focused at all, and she looked into the far away distance in a daze, without no particular focus in her eyes. Casey was begging Rory to stop blaming herself, and to stop crying. While that was what exactly the opposite Rory did though. Not having the heart, and not wanting to look at the things that were happening in front of his eyes, Zion called out to his little mate’s name out loud in his deep baritone voice. “Aury!!..... Aurora !!!!“, He called out startling both the girls huddled on the floor of the room. Hearing the dominating, yet soft concerned voice from the entrance of the room, both the girls were so shocked, and looked up at him. Then with a resolute mind, Zion walked over to the girls on the ground, and held Rory by holding her both arms. He slowly held her, and brought her up to a standing position using his strength. When he saw that Rory was still not had stopped blaming herself, all this time, Zion made up his mind, and decided to tell the truth about them, himself. Holding Rory’s face carefully with one hand, he made her look straight into his silver grey eyes. Her familiar yet unfocused eyes wandered here, and there a little, and then upon the order that came out of Alpha Zion’s mouth, her eyes looked straight into his stormy silver grey eyes, that looked Mysterious, and deep like an abyss that can pull her into it. Then Zion broke the news, making both the girls to look at him in shock. “you are My Mate, Aurora. Do you hear that??", he said, for which Rory only looked like she was not in her right mind to process what he was saying to her right then. “ I am your MATE!!!! “, Zion yelled in frustration looking at the face of the little petite girl in front of him. **** happy reading❤❤❤
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