chapter 41

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Zion Xavier POV: It was another tired day. The entire day passed with me dealing with tons, and tons of paper works, that was piled like a mini mountain on my large office table. Since the Night Howlers pack was a large pack, we have many necessities, and issues that were needed to be addressed on a daily basis. Today I was occupied by the paper works, that belonged to the businesses that I run, in the human city. I had to see through the numerous financial works, and needed to allot funds for the next month,that are needed for the investment. Since I was dealing with paper works that was related to money, it was even more tiring than the normal work load. All these numbers in small font are making my eyes shrink, and adding more to my headache. ‘now I know why those two knucklehead friends of mine, Clint, and Kevin always made some excuses, and shoved the paper works related to the financial details of our pack, to me every single time', I thought, and cursed myself for falling into their trap every single time. ***those sly jerks. “They must be chilling out, or goofing around while making me work like a machine”, I grumbled to myself, and cracked the knots in my fingers casually. ‘wait till I get my hands on those two goofers. I should teach them a lesson during our training in the evening’, I thought. When I was planning my sweet revenge, one of the future victims of my revenge plan happened to come into my office on his own accord. “Hey there, Zion“, Clint asked leisurely, while munching on a nutrition nut bar, which also happens to be mine. I had hid it secretly in the refrigerator, inside very deeply, to stop this food monster from devouring it. But it seems like my plan has failed, as this jerk was already devouring my nutrition nut bar. “Are you having fun?”, that guy asked seeing me struggling with the paper works.. ***stupid jerk… how dare he ask me that… .. I only raised my eyebrow at him in annoyance. He went, and sat on the couch near the window, and kept his legs on the tea table made of glass before him. “Hmm… looks like you are enjoying yourself. It’s good though.. I know you love to do paper works“, Clint said slyly, and smiled sheepishly at me. ***’the nerve of this guy… he just came here to rub salt on my wounds, doesn’t he??. How dare that duffer??? ‘, I thought to myself, and cursed him silently. I just took the paper weight from the office desk, and threw at his face squarely, but that darn duffer caught it, before the paper weight could give him a nice, and round black bruise, which will make him look even more beautiful. “Okay… before you kill me with your deadly glares, I will tell the reason for which I voluntarily came to the devil’s den for. Here, take a look at this file “, Clint said, and threw a folder at me. ****’that duffer called me devil!!!. Wait till I show him how a devil reaps his revenge', I thought, and already planned on how to thrash him in the training. Mumbling to myself about my work load, I opened the file to see, that it was about the rogue attacks that had happened in the neighborhood packs. The details about where the rogue wolves were often seen lurking around, and all about their sightings in, and around the whole region was meticulously recorded, neatly in this file. Well, I must say that the one who managed to organize this file was a great person. “ Well, Buddy. We got these details from the Alphas of all the neighborhood packs. They shared their intel with us, in exchange for the details about the rogue wolves we got, and also for the help we did for them in the past”, Clint said lazily. “ Thanks, bro. Let’s go, and visit these places either by ourselves, or we shall send our trackers to these places, just in case we would be able to catch those rogue wolves, and track their camping site”, I said in a sure tone, as I felt deep down that this may lead us to the one, we were trying to get our hands on for a very long time, the leader of this rogue camp. “sure thing, dude. See you around. Now happily bury yourself in your lovely paper work… . Bye… bye”, Clint waved his hand, and dashed out of my office, afraid that I would throw something at him again. But he was late again. As I had already made my move. He should have acted a little bit slow, then the paper weight that I had thrown at him, would have kissed his face instead of hitting my office door, and lying in the floor right now. ** It took me the whole evening to finish up all the paper works, that needed my immediate response. After having my dinner, I quickly retired to my room to have a little rest. After a few hours of sleep, I woke up in the middle of the night, as I felt some what weird, and anxious, out of no where. I rolled around on the bed, but still I was wide wake, with no means of going back to my sleep. I thought that it was all due to the stress, and the heavy work load. So I stood up from my bed as the sleep goddess had said goodbye to me, a long time ago, and I know for sure that I will not be getting any ounce of sleep anymore. I looked to my left, and saw the windows in my room were wide open, and the cool night breeze came through it, and touched my skin, making me feel like I was in heaven. So to feel even more, and enjoy the chillness of the night breeze, I went, and stood near the open window, while leaning on the window sill. I looked outside the window, and saw the whole expand of the forest near our pack house. The gentle caress of the cool wind of the night made me more greedy for it, and thus I followed my heart, and decided to go for a run in the middle of the night. My inner wolf too jumped around in happiness as he loves to go on a run, whenever it maybe. Once I was out of the pack house, and near the tree line that was leading to the forest area further, I quickly stripped myself off my clothes, and shifted into my black wolf within seconds. Since it has been a very long time I got my wolf, and as I had shifted often, it took me only a few seconds to shift into my wolf form. My wolf form was larger in size, than a normal Alpha wolf with thick, and silky fur in black color, giving me a great advantage to hide myself in the night back ground. I had the same human eye color even in my wolf form, the silver grey eyes, shinning in contrast against the black fur of my wolf form. My wolf shook his entire body lightly to warm up, and then raised his head towards the night sky, and howled happily. I ran around inside of the territory of our pack. I ran for more than an hour, and a half, as the cool night breeze caressing, and sweeping through the thick fur of my wolf, while I was running gave me a strange kind of peace, reducing my stress, thus making me run for a few extra minutes. Just when I was about to return to the pack house after checking the southern border of the pack, I found something suspicious. When I took a closer look, I saw something lurking at a distance, away from the border of our pack, clearing watching our pack's patrolling guards. I crossed the border in a blink of an eye, and ran towards it, only to find that it was a rogue wolf, which was lurking around in the dark. Thinking that this rogue wolf might be a part of the rogue camp that attacks our pack regularly, I thought of catching it. Thus I chased after that rogue wolf for a few miles, but all of a sudden, that rogue wolf disappeared since it got heads up while running. I looked around only to find that I was in the neutral non claimed area, away from my pack. I ran for a few rounds in the forest area, and tried to track down that the scent of that rogue wolf, but the tracks I followed were useless after a few minutes, as it got disappeared. Not getting any leads, I made up my mind to return to the pack. But I made a note that I should send some of our highly skilled, and trained trackers here. Then I turned back to return to the Night howlers pack. But before I could take a step, the wind lightly blew around me, making me to get a hint of a scent. The next second, the wind blew strongly making me to clearly catch on to the scent in it. I quickly followed the trail of the scent, and reached a meadow next to the forest, which was filled with flowering plants, and grasses every where. There, I was able to clearly smell the scent of the rogue wolf, who ran away from me just now. I decided to follow the scent of the rogue wolf. When I went further following the scent of the rogue wolf, I saw a scene that made me to be angry as hell at several levels. That rogue wolf was about to attack a girl, who was huddled on the ground like a small ball in fear. With a loud growl, I jump in front of the girl, and attacked the rogue wolf. The rogue wolf was no match for me in strength, and so I killed him in a few minutes. When I turned back to look at the girl, she was having trouble in her breathing, and she was clutching her chest in pain, and was struggling to even sit straight. When I moved closer to her, in order to help her, she became hyper on seeing me coming towards her, and within a few seconds, she fainted on the spot. I thought that she must have fainted due to the shock, and fear, as she had just escaped from the attack of that rogue wolf, and was nearly came out of the clutches of death. 'She must have been terrified by looking at the fight, and must have fainted in shock’, my inner wolf added his thoughts. I too had the same thought, and thus I decided to bring her back to the Night Howlers pack, as I did not want to leave an unconscious girl in the middle of the forest unattended. Then I carefully carried her on my back, and ran back to our pack territory. *** happy reading❤❤❤
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