chapter 61d

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Rory pov: The next day: “no…. No… I am not going anywhere “, I said resolutely, as Zara was bugging me to tag along with her to both the shopping mall, and also for the annual gathering. “common on, Rory… it will be fun. We can go to shopping in the mall in the town, and get dresses for you. And as for the second matter, you are coming with me to the annual gathering event, period…. Please….”, Zara asked in a pleading tone, making me to have a tough time in refusing to her request. I really did not want to go out of the pack territory, in the first place. As I was still afraid of coming across, or bumping into anyone from my old pack accidentally. I can not afford that sort of accident. What if some one from my old pack gets to see me, and the news was known by either the alpha, or that ex mate of mine. *** then that would be the end of me, either way. I do not want to go back to that hell of a pack, ever again in my entire life. And it was the same reason for not going to the mating gathering event too. Since it was held for finding the destined mates, what if, the members of my old pack comes to attend that gathering too. And also, the other most important thing was that I do not have the heart, or strength to witness the people around me find their destined mates, and enjoy that magical eye contact moment, their first time seeing each other moment, that love at first sight moment, when I can never experience any of that in my whole life. That would constantly, remind me of my most worst, and hurtful moments in my life, which I wanted to forget in the first place.. “Okay enough, Zara… stop cornering her into going to somewhere she does not want to go. If she is not interested, then it’s okay. And dear Zara, there is a little news for you. You can not attend the gathering event this year, as it was strictly mentioned, and should be followed that those unmated werewolves above the mating age, that is, those who are above 18 years of old can only attend it. So it’s not for you, kiddo”, Casey said making the hyper active Zara to lose her excitement. “It is unfair….. I thought of going to shopping with Rory, with the excuse of this gathering event… “, Zara said, and went out of her room, making Casey to smile at her silliness. “have you seen that, Rory?. That silly brat was in low mood, not because of the fact that she can not attend the mating gathering event, but because of the fact that she can not have a reason to go for shopping “, Casey said, and smiled to herself. *~~* Third Person Pov: Casey, and Rory just stayed in Zara’s room, hoping that the silly girl who went out in mood out would return to her room very soon. Rory just looked out of the window with a lost look on her face, while Casey looked at Rory, with a deep thought running through her mind. Then with a resolute mind, Casey decided to play her part in making the ‘mission alpha couple’ successful, as she had finally got a rock solid topic to speak to Rory, from which she can get to know all the answers, that she wanted for her several unasked questions. “Rory dear, how old are you? “, Casey asked nonchalantly, making Rory to be confused as to why her friend was asking such a question, out of no where. But before she could answer the question, Casey started to speak again. “well. I am asking you, just to know that whether you are eligible to go to that annual mating gathering event”, Casey said making Rory to freeze over in her spot. The topic that she wanted to avoid the most, was put in front of her, making Rory to feel uncomfortable real quick. “I can not go to that mating gathering event, Casey “, Rory answered her friend indirectly, while not looking in the direction where Casey was sitting, just in case, her friend would catch on to the sadness that had formed on her face. So Rory turned, and looked outside the window, and used her long hair as a curtain to hide her small face from the gamma female. But Casey did not notice the changes in Rory’s face, and thought that Rory did not reach the adult age of the werewolves. ‘So, I was right all along. Rory is still under the age. That was why she was not able to identify Zion as her mate’, Casey thought to herself in excitement, not seeing the pain that crossed across Rory’s face in that moment. “Then, what do you expect your mate to be like, Rory? “, Casey asked in a gussy tone, in the mood to gossip so that she can tell all these little details to Zion, and help him in impressing their sweet little Rory. “What should he look like?. What about his height, muscular built?. What type of person, he should be, a romantic person, or a possessive person. Which one you would prefer, your future mate to be, Rory? “, Casey started asking all the things, that she wanted to know. “ How do you want to meet him?. Do you like that first magical moment of catching the eye contact of your mate, should happen like that in a fairy tale, or like the romantic one??. I am telling you from my experience. Seeing your mate for the very first time, and enjoying that magical moment of the mate bond was such a beautiful feeling to experience, sweet heart“, Casey went on, and on about the mate topic. But Casey failed to see that the other party in the room went all silent, and that the person who she was talking to was crying silently. The small shoulders of Rory began to shake lightly, because of her silent crying. When Casey talked about finding about their destined mate, Rory thought back to the time, about what had happened to her in the past, and she felt all that familiar prickling pain in her chest region, making her to cry, mostly because of the emotional pain from that terrible moment. Suddenly Casey noticed Rory was being too quiet, and called out to her. “Rory…. Rory?? “. “enough.. Stop it, please Casey “, Rory pleaded in a low, and sad voice, making Casey to notice the change in the tone of her voice, and posture. “Sweet heart…. What happened to you? “, Casey asked worried, as she did not know what was happening in there. But all of a sudden, Rory turned around, and the way she looked, with tears flowing down her face like a waterfall, startled Casey to her very being. Rory looked too broken, and her eyes looked like a pool filled with red beads. “Rory??? “, Casey called out, but then she did not know what to ask, or say to her, as she was totally dumbfounded by the reaction of Rory. This was not the reaction that she had expected from Rory, when Casey thought of speaking about the mate topic with her. “that is not going to happen in my entire life ever again, Casey. The so called first meeting with my mate, the magical moment of locking eyes with each other, for the very first time”, Rory said in such a broken voice, and fell on the floor, as her legs lost all the strength in them to support her. “What are you talking about, Rory? “, Casey asked in shock, and was by Rory’s side in a blink of an eye. “ Do you want to know why, Casey?. Because all that so called beautiful moments had already happened in my life”, Rory broke the news, making Casey to be still like a statute in utter shock. “And do you know the funny thing in all of this??. Those beautiful, and lovely moments that you talked to me about, was the most hurtful moments in my entire life”, Rory said making Casey to be even more confused, and made her unable to speak even a word. “All because of the fact that, I had already found out who my destined mate was, and he had already rejected me without any second thoughts”, Rory finally said all that she had wanted to say to Casey, and broke down crying. Looking at Rory crying like her heart was ripped apart, Casey did not know what to do at first. Because what she knows was that Zion is Rory’s mate, and she know that he did not reject Rory, for all that she knew. “did you heard what I had just said, Casey??.... My mate had already rejected me “. “I was rejected by my destined mate”, Rory said, and cried her eyes out. *** happy reading ❤❤❤ finally..... Rory said it out...
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