not a chapter 73

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Aurora pov: I remembered that guy’s name, Zion. It’s because that he was the one who saved me and also because his presence alone demanded everyone’s attention. He has the most unique silver grey eyes that was sharp and mostly looked intimidating, making others to give respect to him automatically. I have a hunch that he might be the most important guy in the pack Or he must be the Alpha of this pack, as he have the same powerful and intimidating aura like my father or even more powerful aura than my father to tell the truth. He glanced at me for a second and averted his attention to Zara who was busy telling some stories to her big brother. “Goodness gracious… . Mrs. Jimmie, I love you today a lot… . You made such a delicious breakfast, making me very happy “, Casey’s mate, Clint said catching everyone’s attention with his praises about the food. “Clint honey. You should have known by now. I thought that you would have found out by now. But it’s okay. These praises all belong to this new girl, Aurora. Because all these delicious foods were cooked by her and she did all these by herself “, Mrs. Jimmie broke the news, putting a spot light on me. “Really!!!... All these delicious delicacies were cooked by you??!! “, Casey’s mate asked me making me shy. Getting all the attention of others made me some what uncomfortable. I just nodded my head in positive to his question. “dear moon goddess… what a blessing… you are really an angel sent to save this poor soul aka me from that naughty brat’s crazy experiment, she calls herself cooking”, Clint said dramatically making Zara to glare at him in annoyance. “Leave that duffer. Why do you have to under go all these troubles sweet heart?. And you woke up early got this?”, Casey asked me in a concerned tone. “Yes…it’s not a problem for me at all. Its for thanking you for helping me and allowing me to stay here. I wanted to repay your kindness “, I said looking down at my lap. “You really are such a sweet heart, Aurora “, Casey said and then Mrs. Jimmie came and served food to everyone. I ate only a little as I was not used to eat a lot and as years went by I got accustomed to having only a little food, if you could call those foods that. All I got these years were only the left overs or burnt foods. But unlike me, all the others staked the foods on their plate and devoured it happily. And on the top of the list was Casey’s mate, Clint, who had yet again built a large fortress of food on his plate for the second time. Just by looking at these large guys devouring the breakfast left and right, made me feel so full. “Its mine. I reached out first”, a male voice said in a complaining tone, that brought me out of my own little world and of course that was none other than Clint. “Nopeee… .. It’s mine. I want it”, Zara retorted while pinning the last piece of pie with her fork, while Clint was doing the same to that poor pie too. It turned out both Clint and Zara were fighting for the last piece of pie. “why???. I touched it first. It belongs to me”, Clint argued childishly. “Well duffer, I should get it. Because I am the youngest “, Zara said Cheekily and finally not able to stand their to and fro bickering, Casey took the last piece of pie while glaring at both of them. Then she divided it equally into several parts and gave each piece to every one present in the dinning table, making Clint and Zara to mumble unhappily that they got only a small piece of pie. Zion being the big brother, happily gave his piece of pie to his little sister, making Zara to squeal in happiness. Zion only smiled at his little sister and patted her head lovingly. Looking at them all having a happy dinner and enjoying themselves made me envy them a lot. The atmosphere was so warm that I smiled unknowingly looking at them teasing and playing around with each other happily. I had never seen such a harmonious and truly happy moments in my old pack. And I was truly happy that I get to be in such a place. I secretly thanked the moon goddess for this new chance in my life and prayed heartily that it should last longer. ** Casey pov: I am currently in the Alpha office with all the other guys, while we left Zara to with Aurora for her company. Even though Zion saved and brought Aurora to our pack for some unknown reason, which for the moon goddess sake, only he knows, he still needed reassurance that his decision of bringing Aurora to our pack and letting her stay here for the time being was a good decision on his part. Even though we will not question Zion and normally other rank members can’t question the decisions made by the Alpha of the pack generally in other packs, Zion was not like that. He would always make the right decision and he would mostly discuss his decision with all of us and generally take our opinions into consideration. That’s one of the many qualities that make him the most powerful Alpha in this entire region, who have earned the respect of his pack members by his character and by his actions instead of his title as an ‘Alpha’. Zion wanted to know about our point of view on making Aurora staying in our pack and in our private pack house which only we have used till now. But I could tell that the guys and even Zion have a slight hesitation in allowing Aurora to stay with us in our pack. And I won’t blame Zion for his slight hesitation as we don’t know anything about Aurora except for her name. We didn’t even know her real age for that matter. And I could tell in guarantee that we would not be able to know anything about Aurora from her mouth any time soon. As she was still a little afraid and wary of us and our intention of letting her stay with us. And truth to be told, I could understand her and will nit blame her though. I could tell that Aurora must have suffered a lot from all of her actions. And quick reflexes and defensive stance, I could that by sure that she must have had a very hard life in her past. “so… .. What is your thoughts about Aurora, Casey. Did she tell you about anything regarding her other than her name? “, Kevin asked making me come out of my own little monologue mode. “Nothing Kevin. She is so scared to even speak loudly”, I said and sighed heavily. “yeah… I noticed that too. Even in the dinning room today, she spoke so softly, as if she was afraid that she would be punished for speaking louder”, Zander added and looked as if he was in a deep thought. “yeah. She spoke or more like mumbled to herself. If we were not werewolves for the moon goddess sake, we won’t be able to hear her voice at all”, Kevin said his thoughts. “And guys… . Have you guys took notice of the taste of the foods she had made today for the breakfast? ? “, Clint said getting a slap to the back of his head by Kevin who was sitting beside him in the couch. “Stop with your love for food, you food monster”, Kevin berated Clint earning a glare from the latter one. “shut your useless mouth for once and carefully hear what I am about to say further”, Clint retorted unhappily while rubbing the back of his head. “Whatever”, Kevin said in a mocking way. “guys…. .. . Get to the current topic”, Zion said making those two duffers to cut their meaningless nonsense. “well. What I was about to say, before I was rudely interrupted by this jerk??....”, Clint asked to no one in particular. Zander and I shared a bored look and answered to him at the same time. “delicious foods made by Aurora in the morning “, we deadpanned in a chorused tone. “Huh… . Yeah… . Delicious food. Have you guys took notice of that. About how delicious those foods were and above all her pastry skills were top notch in both taste and looks”, Clint said making me want to kick him real hard. “What are you trying to tell here, Clint ? “, I asked a little annoyed. “My dear beautiful mate. Listen carefully. Her cooking skills and pastry skills were on above the par level of a restaurant and that much skills can only be gained by years of practice. So she must have been cooking for years by now”, Clint said making me think too. ‘the point he said was true though. It’s very much of a valid conclusion’, I thought internally. “And above all like Mrs. Jimmie had said to us in the morning, Aurora did all those different things in large quantities without anyone’s help and without any difficulties in such a short amount of time. So where ever she was before, either it was her old pack or a rogue camp, she must have been an omega as only they were given these types of works to do”, Clint said thoughtfully. After carefully consideration, what he said made sense. 'So Aurora must be in the omega level rank in her old place', I thought internally. “And we don’t know anything about her other than her name!!”, Zander said and held his forehead in frustration. “Well…. I can’t blame her for that Zander. She have some trust issues and I could tell that just by looking at her for a few minutes. But once she starts to trust us, she will definitely open up to us”, I said what I thought about her. “She said she was a rogue. So even if she have any ill intentions or try something out of ordinary, considering her rank level and her physical appearance, she is no match for any one in our pack”, Zander said his thoughts. “guys… . I can tell that and even assure you guys that Aurora is not a threat to our pack or to our pack members”, I said making all the guys to look at me. “I can more like tell in 100 per cent confidence that she will not harm anyone. With her timid and innocent character, even thinking about hurting anyone for her is a far cry”, I said. “I agree to that. She is even afraid to make eye contact with us while talking and her jumpy behavior says that she was treated badly in her old place, whatever or wherever place it might be”, Kevin said with a meaningful look and I could clearly catch the meaning in between his lines. ‘All in all, Aurora was treated badly by her previous place', I concluded in my mind. I really felt sorry for her. Such a lovely looking and innocent girl was treated badly before made me feel sad. “well. Then let’s let her stay here with us and see what happens in the future”, Zion said and dismissed everyone to go and do our own works. 'Well let the guys too wait and realize that Aurora was a good girl real soon', I thought internally and went out of the alpha office. ....... happy reading ❤❤❤❤ for those who asked for long chapters.... I will try to write more in future.... luv u all
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