not a chapter 72

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Aurora pov: By the time I finished everything, I looked up and was startled as there was a older woman standing by the door and was watching me without making noise. ‘ Is she going to yell at me for stepping into the kitchen and making breakfast without getting permission from anyone??. How stupid of me to get into trouble as soon as possible?. Dear moon goddess, please save me’, I prayed internally and stepped back when the older women started walking in my direction. I stopped when I hit the kitchen counter and looked at her warily as I was afraid that she would yell and hjt me. “I… I am… . Am… I am sorry for coming into the kitchen and making breakfast without getting any one’s permission. I am sorry. I didn’t mean to offend anyone. I won’t do it anymore “, I started stuttering in my nervous state. But to my surprise, she just smiled at me and hugged me tightly, making me to be surprised and shock at the same time. “don’t be afraid dear. It’s okay. You don’t have to worry about me. I just came to cook breakfast for the kids but seeing you working with so much involvement, I decided not to disturb you and stood silently looking at you working. I just waited near the door just so if you wanted anything, I can come and help you with that. But you handled everything so smoothly, making me very impressed by your skills”, the older woman spoke everything in a single breath, while I just stood still looking at her speak so happily like she had known me for years. “And by the way, I am Jimmie. I am the cook here. I make foods for the kids in this house. And you are, sweet heart? “, she asked me warmly giving off a motherly aura. “I am Aurora. I am new here”, I introduced myself, hoping that she would not ask me anymore questions. And to my greater relief, she stopped asking me about anything more and helped me in moving the dishes to the dinning table. I took everything out with the help of Mrs. Jimmie, and placed it on the dinning room. When we When we placed the last dish on the dinning table, everyone started coming into the dinning room for breakfast. “Wow… .. It smells so nice in here. Mrs. Jimmie, what delicious foods have you made for us today… . I am already hungry smelling the delicious aroma of the foods”, I heard a male’s voice ringing out in a sing a song manner. Soon I saw the person to whom that singing voice belonged to. It was none other than Casey’s mate. I don’t remember his name correctly but I know that his name starts with the letter ‘C' and that he was Casey’s mate. “Stop your stupid singing this instant. I might get a terrible headache early in the morning hearing your horrible shouting “, another guy came behind him and kicked Casey’s mate in his legs. “Oh shut up, party spoiler. Just admit it. You are only jealous of my sweet voice, Kenny “, Casey’s mate teased back that Kenny guy and they both bumped their shoulders playfully. “Wow….. It smells so good. I am very hungry. What is for the breakfast Mrs. Jimmie? “, Casey came in with Zara tagging behind her. They both took notice of me quickly, even though I hid behind Mrs. Jimmie. Looking at me, they both smiled brightly and wished me. “Good morning Aurora”, they both chorused at the same time. “Good morning”, I mumbled back lowly. “Hi Aurora. I didn’t took notice of you at first. Sorry…. Good morning “, Casey’s mate wished me the next moment, making his friend Kenny to do the same. I just nodded to them and stood by the door near Mrs. Jimmie. “how could you see her when your eyes were glued to the delicious looking foods on the table Clint “, a new guy came in and sat in the dinning chair. He took a look in my direction and smiled at me warmly.. “Good morning Zander”, Zara wished the new guy who entered just now. Soon Zara came and took my hand and dragged me to the dinning table and made me sit next to her. Casey too sat on my other side. All of a sudden, I felt a powerful aura around us and then entered the guy, that Casey told that he was the one who saved me from the rogue and brought me here. “good morning big brother “, Zara Chirped like lovely kid with a bright smile. “good morning kiddo. Good morning guys”, Zara’s big brother Zion said and sat at the head of the dinning table. I remembered that guy’s name, Zion. It’s because that he was the one who saved me and also because his presence alone demanded everyone’s attention. ...... happy reading
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