Chapter 47

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Aurora pov: I took everything out with the help of Mrs. Jimmie, and placed it on the dinning room. When we placed the last dish on the dinning table, everyone started to come into the dinning room for breakfast. “Wow… .. It smells so nice in here. Mrs. Jimmie, what are the delicious foods which you have made for us today??… . I am already hungry smelling the delicious aroma of the foods”, I heard a male’s voice ringing out in a sing a song manner. Soon I saw the person to whom that singing voice belonged to. It was none other than Casey’s mate. I don’t remember his name correctly, but I know that his name starts with the letter ‘C' and that he was Casey’s mate. “Stop your stupid singing, at this instant. I might get a terrible headache early in the morning, hearing your horrible shouting “, another tall guy came behind him, and kicked Casey’s mate in his legs. “Oh shut up, party spoiler. Just admit it. You are only jealous of my sweet voice, Vinny “, Casey’s mate teased back that Vinny guy, and they both bumped their shoulders playfully. “Wow….. It smells so good. I am very hungry. What is it for the breakfast, Mrs. Jimmie? “, Casey came in with Zara tagging along with her. They both took notice of me quickly, even though I hid behind Mrs. Jimmie. Looking at me, they both smiled brightly, and wished me. “Good morning, Aurora”, they both chorused at the same time. “Good morning”, I mumbled back lowly. “Hi, Aurora. I didn’t took notice of you at first. Sorry…. Good morning to you“, Casey’s mate wished me the next moment, making his friend ‘the vinny guy' to do the same. I just nodded at them, and stood by the door, near Mrs. Jimmie. “good morning, Clint and Kevin”, Zara wished the two guys. 'So, the name of Casey’s mate is Clint, and the vinny guy is Kevin’, I realized and quickly memorized their names. “how could you take a look at her, when your eyes were glued to the delicious looking foods in front of you, aka your eternal love on the table, Clint “, a new guy came in to the room, and sat in the dinning chair. He took a look in my direction, and smiled at me warmly.. “Good morning, Zander”, Zara wished the new guy, who entered just now. Soon Zara came, and took my hand, and dragged me to the dinning table, and made me sit next to her. Casey too sat on my other side. All of a sudden, I felt a powerful aura around me, and then entered the guy, the one Casey told me about, that he was the one, who saved me from the rogue wolf, and brought me here. “good morning, big brother “, Zara Chirped like a lovely little kid with a bright smile. “good morning, kiddo. Good morning guys”, Zara’s big brother Zion said, and sat at the head of the dinning table. I remembered that guy’s name from before, Zion. It was because that he was the one who saved me, and also because his presence alone demanded everyone’s attention. He has the most unique stormy looking silver grey eyes that was sharp, and mostly looked intimidating, making others to give respect to him automatically. I have a hunch that he might be the most important guy in the pack, Or he must be the Alpha of this pack, as he have the same powerful, and intimidating aura like my father, or even more powerful aura than my father, to tell the truth. He glanced at me for a second, and then averted his attention to Zara, who was busy telling some stories to her big brother. “Goodness gracious… . Mrs. Jimmie, I love you today a lot… . You made such a delicious breakfast, making me very happy “, Casey’s mate, Clint said catching everyone’s attention with his praises about the food. “Why didn’t you cook these heavenly dishes before itself?. It’s not fair that you didn’t make these foods for me sooner “, Clint said in a complaining tone, making Mrs. Jimmie to smile at him. “Clint, honey. You should have known by now. I thought that you would have found out by now, with your highly sensitive senses. But, it’s okay. These praises should all belong to this new girl, Aurora. Because all these delicious foods were cooked by her, and she did all these by herself “, Mrs. Jimmie broke the news, putting a spot light on me. “Really!!!... All these delicious delicacies were cooked by you??!! “, Casey’s mate asked me making me to be shy. Getting all the attention of the others present in the room, made me some what uncomfortable. I just nodded my head in positive to his question. “dear moon goddess… what a blessing you have showered upon us… you are really an angel sent to save this poor soul aka me, from that evil brat’s crazy experiment, she calls herself 'cooking'”, Clint said dramatically, making Zara to glare at him in annoyance. “Leave that, duffer. Why do you have to under go all these troubles, sweet heart?. And you woke up early to do all this?”, Casey asked me in a concerned tone. “Yes…it was not a problem for me at all. Its for thanking you all for helping me, and allowing me to stay here. I just wanted to repay your kindness “, I said looking down at my lap. “You really are such a sweet heart, Aurora “, Casey said, and then Mrs. Jimmie came, and served food to everyone. I ate only a little as I was not used to eat a lot, and as years went by, I got accustomed to having only a little food, if you could call those foods that. All I got these years were only the left overs, or burnt foods. But unlike me, all the other people in the dinning table stacked the foods on their plate like they were starved, and devoured it happily. Mrs. Jimmie too had her breakfast with us. And on the top of the list was Casey’s mate, Clint, who had yet again built a large fortress of food on his plate for the second time. Just by looking at these large guys devouring the breakfast left, and right, made me feel so full. ‘Did these guys have a storage room built inside their stomach, or what?’, I thought in surprise. “Its mine. I reached out first”, a male voice said in a complaining tone, that brought me out of my own little world, and of course that voice belonged to none other than Clint. “Nopeee… .. It’s mine. I want it”, Zara retorted, while pinning the last piece of pie with her fork, while Clint was doing the same to that poor pie too. It turned out both Clint, and Zara was fighting for the last piece of pie. “why???. I touched it first. It belongs to me”, Clint argued childishly. “Well duffer, I should get it. Because I am the youngest “, Zara said Cheekily, and finally not able to stand their to, and fro bickering gesture, Casey took the last piece of pie, while glaring at both of them, while tactically telling them to be quiet. ***sweet moon goddess..... Casey can be scary, and one glare from her can shut all the huge looking guys in the family the next second. Casey is not a person to be messed with. even the guys were afraid to be in the bad book of records of hers. I am not over exaggerating about Casey being a bad ass gamma female if she wanted to be. Zara told stories about how Casey can be as terrible as the seventh level of hell, if someone messes with her, and piss her off. Zara also told me that, it was the real reason as to why the guys try not to get on her bad side at all costs. Then she divided it equally into several parts, and gave each piece to every one present in the dinning table, making Clint, and Zara to mumble unhappily, that they got only a small piece of pie. Zion being the big brother, happily gave his piece of pie to his little sister, making Zara to squeal in happiness. Zion only smiled at his little sister, and patted her head lovingly. Looking at them all having a happy dinner, and enjoying themselves made me to envy them a lot. The atmosphere in the room was so warm that I smiled unknowingly looking at them teasing, and playing around with each other happily. I had never seen such an harmonious and truly happy moments in my old pack. And I was truly happy that I get to be in such a place. I secretly thanked the moon goddess, for giving this new chance in my life, and prayed heartily that it should last longer. *~* happy reading ❤❤❤
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