chapter 35

1375 Words
Aurora Pov: I went ahead, and opened the small wooden box, and looked into it. In the corner, there was the box that I was looking for, neatly placed. Carefully I took out the box, and opened it to see the light lavender colored dress, that was placed inside it, along with the small square box that contained the necklace chain. It was the birthday gift that aunt Tara gave to me on my 18th birthday. After I came back that day, I washed the dress several times to get rid of the dirt, and stain marks on it, and now it looked as beautiful as it was first given to me by aunt Tara. Taking a worn out school bag from the corner of the attic, I placed the box with the dress inside carefully, and added all my four casual dresses into it. Taking the small square box, I took out the small thin necklace chain, and wore it around my neck. I lightly caressed the flower pendent, while making up my mind. After packing the few items I had, I placed the bag behind the attic door, and went out in search of aunt Tara. Since it was already late, I assumed that she would be in her house. So without wasting time, I took a right turn, and went to her house, in the second street that was a little away from the pack house. Looking at the dark brown colored door in front of me, I was so nervous that I started to shiver. I did not know for what reason I was feeling this anxious about. I could have ran away without saying anything to her. But the thought of not going to see her anymore, the one who loved, and took care of me all these years, pulled a string in my heart making me to be sad instantly. Because she was like a second mother to me all these years. Even during my 18th birthday, she searched for me as she knew that it would be my first time to shift into my wolf, and that I would need someone’s guidance, and moral support to complete my first time shifting process successful. But in the last, she could not find me, and I too was so busy in handling my heart break due to the rejection, instead of my first time shifting process. The next day, aunt Tara barged into the attic hastily, and bombarded me with numerous questions. Seeing me looking like a terrible mess, she caught on to the fact that something terrible must have happened to me. Not wanting to tell the truth of my rejection to her, I only told her about half of the truth to her. That I did not get my wolf, and that was the reason I was crying my eyes out, resulting in my current appearance. Being the sweet angel she was, as always, she comforted me warmly by saying that I might be a late bloomer, and that I would definitely get my wolf part in the near future. She hugged me into her embrace, and was with me for a few hours. That was how I was able to manage my heartbreak due to the rejection. She promised with more confidence that I would definitely get my wolf soul, and that I would soon meet my destined mate, who will take me out of this pathetic place, and would shower me with lots, and lots of love to make up for the past years that I had suffered in the hands of this terrible pack. Aunt Tara said that I would have a happy life in the future, once I meet my destined mate. ‘How fate was mocking me’, I thought to myself. But sadly, what aunt Tara did not know was the fact that I had already met my destined mate, and all because of him that I had lost my wolf soul, and also lost the happy future that she was talking about excitedly. But I kept my miserable truth to myself, not wanting to tell her, as she would definitely make a big deal out of it, if she ever finds out that Chance Gary was my destined mate, and that he had rejected me on top of it. Shaking my head to clear all these thoughts out of my mind, I knocked twice on the door, and waited for aunt Tara to open the door. After saying my goodbyes to Aunt Tara, I swiftly made a dash towards the pack house. When I reached the attic, I closed the small wooden door, the very next second, and leaned against it, while pressing my hand on my chest, to calm down my heart, that was beating fast like crazy. After a few seconds, I made up my mind to execute my plan immediately. I took the old looking small school bag, which I had hid before going to Aunt Tara’s house, that contained the little things which I had owned, ready to leave this hell hole. But before going out, I turned back to look at the place, where I had stayed all these years, for one last time. Like, even though it was a small old attic which was used for storage purposes, this was my home for the past few years. Whatever it may look like, it was my own place, My HOME. Taking in all the small details, and all the corners of the attic, I bid a small goodbye to it. When I climbed down the attic, and reached the top most floor of the pack house, I stopped all my movements, and stood as still as a statue, and even stopped my breathing. I keenly listened to the sounds, and movements in the surroundings, in the dead silence. I want to make sure to not to get caught by anyone, or not even want to give them the idea that I was escaping from this place. Just in case, if I ever get caught by someone, then I did not even want to imagine the consequences, that I would be facing in the hands of them. And especially I do not want to face the wrath of my father….oops…The Alpha of the pack. Period. He would skin me, and bury me alive. As even thinking about it, was making my legs to go jelly, and all weak. I moved as quietly as a mice would do, and finally reached the back door of the pack house, near the kitchen to reach the back yard of the pack house. As soon as I came out of the pack house, and reached the tree line that was leading to the forest, I dashed towards it like I was possessed, and as if my life was depended on it. But in real, my life really did depended on it though. When I was near the pack borders, I hid in the shadows of the thick bushes, and sneakily looked around, as we have guards patrolling around our pack borders, all day, and night in shift patterns. I was afraid that I would get caught by the gaurds patrolling the borders of the pack, so i hid carefully, and was waiting for a right time to run away from the pack, without letting anyone know about it. Even though I had never came near the borders of the pack before, I knew for sure that our patrolling guards, and their schedule system was maintained correctly, and there were guards patrolling all the four borders of the pack, at all the time. Just when I saw that the coast was clear, and no one was there to stop me, I came out of my hiding spot from behind the bushes. Just when I was about to take a step ahead, and cross the border of the Violet moon pack, a hand was suddenly placed on my left shoulder, making my heart to stop beating in fear. ‘I am dead', was the only thought that came to my mind, when I felt the hand on my left shoulder. *** happy reading❤❤❤ check out the other story "her royal twins".
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