chapter 14

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Third person pov: ‘its time to see you, my dear distinguished, and more special GUEST', Chance Gary thought to himself internally, and smirked secretly, so that no one can see through his intentions, and question him about his weird behaviour on the day of his engagement. He can’t make other pack members suspicious of him after all the efforts, and work that he has done for all these past years. It would all go down the drain, if that ever happens. All his hard work for the past few years would be an utter waste. So he made his move swiftly, and precisely, without others knowing what he was about to do, and without attracting any other attention on him. So Chance left his new fiancée Andrea to mingle with her so called bootlicking gang of fake friends, who would do anything that Andrea says, without questioning her motive, more like the little dumb followers, who were greedy for attention, and advantages of being friends with the favorite daughter of the Alpha of the pack. Chance Gary left his fiancée Andrea with that little group of pack members, and ran away from her, while making a perfect excuse, like he had always done with her before. And he went around the party place that was filled with full of enthusiastic people, and crazy party loving teenagers, in the name of socializing with his most respected, and special guests. When Chance Gary got to know that no one in the engagement party was paying any attention on him, not even the slightest bit of attention on him, most importantly, when his fiancée Andrea, and the Alpha family, and his over obsessive gamma family, was not looking at him like an eagle looking at its prey, he slyly slipped away from the crowded group of people without getting caught in their prying eyes, who were busy gossiping about the latest trending, and hot, and spicy werewolves news, well more like rumours. The moment, when Chance Gary was away from those bunch of gossiping pack members, he went near the tree line starting of the vast forest, that was present behind the pack house, and went towards the direction, he thought of going, into deep within the forest, as he had intended to go, from a long time ago. ~*~ Aurora ran into the forest farther, and farther deep into the densely packed forest terrain area, without any sense of direction in her mind. She looked like a child, that had lost her way home, and running around randomly in search of any place, that might feel familiar to her, to feel safe, and secure. As she was not in her right mind currently, to think very clearly, as to go in which direction. And truth to be told, She didn’t mind that one bit at all. **’why should she, though??. When she thought that it was so painful, and torturing enough to even take a single breath, in her current condition'. All she wanted to do then was to get away from the place, where the engagement party of her elder sister Andrea, and her supposed mate was taking place. Just being in the corner, in that fabulously, and luxuriously decorated engagement place, where the after party was taking place, suffocated her more, and she felt like…..something like….a two very strong invisible hand, were gripping at her throat tightly, making it impossible for her to take even a single breath. Aurora wanted to escape from that suffocating, and depressing place, and so, she took off running in the direction of the forest, randomly, without even thinking twice. Without thinking about, what she was doing right now, or what she was going to do in the next moment. As she very well know that at present, and at this moment, no one would be present in the forest areas, behind the pack house, missing such an excellent, and Lavishing party. Well, even if she went missing from the engagement place, where the party was taking place, there was no one there, to even take notice of the fact, that she was missing from her previous position. That’s how unwanted, and unnoticed, she was in the Violet Moon pack. Just like an invisible person, among the group of several people. And truth to be told, some of the pack members, who had encountered her, before in the engagement party area, clearly, and openly expressed their discontent, and unlikeliness to her presence, very openly in their prejudged filled eyes, and wished that she would get lost from there, away from the engagement party place, instead of being a sour thing to their eyes. Some even questioned the pack members near them, as to why the unfavored daughter of the Alpha family was present in the party, so loudly, that they clearly wanted Aurora to hear them speak those bunch of harsh words. The deeper, and deeper, Aurora ran into the forest, the dark, and silent night surrounding, with the endless tress around her, made her to think internally, that the current situation of the forest, was so similar to the life, she was living right now. Dark, and lonely with endless silence. Endless darkness with never ending troubles, and tortures, both physically, and mentally, was the way she was living, well more like surviving in the Violet Moon pack, for the past few years. She was emotionally so fed up, and drained off her energy in real. Aurora thought that her life was filled with so much darkness, without even any sense of light, or little warmth in it with endless agony, and tortures in all the sense, like emotionally, physically, and mentally. They seems to be a never ending saga like the trees in the forest, in front of her. She ran aimlessly into the forest, for the Moon Goddess knows how long, before she could take a little break from her aimless running. That too, which she did not took it voluntarily, on her wish. **** happy reading ❤❤❤
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