chapter 13

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Third Person POV: The assistant of that famous designer too, took notice of the situation. The short and luxurious designer dress that was meant to look as sexy, but also with a hint of Elegance, and youthfulness, looked more vulgar, and unsightly on Andrea, making the assistant of the famous designer to frown in dissatisfaction. As she had seen many famous, and beautiful young ladies wear that certain dress, and they all complimented that dress greatly. But now, it was the exact opposite. And to be honest, it was a disaster on Andrea’s body. But seeing Andrea putting on airs (mocking others, and thinking that she was above all), and showing her arrogant attitude towards others, even with her friends, the assistant felt that it was better for her to keep her comments to herself. It was the wise decision to make on her part. As she didn’t want to please that rich spoiled brat, and it was also not in her job description, which she was very thankful for, to her boss. Then she left it as it was, as that personal assistant had seen all kinds of spoiled rich brats in her long years of experience. Andrea was one such prick in a long queue of that line. That personal assistant doesn’t like to deal with spoiled brats, and more so over, she didn’t want to get involved with Andrea. As she felt repulsive feeling towards Andrea from the first time she saw her. And moreover her company had already sold the designer dress, and finished their end of the deal. So it’s not a loss for her company. The more reason for that personal Assistant to not to get involved. So she turned deaf ears to the circulating comments, and went to enjoy her remaining evening by treating herself to the delicious buffet of dinner. Even though it was the case, no one wanted to, point it out to Andrea, and be on the bad terms with the Alpha’s favorite, and only favored little daughter. No one wanted to end up with in her bad books, which won’t do any good to them. So they all had a tactical understanding of taking the help of ignorance that day, and nodded to everything the spoiled brat princess said. The dress on Andrea’s body left little to nothing to the imagination for the others, making a deep frown to form on Chance’s face. He felt annoyed that Andrea wore such a disgusting, and slutty dress on their engagement party, and made him lose his face. Even though no one told anything on the outside, their thoughts were more, or less expressed in their faces, once they were out of the sight of Andrea. It don’t take a genius to tell what was on the minds of others, when their thoughts were apparently expressed on their faces. Its so damn true like the saying, “face is the index of the mind ". But soon, Chance regained his composure, and plastered a quick fake smile on his face, and replied quickly to Andrea’s question about her looks, without letting her know of his dissatisfaction towards her. He was able to do that as he had already excelled in that aspect, and was doing a great job in it, as he was doing that sort of thing for the past few months, while he was in a relationship with Andrea. He knows about her personality too well. “ Yes, dear. You are so beautiful as always. Whatever you wear, it looks pretty good on you. Now, Come on, let’s start cutting the engagement cake. It looks super delicious, as you are the one who chose that cake, especially for our special happy moment. So, definitely it must to be looking good and perfect, just like the one who ordered it”, Chance flattered Andrea, making the pack members near them to laugh at the comment Chance had made, as they all know that Chance was clearly flirting with Andrea, and they all just went along with him, like every other time in the past. Even they were waiting for eating that gorgeous looking cake, as it looked more delicious. Even just by looking at it, many had drools near the corners of their mouth. Soon the engagement cake was cut using a decorated knife by the star couple of the night, and distributed among the pack members. The kids of the pack were crowding around the cake distribution counter area to get more desserts to treat their sweet tooth. Among the crowd of the kids stood, Chase Gary, the current gamma Todd Gary's second, and youngest son. Chase Gary was a foodie, and from the moment he set his eyes on that delicious looking cake, he wanted to devour it as a whole, as much as he can, to satisfy his sweet tooth. So now he was eating his dessert to his heart's content, without any worry in the world. But all this happiness of devouring his favorite sweet delicacies got interrupted by the appreance of his lovely mom Benny Gary. “Oh gosh…what a headache you are?. For the Moon goddess sake, Chase, we are going to be, oh wait a minute, we already are, the close relations of the Alpha family. And this is your elder brother Chance’s engagement party.!!. Can you stop embarrassing your family like this??. Stop stuffing your face, and get your face out of that plate?”, Benny, the female Gamma of the Violet Moon pack, chastised her younger son. Hearing this, Chase Gary merely snorted, and continued to stuff his face. “So what if we are going to be the relation of the Alpha family, if I can’t even eat, whatever I like to my heart’s content?. And also, as you had said it’s your beloved elder son’s engagement party, and obviously not mine. So I can eat, and be free, and happy according to my wish. Don’t bother me…. Go, and nag your elder son Chance, and leave me to enjoy my delicious looking delicacies”, Chase Gary said, and escaped from that place, lest his mother Benny would be starting another round of her nagging. Todd Gary, who heard this from a little distance, grunted seeing all the drama his younger son was making. He was always dissatisfied with his younger son, Chase. Because Chase was not like his elder brother Chance, who would listen to mostly everything his parents tell him to do. His Elder brother has great ambitions, and wanted more power like their father Todd, unlike him, who was a carefree, and laid back kind of guy. He likes to live in at the moment, without worrying about the uncertainty, and unpredictable future, the life holds for him. Even if he starts to worrying about his unknown future, it’s not gonna make any difference, nor its gonna flip a single penny. So what was the use in him, fretting over the unknown and changing future. This was the exact thoughts of Chase Gary, and so, he don’t let others words affect him. Chase being not serious, and without having any great ambition was a great disappoint to his parents, mainly to his dad Todd Gary. Thus, when his Elder son got engaged to the Alpha’s favorite daughter, he was the happiest in the whole pack to know about the news. As his status in the pack just got a little upgraded as the relation of the Alpha family. This mere news gave a boost of thrill, and pride to Todd Gary, who couldn’t contain his obvious happiness at all. After toasting, and socializing with Andrea for some time, Chance stirred her along, and reached a group of youngsters. Soon enough, once Andrea reached there, she began to flaunt her dress, and accessories to the other teenage girls in that group. When Chance saw that his diversion plan had worked successfully, and Andrea got actively involved in the group, Chance smirked secretly. Waiting for the right time, Chance decided to make his move. Very soon, he found out that Andrea was so engrossed in sharing her ‘so called happiness in getting engaged, and her high end fashion details'. Chance thought that it was his right time. “sweet heart. You enjoy your time here. I’ll just go, and greet my distance relatives over there. I’ll be back, real quick”, Chance made an excuse, and really wished that Andrea would give a little break in her act of being a sticky gum. Andrea frowned hearing this, and contemplated whether she should go along with him to meet his relatives, or be there and enjoy herself where she was worshipped as a beauty queen. Recalling those old and classless relatives of Chance, she felt annoyed, and thought that being away from them was better for her. She doesn’t want to invite herself into a endless lecture trouble. So she immediately went along with Chance's idea. “Okay honey..You go, and greet them. I’ll be waiting for you here..”, Andrea chirped excitedly. Chance turned around, and went away from the group of youngsters. Chance smirked happily, the moment he turned away from Andrea, that what he wanted to happen had happened, like he had wanted, as Always. ‘its time to see you, my dear distinguished special GUEST', Chance thought, and went towards the direction, he intended to go from a long time ago. ~*~ happy reading ❤❤❤ P. S. dear readers... please do not read the chapters titled 'not a chapter', since it's a unrevised one... for continuation after this chapter, read from episode titled 'chapter 14' in the second half of the book.... thank you...
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