chapter 12

1552 Words
It’s all because, her elder sister Andrea's supposed mate and new fiancé, the future Gamma of the Violet Moon pack, Chance Gary turns out to be her MATE. MATE…?MATE..! MATE?!!!!!! He was her MATE!!!!! At this point, her eyes teared up more clouding her vision, making her unable to see what is in front of her eyes and all around her surroundings and she couldn’t contain her overwhelming feelings at all. The only sound that was heard inside her mind was the word Mate and a sad whimpering sound that belonged to her wolf soul. The wolf soul that was blessed upon her and which just now came to her as her 18th birthday present. But it was a horror for both Aurora and her wolf soul. Aurora’s mind was filled with all sorts of questions and she didn’t have answers for even one of those questions. She didn’t even know to which questions she should first get answers for, as all her thoughts and feelings were messed up totally. It made her unable to focus on anything and now she didn’t know what to do next and to whom to seek answers for her several questions. How, why and where ????? Where the hell did it go wrong and for what did it went wrong????? How does this happened to her on her most important day? How Chance Gary could be her mate, if both her elder sister Andrea and Chance Gary, himself claims to be each other’s mates, in front of the whole pack and just now they even got engaged? Why does all the cruel things happens to her one after the other and without even giving her time to breathe and get used to one???? Why????? Why does the moon goddess had to be cruel to her in every part of her life?? 'Can’t she give her a break, at least on her birthday, out of pity?', She thought while trying to stand straight even though she couldn’t, all because of the amount of pain she was experiencing right now. The pain seems to get increasing as each minutes passed. ‘Why Chance Gary didn’t acknowledge her as his mate before?’, the question swirled in her mind continuously. ‘Why he says that her elder sister Andrea was his mate, when she is his real mate, as she is feeling the mate bond between them?’, it added more confusion to her already messed up mind. And the last and the most important question, ‘what is going to happen to them now? Or more importantly, what is going to happen to her???’, Aurora whimpered internally. No words other than controlled whimpers escaped from her mouth, as she bit her lips together to keep the sobs that was threatening to come out so adamantly. All these confusing and unanswered questions, swirled around in her hazy mind like a sudden tornado, making her already mess of a mind to become even more messier, making her unable to think clearly. Now her Mind was totally muddled. Without any answers to her questions, she looked at the happy couple on the stage. Just then she noticed that the star of tonight, Chance Gary was looking at her from above the stage. Sensing her gaze on him, Chance bent down to her level and kissed her elder sister Andrea, even more passionately and sent an evil smirk at Aurora’s direction. Like a light bulb being lit, everything become very clear to Aurora, when she saw that evil smirk of her supposed possible mate, Chance Gary. Aurora’s senses heightened and she could smell the delicious scent of oranges and cinnamon that belongs to Chance Gary more clearly by now, as her wolf soul came to her. All the other pack members loitering around the back yard garden was blurred and all she could see was him and only him, the future gamma, her childhood crush Chance Gary.. She was now, so sure that Chance Gary was her mate. Her MATE!!!. And she was his real mate that the moon goddess gave to him and not her elder sister Andrea was his mate as they both claims to be. It was all a drama for everyone to believe them. Her thoughts were made even more solid and like cemented on the hard floor, when she felt a sharp pain in her chest seeing HER MATE Chance Gary, the future gamma kissing HER ELDER SISTER Andrea in front of her. Coupled with a faint chant that sounded inside her mind saying in a weak whimpering voice “ Mate..Mate”, confirmed all her suspicious thoughts to turn out to be true. then the whimpering voice in her mind faded away. At this point, the couple had already exchanged their engagement rings and by now, they all had moved down from the make shift stage, to cut the big five tier vanilla and strawberry flavored ice cream cake, which was being rolled in a cart towards them from the kitchen just a few minutes ago. Chance had his hand wrapped around his new fiancée Andrea’s waist while aurora’s elder sister Andrea clung to his body like a gum and sticking like a second skin and acted as if she was being shy and walked towards the huge engagement cake. But in real Andrea was never why in her whole life. There was no word like 'shy' in her dictionary. Everyone around her know this, but to give face to her and not to be in Alpha William Bentick's bad book list, all the pack members just went along with it. Unable to watch it further anymore, Aurora turned on her heels and ran towards the other side from the spot she was hiding under the tree till now, deep into the thick forest, away from all these celebrations and hurtings, innocently believing that it would make her feel less painful…. What a foolish girl she was. She was such a naïve soul thinking like that, but she didn’t know the things that was in store for her in future and didn’t know that it was only going to hurt even more as time passed by. All these while, all the actions that was made by little Aurora, everything from the moment she entered in to the back yard garden from the kitchen back door, looking all pretty and innocent, the moment her eyes clashed with her mate Chance Gary, from when she found out about her mate, how her eyes widened in shock and her crying moment and at last, she running into the forest, all was noticed by a pair of intense brown eyes, who was watching her like a hawk without blinking the brown eyes, Incase of missing the movements of Aurora. The owner of those intense brown eyes had an evil glint in that pair of eyes and an equally evil smirk playing at the corner of their lips. “Soon…. Very soon little bunny, you will be mine. Only mine, and no one else’s”, said the owner of the pair of intense brown eyes, with an evil glint coupled with a possessive look in them. Chance looked at her direction and found that Aurora was not standing in her previous position under the tree. He cursed silently under his breath not wanting to let Andrea knew about his thoughts. Then he looked around and found the little piece of the hemp of her dress fading into the forest. He looked in the direction where Aurora had long disappeared into with a deep thought in his brown eyes. Soon his thoughts were interrupted by the female voice coming from his side. “Can we cut our engagement cake now, baby?”, asked Andrea, who was clinging to his body like a lazy sloth. Her full body was leaned on his largely built muscular body. She wore a low cut neck dress which reached her mid thigh in a navy blue colored fabric. It was a short party type designer dress from a famous brand that costs a fortune. But the dress covered only the little parts of her body leaving. I the rest to be fully visible to everyone’s eyes and did not fulfilling it’s purpose at all. Andrea ordered this dress from a famous designer, who owns her own brand and was famous for her works all over the world. She had to make an appointment for making this dress for her engagement party, using all her contacts and waiting for three months to be reached out by the personal assistant of that famous designer. Even though the short party dress was looking nice and luxurious, it only looks nice when wore by the right person. Since the size chosen by Andrea for the dress was a little small for her, it looked a little too slutty, in general, when she wore that dress. Even the assistant of the that famous designer pointed out that the size she chose was wrong and she should choose the next size for her and Dear Andrea lashed out on her making the assistant to snort in dissatisfaction. Then she left it as it was, as that personal assistant had seen all kinds of spoiled rich brats in her years of experience.
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