chapter 30

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Violet Moon pack: Aurora Pov: I lifted my face subconsciously, and looked around only to be surprised, and shocked at the same time. Because the person who stood there was not someone, who I had thought that I would be seeing here, and that too at this hour of the day. There stood in the entrance of the pack kitchen, was none other than Chance Gary. He was leaning on the wall near the kitchen door, with a leisurely look on his face. Just with one look at him, anyone can say that he had just gotten out of his bed. He still had his messy looking bed hair, and was still in his night dress. I was so shocked to see him standing there at the entrance of the kitchen door, and looking at me, that too not even making a noise. There was something different about him today, and his look, it looked somewhat evil. Just one glance at how he was looking at me, creeped the hell out of me. I stumbled back a few steps, and I literally lost my footing for a second. But in the last minute, I some how managed to catch myself from falling down on my back, by holding on to the kitchen counter. I looked up again, after gaining my footing, only to find him standing there still, with an amusing expression on his face. The expression on his face looked mysterious, yet dangerous, giving off an eerie vibe to me. I was not able to read the thoughts that was running through his mind. I was unable to even try to make a guess, as he looked like a difficult puzzle to solve to me. He must have clearly saw how I lost my bearing, which I did a few minutes back, as I was making a fool out of me. He smirked at me, with that knowing look on his face, that he knew everything that was going through my mind, and saw everything that had happened. And more than that, the fact that his presence had made me to lose my bearings in one look, and making me to have such an effect, just by the mere presence of him must have boosted his male ego a lot, as his smirk only grew bigger as time went by. This must be amusing to him, and by the looks of it, he really was enjoying it a lot. As now he has a victorious smirk, while his eyes had a strange glint shinning in it, making him to look really dangerous. He slowly moved from his place, from the entrance of the kitchen, and made his way towards in my direction, making my mind to go crazy, and my heart to beat rapidly. My breathing pattern changed drastically, as I was frightened to be in the same place as him, and that too all alone. And there was another reason to it too. His familiar scent was driving me crazy, and on top of it, I was afraid of him too. My heart started to beat erratically, and I can also feel that my composure have changed drastically. Looking at me, as I was making a mess of myself, the smirk on his face only grew bigger, and bigger, making me to want to smack myself for still being a stupid hopeless wolf. I know clearly in my heart, that I should not be acting like this, that too in front of him. That, I should not look so vulnerable in front of him. For him to mock me, and laugh at my face. He was the same man, who had rejected me cruelly, thinking about only the benefits he got from rejecting his destined mate. And despite knowing the reason for my misery, he still took great pleasure in the fact that I was taunted by the whole pack for being wolf less. *** when me being wolf less was all thanks to that heartless jerk. The reasonable part in me, the part that had accepted the cruel reality of my pathetic life, warned me to run away from that place, far away from him, as all the red flags were raised in my mind, seeing him coming in my direction. He looked like a predator, that was moving very slowly yet steadily, plotting its attack on the prey. He was like the predator, which was moving towards its prey, while eyeing a chance to strike it, and kill it mercilessly in one deadly move. But the stupid, and foolish part of me was so much overwhelmed, by the effects that he had on me, and that emotional part of me, really overpowered my reasonable, and sensible part, making me to be a Idiotic person yet again. I stood still looking at him approaching me so casually, unable to move my legs. The current situation made my mind to go blank, that I really did not know what to do at that moment. But when Chance Gary was at a few steps away from me, the small reasonable part in me woke up suddenly, like an ice cold bucket of water was splashed on me on a winter morning, and I acted quickly. Without thinking about it twice, I took several steps back, without even turning back to look at where I was going. All I wanted at that exact moment was to get away from him, and run away from that damned place. Because I definitely did not wanted to be in the same place as him, especially with only the two of us all alone. Truth to be told, I was afraid of the strange look in his eyes. The mysterious, and dangerous looking glint shinning in his eyes, gave me chills, and creeped the hell out of me. I was stopped suddenly in my movements, as I bumped into something behind me. I looked back, only to find that I have moved back several steps, and have hit the kitchen counter. Looking at how I was stopped, and was unable to move further away from him, Chance Gary looked pleased, and his smirk widened even more, making me to fear him even more. As someone had said, Chance Gary had the type of look, that clearly would make the person standing in front of him to get away from him, as soon as possible. When I tired to get away from the kitchen counter, and move away in a different direction, Chance Gary moved even faster than me, and stood in front of me, blocking my way out. “Where do you think you are going, hmmm? “, he asked me in a low voice, sending chills to run through my spine. “No… . No where. I was just going to make breakfast for every one. No…nothing else”, I stuttered without even realising it. The close proximity that was in between us was making me to be afraid of him, and wanted to get away from him unlike the last time, when it had made me to go crazy, and wanted him to come near me. “it is good then. I want some orange juice. Make it now“, he demanded, and moved back a little. I turned around, and opened the refrigerator. I quickly took the juice carton, and filled him a glass of orange juice, that he had asked for. I extended my hand with the glass of orange juice, hoping he would quickly get the glass of juice, from my hand, and get out of the kitchen, as soon as possible. But like all the times, the fate decided to play it’s stupid games on me. As instead of taking the glass of juice from my hand, he just stood there, and raised an eye brow at me. “I do not want canned orange juice. I want freshly squeezed orange juice “, he said making me to gulp in nervousness. In order to make him to leave me alone soon, I did what he asked for as quickly as I could possibly do. I quickly made the fresh orange juice, and handed it to him. He took the glass from my hand this time, and took a small sip from the glass. “You know what..?. I was trying to speak to you alone for a very long time”, Chance Gary leaned on the kitchen counter, and said making me to freeze in my spot. “But I rarely get to see even your shadow these days”, he said, and I tried to avoid looking at him, and continued to cut the vegetables that was needed for making the breakfast. I was trying my very best to avoid having any kind of interactions, or encounters with him, for the last few days. And now I got caught by him like this. What an unlucky fate, I have. I was even more afraid of the possibility, that if I was ever seen with Chance Gary alone like this, by my elder sister Andrea, or by any of her group of minions, then my life will definitely become even more miserable than it already was. As my elder sister Andrea was such a jealous person. She would not spare me at all, if she gets to know that I was seen with her fiancé, that too alone. “What about the offer, I told you about, that day, dear mate of mine?,”, Chance Gary came close to me, and whisper in my ear. *** happy reading❤❤❤ check out the other story "her royal twins".
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