chapter 31

1460 Words
Third Person Pov: “What about the offer, I told you about, that day, dear mate of mine?,”, Chance Gary came close to me, and whisper in my ear. All the hair on my body rose up in goosebumps, in a second. Not because of his proximity, or something, but because of the fact that he addressed me as his mate. If someone had heard about this, then I can not even imagine the consequences of it. I swiftly looked up at him, with my eyes wide open in shock, and anxiousness. “How about being my hidden mistress?. I will make you to live a better life. How does that sound? “, he said slyly, while dragging a finger on my arms from top to bottom. I shivered involuntarily, as still he had that effect of the mate on me. But the next second, I felt so disgusted by him, that I took a step away, and maintained a distance from him. ***He called me as his mate. How I had wished that he would call me as his mate, in front of everyone, and accept me for who I am, instead of the rank, and status in my family, and the pack. But instead of that, all I got was a mate, who looked at my family status, and rank, and the power, and the benefits he would get if he was going to accept me as his mate. Since I could not give him any benefits, or raise his status in the pack, he rejected me mercilessly, without any second thoughts. And now, after all that He had done to me, He was saying, that he would make me to have a better life. ‘What an ironic line, he was saying’, I thought to myself. How I had yearned that I could hear my mate say these words to me, for all these years. How I had prayed to the great moon goddess for several sleepless nights, that my mate would say these words to me, and take me away from this miserable way I live my life. But all that wishes, and prayers came crashing down on me, when Chance Gary rejected me for my current status, without having any second thoughts. And now, after rejecting me, the condition he put forth for me to live that so called 'better life' was even more disgusting. I was so furious when I heard him say those words. How dare he to ask me to be his hidden mistress??. How dare he??. When I was so lost in my self pity, and useless anger, I felt a stinging pain in my arm, making me to cringe in pain in seconds. I shook my head, and came out of my pitter party, and found out that Chance Gary was gripping my arm very tightly. I am very sure that it would form a very large bruise, once he would release my arm. That was how much strength, he had used to grab me. “look at me, when I am talking to you, you worthless slut”, he hissed at me, and gripped my arm with even more power. Due to the unbearable pain, I dropped the empty juice glass, he gave me. The glass broke, and the shattered pieces of the glass got scattered on the kitchen floor. I have already gotten used to all these taunting words, and mean words all these years. In truth, I should not feel hurt, when hearing those words like ' worthless slut'. But it was not the case though. It really did hurt me a lot, when hearing those mean words coming out of my mate’s, sorry, my ex mate’s mouth. I suddenly felt something wet rolling down my cheeks. Only then, I realised that I was crying all these time. I do not know for which pain, I was crying for though. For the physical pain that was caused by his strong gripping of my arm, or for the emotional pain he was giving me using his mean words, and actions. I tried to free myself from his grip, and wiggled in his hold. But he only tightened his hold on me even more, making me to whimper out loud in pain. As if my prayer to the moon goddess was heard, and answered this time, Frederick came into the kitchen, all of a sudden. He was like the last ray of hope that was shinning brightly in front of a dying man. As Chance Gary was not only grabbing my hand, he was molesting me right now. Even though he was my mate, or ex mate, his touches felt like I was grilled in the fire, and made me to feel uncomfortable, and disgusted. Fredrick looked at me, and seeing me crying silently, he cleared his throat to get Chance Gary's attention, who was busy in his actions of hurting me, and trying to get me to submit to his orders. Seeing Fredrick, Chance Gary left my arm, like he was hurt by the fire, and made a distance between us quickly. I looked at the distance that he had created in between us, and mocked myself internally. Chance Gary made it very sure, that no one in the Violet moon pack gets to know that he was my mate. Seeing this, how he was trying really hard to conceal our mate bond, I wanted to shout to the whole pack that I was his mate, even though I got rejected by him. I just wanted to get back at him. But on the second thought, what good would that bring to me on revealing that matter to others. Nothing!!. It would only add more troubles to my already miserable life. If Chance Gary denied the mate bond in between us, in front of the entire pack, then I am very sure that I would be called with different mean names, and will be blamed for seducing my elder sister Andrea’s fiancé. Or in another case, everyone in the pack, including my family would support Chance Gary for his actions. Saying that he did the right thing by rejecting me, and proposing to my elder sister Andrea asking for her hand in marriage. So I just resigned to my fate, and decided to keep it a secret till the very end. Frederick did not say anything, and just looked at Chance Gary, making the latter guy to shift from one foot to the other. Then he turned around, and left the room, leaving me to be alone in the kitchen with Fredrick. After Chance Gary left us alone, Fredrick came near me. Not wanting to see him at this moment, and afraid that he would ask me, any questions out of curiosity, I quickly looked down to hide my face from him, and wiped my tears secretly. Then not wanting to face him, I took a kitchen cloth, and started to wipe the floor, and cleaned the spilled juice. In my anxiety, I got cut by a piece of broken glass. The next second, Fredrick was by my side, kneeling beside me, when he heard me hiss in pain. He gingerly took my hand in his large hand, and inspected it, while trying to remove the glass piece that was pierced in my hand. He quickly removed the glass piece, and showed my bleeding finger under the tap water, to clean the bleeding spot. Then he swiftly put a band aid on the cut, and made me sit on the stool, in the corner of the kitchen. Then he opened a bottle of water, and gave it to me, which I took eagerly. As I felt really thirsty, once I saw the bottle of water in his hand. All this while, Fredrick did not spoke a single word, or questioned me like I had expected. Instead he only took care of my wounded hand. Literally after emptying the entire bottle of water, I looked up at him. He only looked at me silently, and had a strange look on his face, like he would always have on his face, most of the time, whenever I get to see him around me. “take care”, was the only words which he had said, before leaving me alone in the kitchen. Only then, I sighed a breath of relief. I did not even knew that I was this nervous, about Fredrick asking me something, for which I could not give him an answer. Sighing heavily, I started to make breakfast, crying internally for the miserable life I was living in this hell hole. **** happy reading❤❤❤. have a nyc day.
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