chapter 29

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Violet moon pack: Aurora POV: I opened my heavy eyelids, when the light rays of the sun fell on my face, through the gap from the broken window sill. I rolled on the mattress, and faced the opposite side, to avoid the sun's rays that was falling on my face. It has been a week, since my 18th birthday, and the worst day in my whole life had passed. I still really did not know how these seven long days had passed, as all I can remember till now, was that fateful day of my life, which should have basically been the best night of my life. But alas, it turned out to be the worst day of my entire life. All these past seven days, I worked even more harder than I would have done normally, without even any one instructing me to do some things. I literally buried myself in all sort of works, and made myself to be totally occupied, just so that I will not have any spare time to think about other things. Mainly about my rejection. How easily my destined mate rejected me, his destined other half, for some petty, and greedy reasons like powers, and wealth. I did all sort of works, big and small, in the pack house, and made myself physically worn out, so that I will not even have the time to dwell on my rejection, and whine upon my miserable life. I tried to avoid my elder sister Andrea, and her fiancé Chance Gary these seven days, at all costs. I made it very sure, that I was not making myself present in the same place as those two were present. But like all the times, fate had planned something other than what I had really wanted. Even if I had tried my very best to avoid them, it was like the fate had wanted me to be present in the same place as in their vicinity. I bumped into them a few times in the pack house, while they flaunted their public display of affection, making me want to cry my eyes out. I knew very well that I should not cry for that ex mate of mine, as he totally disregarded how I would feel, and about my emotions. Yet the thing that was known by my brain, was very difficult to accept by my heart. My brain hated Chance Gary to the core, for betraying, and rejected me, yet my heart cried when I thought about his betrayal, and his cruel words. I knew Chance Gary was not worth of my tears. But what can I do. My heart still pains like it was being tortured in the inner depths of the hell, whenever I saw him together with my elder sister, Andrea. And more importantly, Chance Gary clearly knew that I was present near them. And yet, as if to taunt me for my pitiful life, he would shower more affection on my elder sister Andrea, and would spew out words of love to her, making me want to go deaf, just so I could be unable to hear him say such gentle, and promising words to a girl, which was not me. I tried everything I could possibly do to make my stupid, and silly heart to understand that my destined mate had rejected me, and chose another female over me. Yet my naive, and stubborn heart still foolishly yearns for him, and feel hurt due to his actions. Again I rolled back to my previous position, and faced the window. I still had my eyes closed as I felt pain in my eyes, and have a severe headache, all due to my never ending cries from last night. All I did in these seven days were working like a mule, and making myself tired as hell in the day, and crying my eyes out in the middle of the night, even though I knew that it was a waste of my time. I tried to reason all I had wanted, and tried very hard to accept my reality. Even if my mind understood it, my foolish heart still make it miserable for me to accept my reality, that I was a rejected werewolf. More like a half human. I was supposed to get my inner wolf soul, and shift into my wolf body on my 18th birthday. But When I was rejected by my mate, my inner wolf was so heart broken that she left me, even before giving me the chance of getting to know her fully. I lost my inner wolf soul even before getting her. When the other pack members, and my father, the alpha of the pack got to know that I did not get my wolf soul, they only taunted me more, and cursed me for being the unlucky one in the entire pack. No one would have known about neither my inner wolf nor about my 18th birthday, if not for my elder sister Andrea, who so wantedly blurted out about my birthday, in the presence of everyone. She so kindly reminded everyone about my 18th birthday, so casually in front of everyone in the dinning room, in the pack house, making it easy for the words to get around soon, making the whole pack to know about me being the 'WOLFLESS ONE'. No one cared about me, and my feelings. Even my so called family members too looked like it did not bother them too much, more like not even bothered a little bit. My family members looked nonchalant about me being the WOLFLESS ONE. Anyways, I was not a part of their family from a very long time ago. What made me feel hurt was that, when Chance Gary heard about this condition of mine, instead of feeling guilty, sorry, or even pity, he had an amusing smirk on his face. Like he was mocking me. ***heartless bastard… . Even if he had rejected me, I was his destined mate to begin with. The one, who was chosen to be with him life long, by our great moon goddess. I had expected him to at least feel a little bit bad for my current situation. But the reality slapped me, right on my face, making me to wake up from my stupid fantasy dream. It has made me realize that expecting things from the other people, who did not care for us, will only make you suffer even more, than it normally does, when you expect nothing from others. I chastised myself, that it was my fault for putting my faith, and feelings on the people, who were not worthy of it, and that I should not expect things from those heartless people. I took a deep breath, and gulped down the lump that formed in my throat, and opened my eyes that were puffy, all due to my crying. My eyes would tear up automatically in the midst of the dark night, and I would end up crying my eyes out, till I fell asleep without knowing when sleep came to me. Not wanting to be even more pitiful, I opened my heavy eyelids, and looked at the attic around me that was dimly lit by the light rays of the rising sun. I sat up after dragging my body up slowly, as every inch of my body pained endlessly, when ever I moved my muscles, even lightly. After getting up, I carefully rolled my mattress, and placed it in the corner. I quickly changed into one of my few clothes, that I had with me, trying not to make it painful by moving my muscles hard. Wiping my face, I managed to drag my body down the stairs, and entered the kitchen to prepare the breakfast for the entire pack. I washed my face in the kitchen wash basin, to calm down the irritation I was feeling in my eyes. Then I went to the storage room to get all the ingredients, I needed to make breakfast today, and began to make the foods. When I was making breakfast, and was busy in the middle of making the dough, I felt some one’s eyes on me constantly. It was so disturbing, and it made me feel very uncomfortable. I lifted my face subconsciously, and looked around only to be surprised, and shocked at the same time. There stood in the entrance of the pack kitchen, was Chance Gary. **** happy reading ❤❤❤
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