chapter 5

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Aurora’s POV: I dragged my tired and weak body and went upstairs, with my staggering little steps. It’s all because, it had been days that I had a decent meal, for my poor stomach. It started to protest a long time ago and I could do nothing for it to stop. When I was busy having a very deep conversation in my mind, with my poor stomach, a figure passed through the corridors. “Stop making embarrassing noises. I will some how sneak a quick meal in the nights party today. So just bare with me for a few number of hours.. Please..” I said and wiped the floor in the first floor. All of a sudden, a figure passed by me. I held my breath in fear, as if that could help me to be invisible and as if I can avoid the upcoming push or shove or even a kick from the passing figure. I really thought that if I make any sound, even if it is a low noises and then I would be getting some handful of unfortunate incidents happening to me. and if held my breath, that person would not notice the small figure of me squatting on the ground and leave me alone peacefully. As usual, all my praying and efforts went down the drain and what I have been dreading the most happened. ‘why did I even wish or pray for something when I clearly knew that no one will help me. even the moon goddess had left me alone to fend for myself and had not granted any of my wishes till now’ I thought and cursed myself for my stupid actions of hoping to be spared alone. The passing figure stood next to me making me anticipate their next move. From the sport shoes and the edge of the jeans worn by the person, it must be a guy. If he had the time and wanted to have a little fun and decided to use my body as a football ground, I will be gone. If he thought of kicking me, with all the works given to me today, I won’t be able to do anything with my already weak body. Suddenly a hand came into my vision. But what made me more interested was the chocolate nutrition nut bar in that hand. At the sight of the chocolate bar, my mouth watered and I gulped silently. Soon the chocolate nut bar fell on my lap and the person standing next to me moved forward. But not before whispering something to me. “ Eat before some one sees you eating it and accuse you of stealing it.” Said the familiar masculine voice. I looked up to see Fredrick, the future beta, who was the one to put that chocolate nut bar in my lap. He just made a motion with his head towards the chocolate nut bar and went ahead towards his room. Snapping out of my trance, I quickly mumbled a quick thank you for his kind gesture. I think he heard my thank you as he lightly nodded his head without turning back. He was one of those few good souls who would always take pity on my tattered soul. He would give me foods, in private like now and act as if he didn’t care at all, when he was among the other pack members. Its understandable though. i don't blame him. He does not want to offend the alpha family by helping me. As he is my brother sebby’s best friend from childhood and his future beta too. He didn’t want to be on their bad book by helping the unfavorable and hated ex daughter of the alpha. But the goodness in him, stopped him from abusing and tormenting me. The good thing out of all these, are the foods I get from him, when I was nearly in the verge of going insane, from the lack of not eating foods for days to weeks. All I get to have for free and without anyone taunting me as a waste of space is water. That too tap water from our pack kitchen. Not the bottle of water from the fridge. Sighing heavily, I quickly looked around to check if anyone was there are not. Not sensing and seeing a single soul in and around me, as everyone must have went to school and to their works, I quickly devoured the chocolate nut bar as fast as I can. I don’t want anyone coming and seeing me eating for which I can end up in a bad shape real soon. As I was eating the last bit, I heard the sounds of foot steps on the stairs, coming my way. Gulping the last bit, I quickly dusted and wiped my mouth of any debris of chocolate bar left and hid the chocolate cover in my pants pocket. The second I hid it, I got the smell of the annoying costly fake Scents. I was well aware then, of who was coming, even before they stood in front of me. It was none other than Andrea and her b***h friend Carmen. I really have a doubt as how they could stand those strong smell of the scents. Don’t they feel headaches or their noses are not as sensitive as mine. “hey look. The slut shit.” Carmen said pouting at me. Yes it’s her new creative word, she uses to describe me. How creative right. “Mmmm….hey dumb head. Did you clean my room” my dear sister Andrea asked me, even though she knows the answer to her question all along. I was here and came up from the dinning Hall like a few minutes back. It’s like, not even five minutes have passed and here she is standing infront of me demanding answers for her stupid question. She is doing this on purpose… Even if I were to clean her room, it might take atleast 15 solid long minutes. As she had one of those biggest rooms in the pack house and also she always makes her room a mess. It’s like she always wanted me to suffer by making me Work more. It’s like she makes her room into disaster zone, just for my sake, just do she can make me work extra hours. “No…I will do it after this” I said in a low voice. Like she had been waiting for the chance to thrash me, a heavy kick landed on my side, the minute the last words left my mouth. The sharp pain, that I felt in my already bruised side, left me gasping and panting for air. I really thought I am going to faint, as the familiar black and white spots occurred in front of my eyes. I already had an unhealed bruises from their last week beatings. So when she kicked me, I really can’t endure it as I usually do and few tears spilled from my eyes. All heard in reply was their snort and mocking laugh. “hey look.” Carmen who was standing by the side and watching the interesting show, shouted and pointed at the chocolate cover that I hid before in my pants pocket. ‘Oh no. It must have fell from my pocket now. I am dead.’ I thought. “did you steal it you b***h. How dare you. Wait till I tell about all of your doings to my father” Andrea yelled ad raised her leg to kick me again. When I was anticipating the second heavy kick, a sudden familiar voice stopped her. “Wait Andrea. What are you doing?” Fredrick asked and came and stood in front of Andrea, in a casual way with his hands, inside his pants pockets,as if he didn’t stop her from kicking me a minute ago. “This good for nothing slut, stole food from the kitchen.” Andrea accused me confidently as if she had caught me red handed taking that chocolate nut bar from the fridge. “Oh that. It was me. Its just that I had it before and threw the cover on the ground. She must have took it to dispose it in the dustbin” Fredrick easily lied through his teeth, saving me from the further heavy kicks. “Oh….so it’s the case” Andrea smiled sheepishly. She had a little crush on our future beta. But Fredrick never took notice of her advances or he tactically avoided her safely. “then why didn’t you tell me the truth” Andrea now snapped at me,fully putting the blame of me getting treated bad on myself. *What a funny way of getting blamed for…. ‘you liar. Did you ask me this before accusing me. You directly blamed and kicked me' I thought and cursed her inside my mind. “What the hell are you slacking off for….get up and do your works soon….you lazy sorry excuse of a space.” Andrea again snapped at me. Then she and her tail dog Carmen went turned around went to her room. When both of the fake Barbies wee out of my sight, I quickly looked up and mouthed a thank you to Fredrick. He really did save my pitiful self today as usual. He just nodded in reply and went to his room. Sighing I began to scrub the floor with all my might. I didn’t have time for my self pity party right now. .......... hi there....... happy reading..... love you all ❤❤❤❤
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