chapter 4

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Aurora POV: Followed by both the girls came my brother, the one and only, the great future alpha Sebastian. *note the sacrasm. I was brought back from my running thoughts, by the voice of Andrea. “ dad…you are going to hoist a big party for my birthday, but you don’t have to…..a small party would be OK for me” Andrea gushed happily. Pretending b***h….I have to admit it….only Andrea could say something like that when she actually thinks and wants the total opposite of it. Like now, she likes throwing big parties. She always want to have her birthday celebration to be the most extravagant. But look what she says to our dad……oops sorry….the alpha….to him, I was as dead as a corpse right… “ what small party…..My little girl deserves the best….I want you to enjoy all the best in he world” the alpha said, making me want to die on the spot. My eyes got the familiar burning sensation indicating the formation of my traitor tears. The Tears started coming more making my eyes prickling with its presence. My vision got blurred by the unshed tears. When I was wallowing in my self pity and mocking myself for my cursed fate, Andrea’s annoying voice got me back to my cruel reality. “ Hey slut. Listen here. You don’t have to go to school today. Anyways it doesn’t matter to us if you study or not. You don’t do very well in your studies though to speak off….. just clean the pack house clean and go to my room to do the same. I don’t want to see any dust in my room. If I even see a speck of dirt in my room, then you won’t be able to tolerate the consequences” she ordered and snapped at me in the end of her sentence, while taking a seat next to our dad. But what she said about my school was totally wrong. I am a good student in my class. I always got straight A’s in all my subjects unlike her who would always fail two or three subjects in every exam that was held in our school so far. *See who is speaking…..I sighed heavily. She always speak ill of me despite being my own elder sister. I didn’t do anything bad to her as far as I know. But I always wonder why she hated me more than anyone in the whole pack. She doesn’t leave a single Chance to go to waste in taunting and looking down on me. She always speak ill of me, mainly in front of dad, making his hatred to develop more for me. My brother sebby aka Sebastian knows about my good grades and about my studies. I sneaked a quick peek at him to see whether he would correct Andrea and refute her saying that I got good marks in my academics. But like all the time, all I got in return was disappointment. He simply ate his breakfast, listening to his girlfriend Carmen, saying something about going to mall to buy a new dress for the coming occasion. He casted a glance in my way. Maybe he might have felt my stare on him. Seeing my red eyes filled with tears, he had a complicated look on him. He looked more and deeply at me. I got a flash of regret and hurt expression in his eyes for a second . But when he blinked his eyes, the emotion was gone without any trace. This made me think that did I saw something wrong and thought that he felt bad for me. mmm....That must be the case. He never felt bad for me. He too hated and tortured me. It must be my blurred vision playing games at me. *Stupid eyesight. Always giving me a little hope only to be that hoped smashed brutally without any trace as if it didn’t present there in the first place. Catching me stare at him, Carmen frowned and shouted at me. “ what are you looking at, you slut..Don’t waste time by standing here as if a statue and go do your work” she ordered as if she was the Luna of this pack. Andrea too added in her part. “The party organizers will come at the evening to do the decorations, so you better finish everything that was told for you to do before they arrive. If they got delayed because of your tardiness and my birthday party gets messed up,you won’t be able to tolerate the consequences” she spat with a voice full of venom, like even standing near her would kill someone. ........... hi there lovely readers..... happy reading❤❤❤❤
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