chapter 6

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Aurora POV: I cleaned all the nook and corner of the whole pack house and then went to clean that stupid pretending sister of mine, Andrea’s room. Let me, tell you. She really wanted to make my already hell of a life more miserable than before. All the clothes from her walk-in closet were lying on the ground with all the clothes are full of wrinkles. I really wanted to cry my eyes out. But I really had, not even an ounce of strength to cry too. I was already totally spent in cleaning all the rooms in the pack house and now this…. I don't think my already tattered body could handle this....... Andrea really made a mess out of her room. It’s clear, that she really wanted me to suffer. Because just yesterday, I cleaned her walk-in closet and sorted all her clothes and bags and shoe cabinet and arranged them neatly. I ironed all the clothes and folded them accordingly to the colors and fibers of the clothes. But now, all my hard work, was now lying on the ground with each and every single clothing full of dirt. Not having enough strength to cry, cursing my already messed up life, I began to grab all the clothes from the floor. Soon the event managers arrived just after I came out of sorting Andrea’s room, more like making a make over to her room. I showed all the necessary things needed for them to plan tonight’s party and went upstairs to my safe heaven aka the attic. ~*~ During night, the event management guys have really changed the whole pack house into a party hall. Everything glittered with small light settings and fresh flowers were placed every where. Even the stair case holder were decorated with Andrea’s favorite, orchid flowers, which was very rare to find, in this particular season. But our dad William aka the Alpha, made great efforts to bring these flowers for his beloved only daughter. By the time, I came down from the attic, The party had already began and everyone was having the fun of their life. Only then, I realised that I had slept for so long. no one can blame me though....I really had outdone my already weak body today in the whole pack house cleaning process. I didn't even get a single help from even the Omegas. Quickly go up to my attic, I changed into the most decent looking dress I had with me. which consists of a white colored shirt and a pair of washed jeans. Just so no one would look at me in a weird way, when I get foods from the buffet later. As even the low level Omega was dressed in their best dress for the birthday celebration of the daughter of the Alpha. I went towards the backyard where there was a stage was made for the birthday party. There was a little dance floor made in the backyard on the order of Andrea. Everyone was invited and everything was made more extravagantly. Just then, the Alpha aka our father William went up to the made up stage and took the Mike from the stage guy. “Well my dear friends and pack members…..Today is my little girl’s birthday. So everyone enjoy to your heart’s content. And one more important thing….. Our pack Gamma Todd and Benny Gary’s first son, Chance Gary turns out to be my little girl’s mate. So I have made a small engagement party for them tomorrow night….so it’s double celebration…. its my gift to your 19th birthday honey” Our father William said lastly looking at Andrea, who had a fake surprised look on her face. She can’t even fake an expression. *pretentious girl. I am sure, that she already knows about our father's announcement. Or more like, she must have asked him to make the announcement…. to me, the latter was more acceptable and believable than the first option. Soon our father descended from the little made up stage and came towards my direction. I was too shocked to move which earned me some hurtful words, to which I really preferred some physical beatings than those hurtful words. As the saying said by someone, emotional pain hurts more than the physically inflecting pain. It’s so true in my case though. “Mmmm…even on a happy occasion, I had to see this curse of a slave, to spoil my good mood. yiu can't bear to see my happy right?? Get lost. Don’t come in front of me, for the rest of the evening...mmm...already spoiled my mood for the rest of the happy event” our Father William snorted and said with a voice, that was filled with so much venom. It’s the same person, ten years back, who would always pick me up and place me on his shoulders and say that ‘I am his pride. I am his little princess'. it's the same person,who used to see me with his eyes full of love and adoration. Now everything went and burst like a bubble. The same stinging sensation, again appeared in my eyes, for the second time today, making me unable to utter any sound at all in reply. “Sorry alpha” I said in a whisper, which I am sure, that he heard using his alpha senses, as he snorted disdainfully and went past me. It really hurts, Every time hearing some hurtful words coming from him.our dad. Even though, I tell myself that everyone had changed and they are not the same kind of people, as before, who adored and loved me, my traitor of a heart, still hangs onto the little hope that one day, everything would go back to normal, as before. when our mom Lily was alive. Even though I tell myself that, I can’t Expect any good words from our dad, but my little heart always hopes for the slightest bit of or any form of warm words would come out of his mouth for me. But no….every time, it was a disappointed on my part. Bowing my head to our dad, I hid my sad and tear dripping face from him. Even though, I know that he would never care for me, even when he saw my tears. He went towards the Gamma family who were a few feet away from me. Our Packs Gamma Todd along with his mate Benny Gary, was now talking and laughing with our dad William. Behind our Gamma uncle Todd, stood his second son Chase Gary. I remember, He was the same age as me. He used to be in my class, when I was in my middle school. Even now, he is in two of my classes but I never looked at him, or look at any of them, from my pack for that matter, to avoid unnecessary taunts and beatings, so I don’t know, whether he attends those classes regularly or not. But he studies well. But the only subject he sucks at is, AP maths. I once heard him whining about, how difficult AP maths was, to his friend in the canteen. how AP maths was not useful in our daily life and why the hell, are we then learning them. It was one of those rare days when I had saved some money to eat at the canteen. since it was the fifth day, I had not left with food to eat, in the pack kitchen. But that too, was found out by our Father William, for which I was starved for two more days in a row. The one, who told off about seeing me in the canteen was none other than my dear elder sister Andrea. She told that to me, herself. Chase Gary, he too was one of those kind souls who never bothered to hit or even tease me. For which, I was till now grateful for. But his parents, uncle Todd and mainly aunt Benny, who used to be one of my mom’s best friend, hated me like everyone from that fateful day. She never left a chance to taunt me till now. It too hurts bad, as she was one of those, who adored and loved me the most when I was little, when my mom was with me. ~•~•*•~•~ Poor Aurora....... happy reading guys ❤❤❤
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