not a chapter 71

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Aurora pov: The moment I opened my eyes and saw those new people, I thought I am dead. I really thought that they would hurt me and hate me for being a rogue and lock me up in the prison cell, as generally all the pack wolves hates the rogues. Even I had some resentment towards the rogues as they took my mom from me and all because of that my life took a drastic change. But to my surprise, they all treated me with care and even allowed me to stay here, even though they know nothing about me except for my name. Casey, she was such a nice person. She have a warm aura that made me feel a little relax in her presence. I wanted to change my life and leave my old life in the past. Now it looks like the moon goddess have showered a little mercy on my pitiful life and given this rare chance for me to start a new life. And I am very damn sure going to take this chance to start a new life with the pages in my life afresh. Thus I decided not to tell them about anything about my old pack or about my old life. I don’t want them to me in the same perspective as my old pack members. Thinking about all these things consumed my entire energy and I fell asleep without me knowing when I slept. In the night, Zara came to give my dinner and even had her dinner with me. She is such a sweet girl. Her childish behavior attracted me more subconsciously and within a day she made me feel more comfortable around her. ** The next day morning. I woke to early as my biology clock forced my eyes to open automatically. I looked around and then saw that I was in a new room and then everything that had happened came back to me automatically. How Casey told me that Zion saved me from that rogue wolf and brought me to their pack. Casey told me that I can use this room as mine and also asked if I needed anything or a different room. I snorted internally. This is the first decent room I had had in years. The old and small attic room flashed in front of me for a second, mocking me cruelly. And not to mention the bed with a comfortable mattress. I just laid on it, even after the sleep had left me. Just then a thought crossed my mind and I quickly went to the closet in the room and opened it. From inside, I took the small school bag. The bag that I brought with me from my old pack. Casey also gave me my bag that I really thought I had lost. She told me that the guy who saved me, brought it along with me. After a few moments, I looked out if the window to see the sun was rising in the horizon and it was indicating the birth of a new day. I thought that I too should be like that and needed to start everything new like the dawning day. I quickly went to the washroom inside the room and took a quick shower and changed into a dress that Casey and Zara gave me yesterday for now. Even though they told me that this dress was not new, I could tell by a glance that they chose only new clothes from their wardrobe for me. The dress I wore today was a dark blue colored shirt and a black pencil type pair of pants. I wanted to repay their kindness and the only thing I know how to do was to cook food and clean the house as that’s what I had done all my life till now. So I decided to make breakfast for them. And it won’t be a big trouble house as Casey said that only the people I saw yesterday were living in this. The original pack house for the pack members were a little bit away from this house. I came down and managed to find the kitchen successful. Praying to the moon goddess that the refrigerator in the kitchen should have the ingredients needed for the breakfast, I opened to only to be surprised to several levels. The refrigerator was stocked with all types of ingredients including eggs, veggies and meats needed for making a feast. Quickly taking out the ingredients, I started making breakfast. By the time I finished everything, I looked up and was startled as there was a older woman standing by the door and was watching me without making noise.
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