chapter 56d

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Casey pov: At last, Rory opened up, and said about who she was, and what were the things that she had experienced in the past. It was really a great shock for me to know that Rory really belonged to a pack, and that the ones who abused her was her own family, and pack members.. **what an insane, and f*****g heartless bastards they were???. ***how could they??. Like, How can her own family members allow other members of the pack to torment her, and they themselves had abuse her???. Are they even humans??. Like do they really have hearts, and a little bit of emotions in them???? My poor little Rory… she had went through more terrible things, and had endured more things than I had thought that she was subjected to in the rogue wolf camp. Now it all explains as to why she had behaved so weirdly, and got scared very easily of every little things in the beginning. She must have felt very lonely going through all these hurtful things, without having anyone to turn to for support, next to her. I looked down, and saw how she hugged me very tightly, and refused to let go. She looked like a frightened little kid hugging her mother. She hugged me tightly as if she was afraid that once she had let go, I would disappear into the thin air. I silently patted her back, and ran my hand soothingly above her head, and on her back. After a long period of time, Rory stop crying, and only sniffled lowly. I did not want her to cry any more, and so, I held her in an arm’s distance. “Okay, sweet heart. Now..enough of your crying. Stop it this instant”, I said to her, and wiped her face that was filled with her tears. “You did a very good job by running away from that nasty pack. You took a stand for yourself. You are brave enough to endure everything that they did to you, all alone, without having anyone else to support you. You are the most strongest soul that I have ever seen. I am so proud of you, my dear sweet heart”, I said to Rory, who looked at me like a little bunny, with a flushed face, and red eyes all due to her endless crying. “And I am happy more than anything else, that you ran away from your pack. And because of that, you came to our pack, and met all of us. I got a new, and lovely looking little sister, who was as adorable as a cute little bunny “, I teased her, and swiped my finger along the bridge of her nose, making her to smile a little. **a true, and a heart felt smile. Even though the smile was small, but it looked as pure as the smile of a new born baby. “And I am grateful that you believed, and trusted me enough to say all these things to me”, I said the words that I truly felt towards her. “Now, come here. Sleep for some time. I will go, and bring your foods, and medicines to your room, after you wake up “, saying that, I made her to lie down, and I sat near her too. She did what I had said to her, like a little kid, and subconsciously held my hand to herself, and looked at else where, lost in a separate world of her own, which only she knows of. When I was sure that Rory was deep in sleep, I slowly released my hand that she held in a tight grip, and covered her with the quilt. Then I went out of the room, and slowly closed the room’s door. Then I turned in a direction, and went ahead with some complicated thoughts running around in my mind. ** Taking a turn, I went straight to the training room that was built within our pack house, especially for our guys, the four brothers, Zion, Zander, Kevin, and Clint. Once I opened the soundproof door of the training room, and entered inside it, as I was told, everyone in our big family was present there. The training room was big enough, comprising two rooms that was made into a single room, with a big training ring platform in the middle, and all the work out instruments, and gym machines all around the room. A resting area was in the left side of the training ring, with couches, and chairs for resting. Everyone was sitting in the resting area, and I went straight towards them. Clint got up, and made a space beside him on the couch, while Kevin sat on a single bean bag, on the other side. Zara was crying her eyes out, and her eyes looked red, while Zander was sitting beside her, and comforting her. When I was about to look for Zion, I heard a loud noise of something falling to the ground from the left side of the room, where a private room for training was present. I was startled to hear such a loud noise that I subconsciously jumped in my place on the couch. Seeing that, my mate, Clint circled his left arm around my waist, and patted my thigh reassuringly. “It was the fourth one now. Can some one please go, and make it stop, for the moon goddess sake”, Kevin said, and sighed heavily. Zander only shook his head negatively to Kevin, then both the guys hung their heads low in defeat. ***’what was going on in between these two guys?‘, I thought, and looked between them. “what do you mean by ‘it was the fourth one’, Kevin? “, I asked confused, as to know what that guy was going on about. “sand bags!… I mean, I am counting the number of sand bags. The loud sound, you heard a moment ago, was the noise of the sand bag either falling on the ground, or the sand bag hitting the wall, due to too much force applied on it”, Kevin said, making me to be even more confused, than I was already. Looking at my still confused face, Kevin sighed softly, and explained calmly. “That was the number of sand bags, that was destroyed by Zion, in his angry mode. He has been in that room for a while now, and all we can hear from then on, was the sound of his angry, and brutal punches on the sand bags. He was going crazy in his extra madness, since he had heard that Rory was abused by her own pack. That big guy went mad in anger, and holed himself in that private room, for quite a some time “, Kevin said clearing my confusion. I too sighed hearing that. When I was about to ask to Rory, about her past life, Zion told me to keep my mind link with him open, so that he can know what his mate, Rory had went through in the past. I was against this crazy idea of his at first, but all the other guys too joined in his craziness, and persuaded me, by saying that it was best if they knew about her at the same time too. And those guys won the argument with me, by saying that they have the right to know about their Luna, very adamantly. I too gave in to their craziness, when they said that it will for the best, if Rory spoke about her past for the last time, only this once. They did not want her to talk about this again to them in the future, making her to feel even more sad. And that was how, I kept my mind link to our group open, throughout the conversation I had with Rory, from the start to the end. “Well, one of the siblings was fuming mad in anger, and destroying the poor innocent sand bags, that I got for my special training, while the other sibling was crying her eyes out in sadness, since they got to know about the truth about the past of our Luna”, Clint said in a nonchalant way. “What do you want me to do then, Clint?. I am very sorry for our Rory, and I am very sad that she went through such a terrible fate in the hands of her own pack. It really breaks my heart to know that my sweet, and innocent Rory was treated badly, and was abused by her very own family. Are you not feeling sorry for her, Clint??”, Zara, who was leaning on Zander's chest, sat straight up, and asked Clint, while wiping away her still flowing tears. “who said that I am not sorry for our Rory?. I am f*****g insanely mad. But, little one, crying like you, and venting my anger on those poor non living objects like your big brother was doing right now, will not do any good to anyone, and that will not satisfy my anger too. I will control, and keep all my anger inside me, till that very day, when I find out who did all those terrible things to my Luna. And once I get my hands on that useless piece of f*****g little shits, I will torture them in such a cruel way, and make them to wish for death. They will be begging me to kill them. I swear on the moon goddess that I will make all of them to regret their action of laying their hands on ‘My Luna'. Those good for nothing f*****g bastards”, Clint gritted his teeth in rage, and said in such a grave tone, that it sent several chills down my spine. The color of his eyes went a shade darker, clearly telling the others that his inner wolf was pissed off too, and have surfaced in rage. He was now not the carefree, and goofy Clint, who we all know. He was the Gamma of the strongest pack in the southern region, the Night Howlers Pack, and he was swearing on his honor, that he would avenge for the way in which his Luna, whom he was more protective of, was treated by her own pack. “Yes…. What he was saying was the exact thoughts that were running in my mind too. Wait till I get to know who were those dickheads, that did those horrible things to my sister in law. I will skin them all alive, at an insanely slow speed, making them to feel all those pain of my knife cutting into their flesh, and I will cut them all, inch by inch, so that those rotten fuckers can know what pain really was!!”, Zander said dangerously, with a promising tone of revenge. “And I will very gladly sprinkle my special, and spiciest chilli powder, and salt mixture, once you are done with your skin peeling “, I said with an evil smirk on my face. ***how dare they hurt an innocent girl that badly, and that too our Rory on top of that…. .. Those little shits were asking for it. “Let us discuss what we were going to do with that good for nothing pack of fuckers, and with its nasty members, once we know who they are. But for now, will anyone please go, and stop that crazy big bad alpha, before he destroys every thing inside that private room in his rage”, Kevin said suddenly, making everyone present in the resting area to look at that closed brown colored door. Kevin was always the level headed, calm, and collected one in the group, and that was why he excel in every negotiations, and peace talks with the help of his diplomatic ways. “yeah… Casey dear, you go, and talk some sense into that hard headed guy. He has lost his darn mind. Please go, and save my remaining premium quality, and custom made sand bags from that crazy guy, for the moon goddess sake… my poor sand bags were suffering in his hands, for a very long time”, Clint said, and made a puppy face, successfully convincing me. ***what was it with guys, and their attachment with their gym instruments??!!!. Just the minute, when I stood up to go towards the brown colored door, another loud noise was heard similar to the one, I heard when I first came here a few minutes ago. “There goes the fifth precious, and custom made sand bag of Clint “, Kevin said in a fake empathetic tone, clearly trying to hide his smile from my mate, Clint, who was clearly looking a little too worried about his remaining sand bags. These guys….. Can’t they stay serious for a little bit longer????. No one would believe me, if I say to them, that the dangerous, and rumoured as the most badass ranked wolves of the Night Howlers Pack were such a knuckleheads, and behave like the middle school boys, everyone would laugh at me, and think that I had lost my mind. **** happy reading❤❤❤
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