chapter 43

1805 Words
Aurora Pov: I ran, and ran till my legs lost each, and every ounce of strength it had in them. But I still breathed in heavily, and ran for my life, as I know that the only thing that can protect me, and keep me safe from falling into the hands of the evil was running....running away from it. So gritting my teeth hard, I ran while looking behind me to check whether I was being chased, or not. But due to my misfortune, I tripped onto something, and fell on the ground with a loud thud. ***Look at my unlucky fate. Even before I could catch my breath after falling on the ground, I heard the sickening growling sound from behind me, that made all the hair on my neck to rise in goose bumps. Fear gripped every inch of my soul, and I was drenched in my own sweat. With my heart in my throat, I slowly turned around only to have a face to face meeting with the sharp, and ugly looking teeth, that was snapping in front of me, ready to put those sharp deadly teeth into my soft flesh. In an instant, I crawled back immediately, and made a space between me, and those deadly jaw filled with teeth, only to find out that I was in a face to face situation with a rogue wolf. Even though the rogue wolf was slender, and looked like it did not eat for days, it looked powerful enough to snap me into two pieces, with those deadly jaws, as I was very weak, and small in comparison with its large built. It looked to me that with just a swipe of it’s front leg, I would be a goner. Just when I was contemplating what to do next, and how to escape from this deadly rogue, the rogue wolf lunged at me with a loud growl. Second by second, I could see the rogue wolf inching closer to me, and aiming for my jagular vein, for an instant kill. Just when those sharp teeth came in front of my eyes in a zoom in fashion, I opened my eyes wide in fear, and sat up with a jolt. I gripped whatever stuck to my hand in fear, only to realize that it was nothing similar to the rough, and humid forest floor, or the soil in the outdoors. Instead it was something so soft, and smooth like a cloth, was what I felt in between my fingers. My mind was so messy, and hazy that I was not able to distinguish my surroundings for a minute. The main reason was all because of the tears that formed, and fell from my eyes, because of the incident a few seconds ago. Thus when my vision was somewhat clear without any tears to blur it, in confusion, I looked around in anxiety. Only then I found out that I was sitting in the middle of a wide bed, with white bed sheets neatly spread on it. The bed was in the middle of a large spacious room, and I caught on to the fact that I was not in the middle of the meadow, or in the forest. Only then I realised that I was sleeping, and that it was just a nightmare of mine. Instead I was in a unfamiliar room, and that I had just woke up from my sleep. I swiftly wiped the sweats that covered my forehead with the sleeve of my shirt, and looked around cautiously. My breathing was still uneven, and my heart was beating at a fast pace, all thanks to that scary, and dreadful nightmare. Making sure that I was the only one in the room, I silently came down from the bed, and tried to find where I was. Just then my eyes caught the windows in the room, and I quickly went towards it. Taking a deep breath, I slowly peeked outside the windows, only to see the surroundings that was filled with the vast green, and dense forest, which was totally unfamiliar to me in every way. Even the scent of the fresh forest air seemed different, like I was in a totally new place, which I have not seen before, and most importantly, it clearly gave the most important hint to me that I was in a pack's territory, and not in some random place, or on a neutral unclaimed land. The single fact that I was in the territory of a pack made me to freak out more than I already was, as of now, currently I am a rogue wolf, without any protection of a pack, over my head. Usually pack wolves dislike… .. Well more like hate the rogue wolves to their bones, and will kill them in an instant, without showing any mercy to them. I have heard more stories about the rogue wolves getting caught by the pack wolves. Those rogue wolves were either killed at the first sight, or they were tortured in the prison cells, for information. Just thinking about either of the two options, made me to go crazy in terror, as I did not run away from that hell of a pack to die unfairly in the hands of another pack. My mind stopped working in fear, and I forced myself to calm down a little. Then seeing the room’s door, I made up my mind to run away from this place, this instant. Each second I am delaying, can put me in trouble. Then I can make a decision about what to do next. The only thought that came in front of my mind, was to escape from this strange place, and nothing else. So following the gut feeling, I moved as quietly as possible, and reached the door that seemed to be the one to go outside of the room. I opened the door very carefully, making sure to not to make any loud noise, just in case may attract the attention of the others. I came outside the room, and was in a corridor, and at the end of it, there was steps that went both up, and down the house. When I was busy in sneaking around, I stumbled on the showpiece stand in the corner, while making a turn in haste, causing the expensive looking white flower vase to drop to the ground. The flower vase fell down, and broke into several small pieces due to the sudden impact causing a loud noise to occur, successfully grabbing the attention of others present in the house. Immediately I thought of running away from here, instead of sneaking around. But before I could choose which way to run, I heard several footsteps coming towards me from the upstairs. The next second, before I could run down the stairs, there came a guy, who had a very powerful aura, and stood in front of the path, blocking my escape route. Following him, there came a group of people around the age of the first guy, making me to freak out. They all stood there, looking at me strangely, and then looked at the broken pieces of the white flower vase on the ground. ‘I am dead. They were going to punish me for breaking the vase’, I thought. Because that was what I had experienced in my old pack. So in fear of the upcoming punishment, that was going to come my way, my legs moved back automatically, and my hands came up to protect my head in instinct. But when I hit the wall behind me, I knew that there was no other place, where I could escape to. My legs became soft, and gave out in fear. So I huddled on the carpet floor, while covering my head. “I did not do it on purpose… I did not.... It was an accident. Please… . Spare me”, those words came out of my mouth as an automatic response. Just this time, the words came out instinctively, as if my inner gut feeling told me that these people would listen to my desperate pleas, unlike the members of my old pack, who were hell bent on finding a chance to torture me. I saw through the gap in between my fingers, that the guy who stood in the front of that small group of people, coming closer to me. His muscular built was enormous, and subconsciously I thought that he was going to hit me, making my heart to beat million times per minute. The next second, I saw black, and white spots appearing in front of my eyes. Casey pov: Hearing the noise coming from downstairs, we all exited the alpha's office, and ran behind Zion, who ran faster than all of us. When we reached the floor below us, there stood the new girl, with a terrified look on her face. She looked like a fearful little bunny, and the moment her eyes fell on us, it widen even bigger than it already was, if that was even possible. I finally saw the color of the new girl’s eyes. My dear moon goddess. She had such a bright, and captivating hazel colored eyes, making her small face to look even more prettier. Even with her terror stricken facial expression, she looked like an innocent angel, with her innocent big eyes following the moves of each, and every one of us. Suddenly she started backing away, mumbling something to herself. I was too busy in looking at her beautiful looks, that I didn’t listen what she was saying in the first time. But when I listened to her sweet voice begging us not to do any harm to her, it made my heart to break in several pieces. I don’t know why, but I felt really bad looking at that girl cowering in fear, in the presence of us. Zion inched closer to her slowly to pacify her, but she freaked out, and fainted yet again. I came out of my shock, and told Zion to bring her to the guest room again. Zion did as he was told, and Our little Zara tactically brought a glass of water. I splashed a few drops of water on her face, to wake her up from her unconsciousness. She opened her hazel eyes again, and once she saw all of us, she quickly sat on the bed, and backed away from us. She stuck her little body to the headboard of the bed, and her small innocent eyes looked at us warily. ***’this girl had freaked the life out of herself.. ', I thought. 'Communicating with her was going to be one hell of a difficult task', I thought, and sighed heavily. *** happy reading❤❤❤
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