Chapter 31

1378 Words
Kaipo's POV If I wasn't a King of the Alphas, I never would have found her. Akamu, my wolf, had been acting strangely ever since I went down to the party this morning. I didn't think anything of it since he gets restless every now and then, disturbed that everyone we know has found their mate but we still haven't. I figured it was nothing out of the ordinary. I wouldn't have even gotten to this point in making things the way I wanted them to be for my reign in the Realm of Goodwill if it wasn't for my Beta and Gamma. Because of the systems we put in place, my pack has been able to run like a machine for years before my rule even began. The both of them actually found their mates within the last week or two and their mates were instrumental in putting this celebration together for Alpha Lorenzo who also just found his mate. Of course I was happy for them, but it also made the hole in my heart feel that much bigger. I knew that becoming King before I found my mate was going to be a challenge, but my father had been deteriorating quickly. He was in his 40s when he had me and I wasn't a young man myself. At 24, I was the oldest king to take the throne in our history. Normally the way it goes is that a new King won't be crowned until he has produced an heir. The Royal Committee had been pestering me to a least produce an heir with someone of their choosing, but I wasn't about to do that to my mate. Besides, my nephew, Carlani, could take the crown if worse came to worse. I wanted my true mate and not having her was making me feel stuck. The Royal Committee would have been more of a problem for me if they weren't preoccupied in dealing with the Ihowtons. The Ihowtons weren't as big a problem for us as they were for our neighboring kingdom, at least that was before Alpha El brought them to my very gates, but that didn't mean I didn't want to find a solution. It wasn't widely known, but it seemed they were growing in number and starting to migrate our way. In addition to meetings about the recent attack on my pack, we also discussed a way of tracking the patterns of the Ihowtons. I had heard a theory about a missing obelisk during these talks, but it was never discussed as something to consider seriously. Mostly, we just wanted to be able to go up to where the tear was and figure out the problem, but that was essentially a suicide mission due to their sheer number. We had not been in contact with Lunaria for months since the Ihowtons were interfering with our communication systems, but one of the last things their ruler had said was that he wanted to send someone over to us so that we could find out what they had been working on to take care of the problem. When I was told late last night that representatives from over there had arrived, that's what I thought this was. I became distracted when the faint smell of spiced nutmeg brought me out of my thoughts this morning. My original plan was to make sure that everything for the celebration was taken care of, give a short speech and leave. I would celebrate my friend by getting some paperwork done in my office. As the party was ramping up, I went to let a vendor who showed up late know where to set up. The faint scent of spiced nutmeg and blood made my wolf stand at alert, but upon gazing at the joyful scene outside, neither of us sensed any trace of danger. Still, I was drawn to the scent. Although it was barely there, it was warm and nurturing. I wanted more, but the added smell of blood was troubling. The scent led me to the one unfamiliar individual in the crowd. 'Mate.' She is dressed in red and looking a bit lost. Her long, muscular legs go on for miles and they are punctuated by nice, thick thighs. I end up observing her from a distance trying to figure out what was going on. Why did I smell blood? 'Her wolf is injured.' Akamu told me, 'She is straining herself.' Soon, I see her following the way I had gone when I was walking around. She is scenting me. She's looking for me. I take a deep breath when I go up to meet her, my legs moving almost of their own will. She continues to look around, unaware that I am standing right behind her. She suddenly turns, bumping right into my chest. Akamu is steadfast, confident, ready to take steps to make this woman Queen immediately. I, on the other hand, am still in disbelief that she is finally here. Our eyes lock and I can instantly see the fear in her bright, brown eyes. She is bewitching and I drink in all of her lovely features. She stares as she takes me in, but I can witness her retreating back into herself as she does. It doesn't help that everyone present is staring at the two of us. 'Stop staring at us. As you were!' I command my pack through mindlink. "Hello." I finally say. She gets a bit nervous and drops her gaze. "Oh hi, sir. I'm just visiting this pack. I was told I could attend. Did I do something to disturb the peace?" Sir? Sir! Why is my mate calling me sir? Not what I was expecting, but when you meet your mate for the first time, you are better off if you leave your expectations at the door. 'Her wolf is unconscious. She passed out trying to lead us to her.' Akamu fills me in quickly. Why is her wolf so weakened? I'll have to find that out. I decided to play along. "No, not at all. I'm just making sure everyone is having fun. May I ask your name?" "Oh yes, sorry. My name is Topaz." How unique. A perfect name for a Queen. "Topaz, a rare gemstone. My name is Kaipo. It's so nice to meet you." I say, giving her a big smile. She gives me a small, shy smile and I can feel my lonely heart roar to life. Suddenly, Lorenzo and Zinnia come over to us. I can't have them letting her know who I am. 'She doesn't know that she is my mate. Don't let her know that I'm King or that she is my mate. I'm just a regular guy.' "Oh, hi, hello. My name is Zinnia and this is my mate, Lorenzo. When we saw our friend here, who's just a regular guy, talking to you, we just knew we had to say hello." she says, shaking my mate's hand. Good save. "We just had to." Lorenzo is finally getting his revenge. I had been interrupting his time with his mate, so now, he's interrupting mine. "My name is Topaz. I'm just visiting from the Lunaria Kingdom. Its nice to meet you." "You as well. I just wanted to say how much I love your necklace. It reminds me of my mother. She had one just like it." With that, my mate's expression completely changes. She guesses Zinnia's mother's name based on that information. What is going on? Who is this woman? The next thing I know, I'm following them back into my castle and into her room. She starts talking to Zinnia and asking questions. It turns out that necklace is a piece of the missing obelisk and she is heavily invested in the ideology. "Hold on, how do we know who you are? Where are your credentials?" Lorenzo's sudden hostility toward my mate angers my wolf. Her goal seems to be uniting the broken pieces of the obelisk and Zinnia is playing a huge part in that. So huge in fact, that I get to witness my mate express her undying love for Zinnia. My and my wolf's jealousy hits the ceiling and I have to leave.
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