Chapter 20

1130 Words
Zinnia's POV I'm still thinking about Roman's story as we drive home from the airport. I do my best to put it out of my mind, but my brain keeps bringing it back up. Thinking about his story and what my mother said about rejecting a gift from the Moon Goddess is too much, so I just try to focus on my work. "Zinnia, you're so quiet today." I help Leilani get set up in her room once we're back in the castle. Carl had some things to take care of now that they're back, so it's just the two of us and the baby in her room. "I'm just tired." I lie, right before there is a knock on the door. I open the door to see three people standing there with a clothing rack and bags. "Hello, we're looking for Zinnia." "Hi. I'm Zinnia." "Hi, your mate asked that we help you choose something to wear for the Prince's inauguration tomorrow." Oh my God, this is so embarrassing. "You found your mate?" Leilani comes over to look at the scene. "Please, come in." she says to the visitors. "No, that's okay. We can do it lat-" "You didn't tell me you found your mate. How could you not tell me? Who is your mate? When did you find them? You still haven't told me." she says excitedly. When she gets like this, there is no stopping her. "Um, its the Alpha of the East Moontrail Pack." "Lorenzo? Oh my God. You're gonna be a Luna. That is so perfect for you. You'll be a great Luna. Oh, now I feel weird about having you work for me." "I'm not a Luna and even if I was, so what? You're a princess." "That is just an arbitrary title. I hold no power, but you will be the second most powerful person in his pack. So you are no longer my nanny. If anyone asks, you're just a family friend that helps with the baby." "Does that mean I'm not getting paid anymore?" Once the people are finished unpacking the dresses, I go along with it all, trying them on and modeling them for Leilani. I tell her to pick the one she likes the most. During the ordeal, she asks me all about how we met and I tell her most of the story. "I know you're stressed out. It all happened so fast, but you will eventually feel like you are complete in a way that you didn't before you met him. This is a good thing." They help me pick some shoes and I help the people pack up once we are finished. They tell me that the dress and shoes that were picked will be waiting in my room. "I have that, living here with you guys. I'm happy here and I don't want to leave. I'm so attached to your son, even thinking about leaving is breaking my heart." "Maybe, but one day, you'll have your own pups and you'll love them even more." Ugh, I don't freaking know this man. I haven't even spoken to him and this one is talking about me having his damn babies! "I don't want to have his stupid babies. I wanna stay here with Carlani." "Oh sweetie, you don't mean that. I've only met Lorenzo two or three times, but he is a great catch. Why don't you take your time and get to know him? Maybe tell him you want to move slow. After how you met, he should understand. You guys will both be there tomorrow, right? I'll get us an extra seat and if you want, you can invite him to sit with us for the ceremony." ~~~~~~~~ Bright and early the next morning, I get a knock on my door. I walk through the maze of flowers that I discovered in my room when I got in last night to open the door. It happened to be a team of people to help me get ready for the ceremony. "Alpha Lorenzo sent us. He wants to make sure you have a good day today." Alpha Lorenzo. I really do like his name. I like it on my lips. He stayed away from me after I asked him to and I really appreciate that. After he embarrassed me and accused me, he gave me some personal space, but still did things to make sure I was taken care of. The flowers he sent to me were lovely and I appreciate them. I at least want him to know that. I had prepared all my life to be a Luna. Not his, but a Luna nonetheless. I know I don't know him, but I want to have any misunderstandings between us cleared up. I should give today my full effort. Once I am all ready, I travel down to the venue with Leilani and Carl, who holds Carlani. Lorenzo is already here and he looks right at me from across the area. He is so handsome, so sharp in his black suit. He is speaking with some Alphas and their Lunas. I suppress the sick feeling in the pit of my stomach when he looks over at me. I can't stop myself from smiling and averting my eyes. I feel so shy, but I have butterflies in my stomach as I make my way over to him. "Hi." I say, standing behind him, trying to calm my nerves. "Hello, Zinnia." He turns to face me and I can feel my heart jump in my chest when he says my name. I feel my cheeks heat and I can't stop myself from looking down. Gosh, I feel like a stupid, overwhelmed teenage girl. "Um, I saw that you have a seat with the other Alphas. I just wanted to know if you would like to sit with us in the friends and family section." I look up to him to see his reaction to my awkward question and I see him smile down at me. He has perfect teeth, though he tries to hide them and dimples on each cheek. I swallow thickly and inadvertently bite my lip at the sight. "I would love to." Xena howls in my head. 'I feel you, girl.' He follows behind me as the ceremony is about to begin and we sit next to each other at the end of the second aisle. I have to admit that I feel a calmness that I have never felt now that I am next to him. I look at him and smile and I think he feels that calmness, too. That is until his entire body stills and his eyes glaze over. Once he returns, he stands up and interrupts the entire ceremony.
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