Chapter 21

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Lorenzo's POV She likes me. I can't count how many times she averted her twinkling eyes when we spoke. It suited her. I couldn't hide how happy I was, so relieved that she asked me to sit next to her. She is so sweet and seems to be a bit shy as well. For the second time since we met, I was wrong about her. It makes me wish we had met under normal circumstances, but she is here with me now and that's all that matters. I want to hold her hand now that I know she is accepting me, but that would be too much. I don't want to do something that will push her away again. I still have to apologize to her. We have a lot to learn about each other and I'm excited about getting to know my mate. I see myself bringing her out to eat hopefully tonight while we talk. I'm gonna have Dariel set it up as soon as this ceremony is over. I see myself talking with her on the drive to my home, us lying in my bed as she tells me about herself and I find out some things about her on my own. In the middle of the ceremony while the King is speaking, I am surprised to get a mindlink from my brother. 'Lorenzo, there's gonna be an attack on the New Moon Pack during the ceremony. Alpha El is at the Blue Rock Pack right now with some other packs trying to take over and he is planning on going over to where you are next. Listen, there are Ihowtons with him, I repeat, Ihowtons will be helping Alpha El fight. Yea, I don't understand how either. Someone, a-a guy came to us and brought us El's attack plan. I think, I know we can trust him.' I look around and see that the Alpha of the Blue Rock Pack is busy getting a mindlink. I trust my brother, so I stand up in the middle of the ceremony, drawing everyone's attention. I look over at my beautiful mate who looks worried. "Go hide in your room for me, dulce." I tell her. She looks confused and I watch as she rushes off into the castle. Alpha El is her old Alpha so I don't know if he is coming after her specifically, but I can't risk it. 'Riel, that's your Luna. Go introduce yourself and keep an eye on her. We're under attack.' 'Yes, Alpha.' I rush over to Kai and tell him what I was told by my brother and that Blue Rock's Alpha is in mindlink. "You think it's real?" "I trust my brother 100%." I tell him. He quickly cuts his wrist, spilling his blood, recites his lines and officially becomes King. He urges the lead Council member who performed the ceremony to get his parents to a safe place. "I'm gonna go check the perimeter." I tell him before I run out of the large tent. He makes an announcement about what is going on and people scatter. I rush toward the side of the vast area that is closest to where Blue Rock is. A wave of werewolves comes up the side of the elevation directly toward us. Just before them up in the sky are the Ihowtons my brother told me would be here. I turn and see the Alphas and warriors who are loyal to the new King following closely behind me. Solders that had been stationed in watchtowers around the palace have already started shooting arrows at the flying invaders. It will be difficult to fight alongside those on the ground since we can't communicate. Werewolves can only mindlink each other when we are in the same pack, but we are all from different packs. To combat this, I say the first thing I can think. "Take off your ties and tie them around your neck so we can tell who is who!" I set the example and then shift. Nathaniel takes over and I sink my teeth into the first opposing wolf I come across. Those in opposition to us are numerous and my worry for the safety of my mate gets the best of me. 'Dariel, I need you to get Zinnia out of here. Go get the car and take her to our pack. She's not safe here.' 'Yes, Alpha.' She's gonna be pissed at me for making her leave before she was expecting, before we got a chance to discuss it, but I'll have to apologize for that later. The Alphas and warriors who are with me are dominating in battle and Nathaniel is mowing down the invaders to make sure that his mate is far from danger. I know of every pack in my area and the areas surrounding this castle. The warriors who we are fighting are from lower class, smaller packs. The largest pack that is here fighting against us is West Moontrail, El's pack itself. Going against these wolves isn't even a fair match-up for them. There advantage is the air support they have, but every second, another Ihowton falls dead. Through the c*****e, I now have my eye on Alpha El. I have met him a few times before. The first time was a day I will never forget. He is a sick and twisted man who thinks nothing of killing members of his own pack en masse. Seeing him reminds me of my father and it makes me sick. I turn and see that my allies are making easy work of these low level werewolves. El charges toward the castle once he notices that he is losing. Nathaniel doesn't like him getting any closer to our mate than he already is. I toss aside the body of the wolf I just killed and follow El's eye line. I cut him off a safe distance away from the castle. I am able to finally look into his eye and I could see the same man I had seen before. There was a madness about him, a sickness that was bubbling below the surface that I could sense when I got to him. I aim for his neck, but end up digging my fangs into his shoulder. His body shakes rapidly and in an unnatural way. He roars in anger and surprise, then swipes me across my face, making me let go of my grip of him. His roar attracts a single wolf toward us. One of his warriors grips the skin on my upper torso, tearing it open. I do my best to ignore the burning sensation and rip his throat out once he lets go of me. Alpha El takes this moment to grab onto my collarbone and I use my paw to rip his stomach open with one quick, powerful swipe. He lets go of me and in his moment of agony, I bite into his shoulder once more, clamp down, and pull his arm out of it's socket. A blazing green light emanating from the break briefly flashes but as soon as I see it, it goes away, making me question if it was real or not as I toss the dangling appendage away from me.
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