Chapter 40

1114 Words
Lorenzo's POV The Ihowtons are going away? I haven't been back here for that long, but why wasn't I told sooner? Probably because I never really talk about the Ihowtons with my brother or anyone. We know the basics, but it doesn't really affect us and we have no control over what will happen with them. Now that I have been to those meetings at New Moon and I know there is a plan to blow up the forest, I'll have to speak with Kai. KJ explained that the system graphs the population of the Ihowtons based on the sonar projections and it has been showing a steady decrease. He said he would let me see it. Zinnia and I enjoy a lovely meal with my twin and his wonderful mate. At the end, I give my brother a big hug and let him know how proud I am of him. Zinnia hugs her friend and we end it all in a group hug. I thank KJ for helping Zinnia to escape and let him know that if he needs anything he can just ask me. I couldn't be happier that we got to have that hours long conversation with my brother and his mate because it brought me to a realization I never would have gotten to on my own- whatever KJ saw in the forest and whatever it was living inside of El's carcass are somehow related. KJ had dreams after fluid from that bubbling pot he found in the forest got on his skin and Zinnia had similar abstract types of visions after that piece of s**t tried to mark her. She wouldn't put together that the two are related because she doesn't remember what happened. Something is going on in West Moontrail and I wonder if it has anything to do with our pack marks. I was born with mine and my brother didn't have one. That added to the reasons why I was chosen to be the Alpha out of the two of us. Learning that my mate and the Alpha of West Moontrail also had it peeked my interest. Zinnia and I walk hand in hand back to her room. When we get there, I give her a kiss on her forehead, tell her goodnight and turn to leave. "Where are you going?" she asks. "Oh, I just have a lot to catch up on." "Right. Okay, well, good night." Before I can respond, she closes the door. I think about it for much longer than I need to so I can try to understand why she reacted that way. I have just been happy that she is finally in my life and I didn't want to push or upset her again like I did when we first met, but maybe she feels neglected. Another thing I have to take care of. I pick up the phone and give Kaipo a call. I want to let him know about what KJ said, find out if he has heard anything and tell him I plan to follow up. Roman picks up the phone to let me know that Kai has already gone to the West Moontrail Pack with Topaz and that he will only be reachable at a certain time that they planned in advance and that a response from him wouldn't be immediate. He asked me to be reachable until the King requested I bring Zinnia's necklace over. When he asked me if what I needed to say to him was an emergency, I just told him that it was about the Ihowtons and I would get all the information I could about it before I called back. My mind keeps trying to connect what KJ and Zinnia saw in there dreams. Did something come out of that pot to attack and attach itself to El? What was it he said before he died, kill the old man and I will make you my queen? When my father died, I had his office cleaned out and all of his stuff put into storage. That day was the last time any of his things saw the light of day. I take a trip down to the basement with the old key that could open the door to all of the questions that I had. I start to dig through the boxes, looking for the last thing he was working on. Toward the end of his life I remember he always had this blue folder on his desk. The folder stuck out to me because he was not the type to go to stationary stores and stock up on supplies. There was something I found peculiar on the cover of that folder as a kid. I go through each and every box until I find the simple blue folder labeled the Moontrail Pack. I spend all night doing my research, trying my best to piece together what had gone on until I realize that it's morning. I feel tired, but I won't be able to sleep in this state. I need to focus on something else to clear my mind. I go straight to Zinnia's room to see if she wants to go with me to get breakfast, but she is not in her room. I feel my heart beating frantically when I try to mindlink her, but she doesn't respond. 'Alonzo, do you know where Zinnia is?' 'Yea, she's with us. She is really talented.' What the f**k does that mean? 'Where?' I finally make it over to them and see Zinnia sparing with KJ and my brother in the clearing. I exhale, relieved that she is okay. They go back and forth a bit more. When Zinnia attacks, she does so with a ferocity I didn't know she had without influence from Xena. KJ corrects her technique and asks her if she trained in New Moon because her fighting style had changed. He said that now he could see her becoming the Luna she always planned on being. She playfully pushes him and I can't stop the surge of jealousy that courses through me. I try not to show it because I don't want to have a problem with my brother by growling at his mate who is probably innocent, but I do clear my throat to direct my annoyance at my mate. She rolls her eyes and walks past me, back to the packhouse. "S-sorry, we used to spar every morning." I put a hand up to let him know he doesn't have to explain. "You and I, we're good." I assure him. Nothing needs to be explained to me, for I've had a moment of clarity.
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