Chapter 39

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Zinnia's POV I've never seen him this upset. My heart flutters in my chest when Lorenzo holds me close and presses his warm lips against mine. He is so tender and gentle and he has been so patient with me. It is not unusual for wolves to mate within a few hours of meeting, but we have been able to get to know each other first. I know I want to take that step with him soon, especially when he holds me close like this, but things have just been crazy ever since we met. I should be more upset about him taking me here without me knowing, but after finding out what day it was and realizing that I really was sleeping for such a long time, I can't be mad that this Alpha had to get back to his pack after spending extra time away because of me in the first place. It just feels so right, being next to him, us kissing, being barely clothed in the grass. It feels like this was where I was always meant to be. "Zinnia?" I pull away from the kiss shocked. "KJ?" I jump up, so happy that he is here! I go to run and give him a hug, but Lorenzo pulls me back against him so hard it knocks the wind out of me. He growls at KJ and the guy next to him as the two men stare at each other. The guy with KJ looks a bit confused, but steps forward, reaching his hand out. "I think some introductions are in order. My name is Alonzo. I am the Beta of this pack and Lorenzo's brother." I gasp and leap from Lorenzo's arms to give him a hug. I'm usually not so affectionate, but I've wanted to meet Lorenzo's twin since I heard he existed. He seems surprised, but he pats me on my back and hugs me. "Um, I was just walking the grounds with my mate Kane an-" I gasp again. "KJ! You're here and you found your mate. I'm so happy for you!" I go to hug him again, but Lorenzo pulls me back. "Lorenzo! This is KJ, I told you about him when we were talking after the restaurant. He helped me escape the West Moontrail Pack. He is obviously not a threat if he is mated to your twin brother. Let me go!" "Twin brother?" KJ asks. "Um, why don't we all just take a deep breath and meet for dinner in an hour? My treat." Alonzo says as he pushes KJ back away from me. KJ waves and I wave back. I grab my arm back from Lorenzo once they are gone. "KJ is my best friend and we are not attracted to each other. You already marked me. Why wouldn't you let me hug your own brother's mate?" "Because I don't know him." he shrugs, unapologetic. "Well, I don't know you." I say and begin to walk away. I am going to that dinner and I have to get ready. Lorenzo runs up behind me and picks me up. He throws me over his shoulder and holds on to my legs tight. "What are you doing?" I ask in a stutter with every bounce against the harsh muscles in his back. "We're going to that dinner and we have to get ready. I need answers." ~~~~~~~~ "After Zinnia left, I knew there would be eyes on me. I also knew that Nala hadn't given me up to Alpha El. She told me she didn't do it because she had a thing for me and I guess she thought that would win her brownie points with me. She didn't tell Alpha El that she overheard us talking in the forest, but I knew something would go down soon, so I packed a bag and stored it in the forest. Alpha El wanted to silence Zinnia because he didn't want information about our messed up pack getting out. She knew things that were supposed to be unknown by regular pack members, about how El would say that we were under attack as a means to do his dirty work and how corrupt he was. As a pack warrior, I was sworn to secrecy, so I couldn't get the word out, but Zinnia could." KJ and I start the conversation laying all the groundwork about life before I left to our mates as we sit down to eat after I finally give him a big hug. I learn that he became aware of the plans to attack during the King's inauguration and escaped, but got attacked by the other pack warriors who were already suspicious of him. My heart broke when he was telling us. "Part of my covert duties were to monitor the number of Ihowtons in the forest. Alpha El was into nurturing anyone in the pack with an interest or abilities in science, so he had a device that used sonar to monitor the general amount of Ihowtons in the forest. El didn't want any regular pack members knowing about the Ihowtons, so he wanted to be able to track them. Most of what we did as pack warriors wasn't even combat. He had asked me to set it up in the forest and once I was done, I was ambushed." KJ says he was left for dead but found by Alonzo, who he was able to tell about El's plan. "I was chasing down Ihowtons that had been spotted in the forest between our packs when I found him. I was so scared, I thought he was already dead." Alonzo says, staring at KJ. "Thats how I was able to tell you about the attack on New Moon." he says to Lorenzo. Lorenzo and I tell the two of them about what happened after I escaped, my life in the New Moon Pack, how we met and the attack on New Moon. I did most of the talking. "KJ, I can't believe your dream was real." I say, shaking my head. "What dream?" the twins ask in tandem. "That Zinnia and I would be mated with twins," KJ smiles, then rolls his eyes at Alonzo, "even though you didn't tell me you were a twin." "I didn't. We're fraternal, we're two separate people. I didn't think it was relevant." "So, Kane... KJ, I don't know what I should call you." "KJ is fine. I don't like my first or middle name." "KJ, I feel like we aren't going deep enough into this prophetic dream. Do you often get dreams that tell you about your future?" "Never. But there was a catalyst. Now that I've left West Moontrail, I can talk about it." KJ tells us about something strange that happened one day when he was on the packlands. He was on patrol and he came across a small wooden box outside the boundary of our traps. Plumes of smoke were coming out of it. He said that although he knew it was unwise to get close to it because he didn't know what it was, he was drawn in because he heard a bubbling sound from inside. When he lifted the box, a large metal pot was underneath, bubbling and boiling, but there was no fire underneath. When he bent down to get a closer look, one of the bubbles burst and some of the fluid got on him. That night, he had his first dream. "It's so weird hearing about the half circle thing again. I feel like I just saw a vision or something about it." "When?" Lornezo asks. "Agh, its dumb and it doesn't make sense, but I think it was in the car on our way here. It's probably not related. Anyway, did you ever go back over there?" I ask KJ. "No. And I didn't want to start asking around about it. There were already too many eyes on me. Alex was the only one who mentioned that what happened to you was messed up. But like I told you, I didn't have any more dreams since after Shawn's birthday. I still haven't had any and I don't want to. I don't need to dream anymore since I have my mate now and I know that you are safe. Things have even been better with the Ihowtons. Their total number has dropped about 20% everyday since, let me see, since a few days after you guys got here." "What?" Lorenzo almost spits out his drink. "Yea. I still have the login information for El's tracking system and I check it everyday. They're going away."
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