Information Revealed

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Sam`s POV: "Your his sister?" I asked in shock. "Yes I am, now leave me alone to plan this out?" She says to me forcing me out of her house. I walk home in shock why would she be doing that to her own brother? After walking ten minutes to get home I crawl straight in the bed and await for further instruction. *Flashabck Ended* *Back To The Present Day* James POV: I woke up with my mate in my arms, I smiled as happiness filled inside of me. I tried to slid out of the bed with out waking her up but that did not work. She rolled over and looked at me with love filled eyes, before sitting up and planting a kiss on my lips. I return the kiss and waited a few minutes before breaking the kiss, I stood up on the side of the bed when she spoke up. "Where are you going?" She asked in a sleepy voice. "You can go back to sleep I have to work on a couple things for the pack, it is only five in the morning you dont have to get up." I say to her sweetly. "No I am Luna, I need to get up and be a part of that too, it is my job you know I have that title now." She says smiling from ear to ear. I could not help but smile at her as she slid out of bed and in to the bathroom to clean her self up. I walked over to the closet and picked out my clothes while she was in the bathroom. Once she came out I went in the bathroom to clean my self up, after I brushed my teeth and washed my self down really good I came out and got dressed. I look over and Alisha was already dressed and in my office waiting on me to come in. I walk in to the office as she was pouring coffee for both of us in to cups, she then came and gave me my coffee as we both sat down at my desk. I opened the laptop and clicked the tab to bring up the emails, Alisha immediately recognized an email from her friend we sent the video feeds to for him to investagate for my brothers death. I clicked on it to open it up and a file popped up that we clicked on it to read. *The email States* "Hello Alisha, First off I want to tell you congrats on finding your mate, as well as I want to say sorry for the loss of your mates brother. Next I want to say sorry for taking so long to respond but these videos were a little bit to figure out. Now on to business, the first video the one of the attack that video was purposely time cut that is why the time jumps in the video, now there was only one way this could happen and your not going to like it. The only way for this to happen is that someone in your security knew about the attack tried to make it disappear from the footage but messed up in the process, or again someone in your security is working with the person attacking your family and tried to cover it and messed up in the process. In other words someone in your security that was working in the recording room that night either knew about the attack or was working with the person that was attacking your family. You have an enemy in your security basically. Now the second video of the hospital that one was a little tricky. I double checked the footage and the video is not altered in anyway, how ever I did run that photo against the photo`s you gave me of your pack members and of course no match. That does not mean that she does not reside there, because I ran a facial recognition on the face of the nurse in the video, and even though there is no match to the actual face the facial features them selves brought up one match to one single pack member. I do not know if this is someone you have made mad or has something against you but they would have to be pretty pissed off to want to do this to your family. The picture and file is at the bottom of the email, I hope this helps you guys consider me an asset in the future for investigations like this. *Email Ends* We scroll down to the bottom of the email and click on the file of the pack member responsible for the killing of my brother. We both sat there in shock as we looked at the photo, we did not even think of the person as a possiblilty. The photo was a picture of Sam Brinkley, the same Sam that has been trying to get the Luna position for years now. We looked at each other and let out a deep breath we did not even know we were holding in. Even though we had to question her we had to put that on hold and run down to The Blue Mountain Pack to meet with Alpha Lewis to get the rogue who killed my mother. We closed the laptop and grabbed our phones, after making sure we had everything we need we left the office locking it behind us. We come down the stairs and start for the front door, when I came to a stop. Jack came walking in the front door, I waved him over to talk to him. "Hey, how are you and Cynthia doing?" I asked him. "Cynthia is doing better some of the pain has subsided but it helps having someone to talk to on a daily basis. I am doing good it feels good to have someone to hang out with and look after on a daily basis." He said with a smile on his face. "That is good I am glad you are both foing good" I say to him with a smile on my face. "Oh and congrats on find your mate" He says while looking at Alisha. "Thank you, um I need to talk to you follow us out to the SUV`s." I tell him. He nods his head and follows us out to the SUV`s, When we get there I start the car and help Alisha in the front seat. "I will be right back i am going to talk to jack real quick before we leave." I say to her. "Okay." She says with a smile. I close the door and go to the back of the SUV where Jack is standing. "What`s up?" He asks me. "I need you to do me a favor, I found out it was Sam that killed me brother but I do not want her brought in yet." I say to him in a serious tone. "Thats good but why don`t you want her brought in yet?" He asked confused. "Because I want to build a solid case against her first, but what I need from you is to keep an eye on her until I get back." I say to him seriously. "Okay no problem, where are you going and how long are you going to be gone?" He asks. "I have to go to meet the Alpha from the Blue Mountain Pack to get the rogue that killed me and Ryan`s mother, They have him in their jail." I say to him. "No problem consider it done, I will call you if anything is needed or you call me if you need anything." He says to me. "Thank you and let Cynthia know if she needs anything let me know as well okay?" I say to him. "No problem have a safe trip." He says as he starts walking away. I get in the drivers seat put the car in gear and start heading down the driveway. The trip was about an hour and a half long, and we had a lot to discuss. about what we have found and how we are going to deal with it. I look over at Alisha and she is sending an email back to her friend saying thank you for all the help. Once she is done I start the conversation. "Okay, so now we know it was Sam who killed my brother, the rogue killed my mother I wonder if they re working together or if they are working for some one else or if they were just two separate incidents." I say to her. "They are definitely not separate they are together think about it, they only common denominator is you. The bigger question is are they working together or working separately for the same person." She says looking at me. "Good point I did not think of that." I say to her keeping my eyes on the road. "The other big question is what is the motive for it, we know Sams is because she wants the luna title, but I do not understand how your brother fits in to that. As far as your mother`s death that was the rogue but why would a rogue be working for someone unless he is getting something out of it for him." She say thinking about it. This girl is smart I think to myself. "Can you think of anyone that would want to hurt you in anyway? Or anyone that you have done wrong in the past?" She asks breaking me out of my thoughts. "No not that I can think of off the top of my head." I say to her. We drove the rest of the way thinking about the possibilities of who it could be. When we showed up the Alpha and Luna were outside the pack house waiting to greet us. When we pulled up and got out they greeted us and invited us inside, Once we got to the Alpha`s office we got straight to business. "Alpha James I hope all is well, I am very sorry for both of your losses." He says to me. "Thank you, It is not over yet though we just found out the person responsible for me brothers death now I am here to verify the person responsible for my mothers death." I say to him. "Well that is good, lets confirm this is the one who killed your mother, if so you can take him back to your territory so he can serve out his punishment." He says to me with out hesitation. I nod my head and he mind-links his prison guards to bring the rogue to his office. A short time later the guards enter with the prisoner in hand, I take one look at him and see that smirk he had on his face when I found out he killed my mother. Sensing my anger Alisha placed her hand on my leg calming me down quickly, I look at the Alpha who is looking at me waiting for my response. "Yes that is him." I say anger evident in my voice. "Prepare him for transporting." The Alpha says looking at the prison guards. "He is all yours Alpha James." He says adding to his previous statement as he looked back at me. "Thank you I really appreciate it sir." I say to him in a grateful tone. "No problem, If you ever need anything let me know, consider us an asset in the future." He said with a smile on his face extanding his hand to me. I take his hand in mine and shake it before leaving the office, when we all reached the front door I see and prison truck outside. I look over at the Alpha and give him a confused look. "It is purely for safety measures Alpha James, my men will bring him to your territory and make sure he is secured in your prison before leaving. That way he can not escape again, you will not get justice if he escapes again." He said reassuring me. I nod my head and help Alisha get in the car, before going around and getting in the drivers seat myself. We let the prison truck go in front of us that way we can make sure nothing happens. The entire ride home we talked about the punishments for both of them and then a punishment for the third person if there is one in the mix of this. When we pulled up we waited for the prison truck to park and walk the prisoner to the jail, we got out of the car and followed until he was secured in the jail and made sure that he can not get out. The prison guards walked out of the jail with us, as we got back to the truck we turned to them and asked them to do us one more favor. "What can we do for you while we are here?" They asked me. "I need you to go pick up this girl from her house and bring her to the jail as well, if she asks why just say orders from the alpha. If she resists at any point then bring her by force and make sure she is secured as well please." I asked them. "Where is she?" They asked me. I held up one finger and took out my phone, I dialed Jack`s number. "Hey Alpha what`s up? everything okay?" He asked. "Hey Jack yes everything is fine we just got back and we got the rogue secured in the prison." I say to him. "That is good, so what do you need?" He says. "Where is Sam at?" I ask him. "She has been at her house all day no movement outside of her house, why?" He asked. "I am sending a couple prison officers to get her, I want to make sure she can not get away, by bringing her in I can ensure I will get justice for Ryan`s death." I say to him. "Okay good call, yeah she is at her house if anything changes before they come I will call immediately." He says to me. "Thank you." I say before hanging up the phone. I turn to them and tell them she is at her house, I give them her address and they hop in the truck and take off in her direction. We decided to wait for their return, so we went inside the prison and went in the video recording room to hide so she does not see us. Sam`s POV: I have been in my house watching television all day waiting to hear from Elizabeth James`s sister to call me, but I have not heard from her today. She must still be working on the next part of the plan, I was on the couch when I heard a knock at the door. Maybe she decided to come by the house to tell me what the plan was instead of calling me. I went over to the door and opened it, not to see her but to see two prison guards. I tried to act as if nothing was wrong, but something told me that this was going to end bad. "Are you Sam Brinkley?" One of them asked. "Yes, may I help you officers?" I said smiling at them. "We need you to come with us?" The other officer said. "I am not going anywhere unless you have an arrest warrant." I said stepping back into the house. "Ma`am we are taking you with us now and you can either come with us voluntarily or we will force you with us." The first officer said. I tried to close the door but the officers caught it and grabbed me forcing me out of the house. They brought me down to the ground and put handcuffs on me, I kicked and thrashed around trying to get free. They lifted me off the ground and walked me to the truck throwing me in the back and slamming the door. The ride was short, when they opened the door and took me out I saw we were at the prison. They brought me inside and brought me to a cell, they took the handcuffs off and pushed me in closing the door behind me and locking it. "You can not do this to me, you can not arrest me with out telling me why!" I screamed at them. "It was Alpha`s orders." They both said in a serious tone before walking away from the cell and out of the prison. When I heard Alpha`s orders I was surprised and kept quiet, why would he order me to be arrested? Does he know I killed Ryan? Does he know about Elizabeth? How does he know? How did he find out? I thought to myself as I stand in a prison cell.
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