Feeling Too Bad

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Alisha`s POV: We were waiting in the video recording room when they brought Sam in to the prison and locked her up, she kicking and thrashing around screaming all the way up until she heard Alpha`s Orders. Shortly after they made sure she was secured they walked out of the prison adn we followed them as well, when we got back to the prison truck we thanked them properly and waved to them as they left and headed back to their territory. We decided to head back to the pack house for dinner, when we got there dinner was already cooked and set up all we had to do was sit down and dig in. We sat down at the table and ate shrimp scampi, when we were done we went upstairs to finish off the paperwork for Sam`s arrest as well as the transportation of the rogue in to our custody. once all that was done we headed to bed being that it was going on ten o`clock at night. We drifted off in to a deep sleep wrapped in each others arms. *The Next Day* Alisha`s POV: I woke up early stomach hurting and nautious, I quickly ran out of bed and ran to the bathroom throwing up in to the toilet. I felt like crap, I threw up all of last nights dinner. Once I was done throwing up I brushed my teeth and climbed back into bed, still feeling nautious I cuddled into James and it slowly started to subside allowing me to drift back to sleep. James POV: I woke up with Alisha cuddled up to me, I smiled at her as she slept like an angel. She seemed really tired so I am going to let her sleep in today. I slid out of bed with out waking her making my way to the bathroom, I took a quick shower and got dressed. I stepped in to my office and took a seat at my desk and was looking over paperwork, when I heard a knock at the door. I walked over to the connecting door to my bedroom amd shut it leaving it cracked, I walk over to the office door and opened it to see security guard standing there. I opened it all the way allowing him to come in before closing it behind us, I pointed at the chair indicating he can sit down. "Good morning Alpha" He said. "Good morning Bryan, how are you?" I asked him. "Good, I am sorry for your losses of family members." Bryan said. "It is okay, what can I do for you?" I ask him. "I was wondering if you would be coming down to the prison today?" Bryan asked me. "As a matter of fact I am, I have to interrogate a couple prisoners why do you ask?" I ask him. "I am just curious, one of the prisoners have been screaming they want to talk to the Alpha." Bryan says. "Which one?" I asked. "Her name is Sam." He said. "Okay, thank you I plan to interrogate her today, you can go back to your post just tell her I will be by later." I say to him. "Yes Alpha, Thank you." He says as he gets up and leaves closing the door behind him. I continue looking over paperwork for another hour and a half, when I see out of the corner of my eye something run passed the cracked bedroom door. I got up and walked in to the bedroom and looked at the bed and saw Alisha was not there, then I heard her in the bathroom it sounds like shes throwing up. I walk to the bathroom door and peak my head in saw her stretched over the toilet throwing up, I come in and place my hand on her back rubbing it in small circles and took the other hand and held her hair out of the way. I could feel her physically relax as I continue to rub small circles on her back, when she finally stopped throwing up she got up and brushed her teeth. "Are you okay baby?" I asked her. "I do not know, this is the second time I have thrown up today I threw up earlier this morning. I think that it was something to do with dinner last night." She said to me. "Why don`t you just relax today stay in bed and watch tv and rest." I say to her. "What about the interrogations today? I am Luna I should be there too."She said to me feeling like a disappointment. "I can handle the interrogations today, I need you to rest because you can not be Luna if you do not take care of your self baby." I say to her. She nods her head. "Your right, I will rest today but promise me that if you need me you call me." She asked with pleading eyes. "I will if you promise me that if you are not feeling better by time I finish the interrogations or you get worse you will go to the pack doctor?" He said with concern in his eyes. "I promise." She said and placed a kiss on my cheek before she walked passed me climbing back in to bed. I walk over to the bed and lean over and place a kissed on her forehead as she drifted off to sleep. I quietly left the room shutting the door behind me and then grabbed my phone off the desk and left the office heading to the prison. I hope she will be better by time I get back to the pack house today. I looked at my phone and unlocked it, I dialed Jack`s number and it did not take long for him to pick up. "Hello." Jack said. "Hey Jack." I said to him. "Hey Alpha, what`s up?" He said. "You can call me James dude we are passed formalities unless we are in the company of others." I say to him. "Okay James, what`s up?" He said. "Do you want to help out with some interrogations?" I ask him. "Hell yeah I need to release some built up anger dude." He says to me. "Okay but do not over do it, these are the people that will suffer for killing my family members." I say to him. "Oh no I would not ruin the chance for you to get justice for your family dude, I just need to release a little anger and interrogations are the best way to do it." He says to me. " Okay, meet me at the prison in fifteen minutes." I say to him. "No problem, dude see you there." He says before hanging up the phone. I slide my phone back in my pocket and make my way down the stairs of the pack house, reaching the bottom floor I see one of the kitchen cooks I stop her. "Good morning, Luna is not feeling well make sure to send up some fluids and food for her please." I say to her. "Yes Alpha" She says before heading back in to the kitchen. I walk out of the back door and head down to the prison, as I come up on the prison I see Jack standing outside waiting for me. "Lets do this." He said as I reached the door or the prison. I open the door and we reach the guards station. "Set up for two interrogations one for the rogue and one for Sam Brinkley and grab the strongest female warrior we have." I say to the guards. "Yes Alpha" They replied in unison. "Jack head to the rogues cell and bring him to one of the interrogation rooms, I will grab Sam and bring her to the other one." I said. Jack nodded his head and went off in that direction, while I went in the opposite direction to get Sam. I approached her cell and the officer that was standing there unlocked the door, he placed handcuffs on her before bringing her out of the cell. When she came out of the cell she saw me she was excited. "Oh my god James baby, tell them to take these cuffs off. tell them I am your mate and they can not treat their Luna like this!" She says to me. "Your not my mate, your not the Luna and you never will be. You will be punished for your crime you committed." I say to her anger evident in my voice. "I did not commit any crimes baby please you can trust me." she said to me batting her eyelashes at me. "Bring her to the interrogation room." I said to the guard ignoring her pleading walking away from her listening to her screams. "James please believe me I did not do anything baby, you can trust me!!!!" She screamed being dragged to the interrogation room. I walk back to find jack in the interrogation room with the rogue, I walked in and started the interrogation. I asked him why did he kill my mother, and when he would not respond Jack would hit him. We interrogated him for two and half hours and the only thing we learned was that he was working for someone, seeing him passed out body all bloody on the floor I had him dragged back to his cell until tomorrow. We exited the room and stopped at the guards station, I told them that he needed to be cleaned up and that he will be interrogated again tomorrow. "Do you need help with Sam`s interrogation?" He asked me. "No I have a female warrior for that one, but thank you for helping me with the rogue, if you want to come back tomorrow and you can help with him tomorrow." I said to him. "Okay no problem, same time?" He asked. "Yes unless told otherwise" I say as I walk towards the other interrogation room. I approach the other interrogation room and step inside, a female warrior waiting for me to start the interrogation. I close the door behind me and lock it as well. "Lets begin" I say to the female warrior. She nods her head and says "Yes Alpha" *Meanwhile* Alisha`s POV: I woke up after James left and I ate the food that was sent up and drank the drinks that came with it, not even five minutes after eating I threw it all back up. Now there was a little pain in my lower stomach, I did not want to worry James but I was going to the pack doctor. So I got dressed and walked out of the bedroom and office and headed down the stairs, I was almost to the front door when Jack walked in. Jack took one look at me and came up to me. "Luna are you okay?" He asked holding me up with his arms. "No I have been sick all morning, and now its afternoon and I am still throwing up and now there is pain in my lower stomach. I was headed to the pack hospital when you walked in the front door." I told him. "I will escort you there, then go get James." He said. "No, I do not want to worry him, He is doing Alpha duties." I said as we walked out the front door. "James is going to worry about you no matter what but you are more important then two criminals any day." He said to me making me blush a little. We walked all the way to the hospital and as soon as they saw me everyone rushed over and got me in a room. They began putting an IV in my arm and began running test on me. I was hoping it was not something to serious, I am sure James has enough to worry about. *Back At Interrogation* We had been at in for about forty-five minutes and she has done nothing but say she has done nothing wrong, she now has a broken nose and a broken rib. "Now why did you kill my brother?" I asked her again. "I did not kill your broth-" She started to say before my female warrior landed another punch to her ribs. "Stop lying we have evidence of you doing it." I say through my teeth with anger. She denied it for another hour and a half, she was on the verge of passing out when she said something that I was not expecting. "Okay Okay I did it because she told me if I took away everyone you loved then you would fall for me and love me and make me your Luna." She said breathlessly as she spit blood out of her mouth. "Who is she?" I asked her. " I will not tell you." She said. I nodded to the warrior who through another punch landing it to her face knocking her out cold. "Maybe you will tell me tomorrow." I say to myself. "Bring her back to her cell, and have the blood cleaned up and her nose attended to." I tell the warrior. The warrior nods her head at me. "Thank you." I say to her. She nods her head again, and I leave the cell and head back towards the guards station. As I reach the guard station I notice one of the security guards going through security footage, so I snuck in behind him and watched him for a few minutes. I know this guy his name is Brandon, He is one of the new wolves that I approved in to the pack because he claimed his pack was attacked and he was the only survivor. I watched closely as he was clicking on certain time frames of footage and deleting it or putting it on loop and saving it to the hard drive. He must of been done because he close the window and he went to get up, he turned and bumped right in to me as I was standing behind him. "Watch where your going idiot." He says as he was looking down looking for something. "Excuse me, What did you say to me?" I ask him. He immediately looked up at me and the fear in his eyes built up, he knows by how angry I am that I know what he did. Just as he was about to speak another guard walked in and saw us. "Put him in a cell then set him up for interrogation tomorrow with the other two I am interrogating tomorrow as well." I say to the guard. "Yes Alpha." The guard says and put cuffs on Brandon and takes him down the hall putting him in cell. locking the door behind him. I think my work at the prison is finished, I better go check on Alisha and see how she is feeling. I walk out of the prison and head back up to the pack house, as I get to the pack house and make it back to me office I check my bedroom and see Alisha is not here. *Back At The Hospital* After doing all types of tests I was just waiting on the doctor to come in to find out what was wrong. A short time later the doctor comes in. "Good evening Luna." He says closing the door behind him. "Good evening doctor, how you came with answers." I said with a smile. "Yes I did Luna see after all the test and stuff we did on your we figured out what is going on that small little body of yours." He said. "Well, What is wrong with me doctor?" I ask him. "Luna your pregnant with twins, your body is trying to adjust to it because of how small you are going to be carrying two wolf pups inside you so your body is trying to adjust around to to be more comfortable for you, It will be painful for a couple of day but then you wont even feel a thing until it is time for you to give birth, morning sickness on the other hand is normal. I have prescribed you some medicine for the morning sickness It will not cure it but it will help and some over the counter pain medicine to help with the pain." He handed me my discharge papers along with the medicine all I could think was I was pregnant with twins? I walked back to the pack house making my way up the stairs and to the office. I walked in the office just as James was coming out of the bedroom. James POV: Just as I walked out of the bedroom Alisha came walking in to the office looking better. I ran over to her and wrapped her in a huge hug just happy to see that she was okay. "Are you okay? I came here and you were not here I was about to go out searching for you." I said to her. "I am fine baby, I went to the doctor like I promised I would if it got worse or I was not feeling better." She said to me. "You look like your feeling better did they figure out what was wrong with you?" I asked her. "Yes they did baby, yes they did." She said to me with a smile. "Well what did the doctor say? What was wrong with you?" I asked her trying to figure out what was going on. "James, I am pregnant with twins."
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