Birthday Girl

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Alisha`s POV: I woke up to an empty bed, he woke up before me. I slid out of bed and made my way to the office where I saw James sitting at his desk staring intently at his laptop. I walk over and wrap my arms around him from behind giving him a kiss on the cheek making him smile. I life my head up and look at his computer screen, he was watching the video of the hospital footage when I saw a girl on the screen he pause the video so he could see her face. He shook his head and let out a huge sigh of frustration, and laid his head back against me as I looked at the screen. "I do not recognize her, and I help cook for the whole pack." I said in confusion. "I do not recognize her either." He said in frustration. "Did the doctor send you autopsy results yet." I asked curiously. "Yes he did, my brother was poisoned with wolfsbane." He said to me. "The question that is in my mind is how did and unknown person get passed everyone in a nurse outfit? Also how did she get in to the territory passed security?" I said in confusion. "I asked myself the same thing?" He said. "Unless it is someone in the pack, and they have security on their side? That other video of the attack was on a time loop only someone in security can do that. Then the question would be how did they change their appearance?" I asked out loud. "Unless they are working with a witch, that changed their appearance." We both said in unison. "So we need to find out who is messing with the security tapes and who has motive to do this." I said out loud. He nodded his head at what I said. "I am going to go take a shower and get something to eat, then we can figure that out. You should get cleaned up to, so that we can hang out later." I said with a wink and smile. He smiled and nodded, we both got up from the desk and left to take showers. Sams POV: I have been watching them hang out everyday, since the funeral he is never alone. She is always with him I need to separate them, I need to get him alone. I sneak into the pack house and I quickly hide behind one of the couches in the living room as I see her walk passed the living room and down the hall I quietly sneak down the hall and up the stairs. I make it to the alphas office door and it is cracked open. I see him walk from his desk into his bedroom, I sneak in the office and hear him turn on the shower. I sneak into his bedroom, and lay down on the bed waiting for him to come out of the shower. About fifteen minutes later i hear him turn off the water, he walks out and sees me on the bed. "What do you want Sam?" He said irritation in his voice. "What do you mean, I am just her to see my mate and pay my condolences to you I heard about your brother." I say sweetly. "Thank you for your condolences, but I have plans so you need to leave now." He says irritated. "Plans? What do you mean? Are you not happy to see your mate?" i ask batting my eyelashes. "Sam you have known since we were eighteen that we are not mates, I have plans now leave." He says. "Oh baby, you know we are destined to be mates," I say getting off the bed and coming closer putting my hands on his chest sliding them downward towards the lining of his towel. "No we are not, if we were we would have known by now, now get out I have plans." He says stopping my hand and pushing me off him. I stormed out of the bedroom and office furiously, I was going to have him, so I decided to go about it another way. I walk down stairs and find the girl he has been hanging out with in the kitchen. I walk in to the kitchen and sit at the island, I watch her before saying anything. "Hello, what is your name? and how old are you?" I ask being friendly. "Alisha, and I am 17 What about you?" She says turning around looking at me smiling. "Oh you do not know my name? I figured my mate would of told you." I say plastering a fake smile on my face. "Oh who is your mate?" She asks me with a confused look on her face. "The Alpha silly, I am going to be the new Luna soon." I say smiling at the thought of it. She looks at me for a minute before responding to me. "I highly doubt that, honey." She says sweetly to me smiling. "Why do you say that?" I ask her confused. "Because if he was your mate you would of felt the pain the other night when I sucked his d**k, and I swallowed his c*m. You would of also felt the pain when we made out and he made me orgasm all over his hand just yesterday, beside those points not only has he not mentioned you but I have not even seen you around in the last two days that we have slept in the same bed together in his office." She says sweetly before turning around and leaving the kitchen. What the hell? Hes been sleeping in the same bed with her? They have done s****l things? Is she his mate? I need to make her disappear before they find out if they are mates. I run out of the pack house and back to my own house, I pick up my phone and call the only other person I know that can help me. The phone rings three times before going to voice mail, so I hang up and redial the number again. This time the person picks up. "Hello?" A female voice says "Hey it`s me, we need to meet up." *Meanwhile* James POV: After Sam left I was able to calm down, I got dressed and waited for Alisha to come back. I was wondering what was taking her so long, but soon as I was about to go check on her she came walking through the office door. "Are you okay? I was about to come check on you." I asked her concerned. "Yeah, I am fine I just ran in to a girl in the kitchen that claimed to be your mate." She said smiling. "Oh her, she is not my mate I promise you that. She and I had a thing back in high school and she became obsessed with me, but I promise you it is not like that. She does not mean anything to me, and she is not my mate." I start explaining hoping she would believe me. She walked over to me and put her hand over my mouth to shut me up. "Calm down I know she is not your mate, because if she was she would be here all the time and we would of never did the things we have done. You would of stopped me and told me to leave." She said with a warm smiling wrapping her hands around my neck. "Okay." I said surprised. "Plus I already told her." She said smiling. "You told her what?" I asked confused. "I told her that if she was really your mate that one you would of told me, two she would be around here more often, three she would of felt the pain that night that I sucked your d**k and swallowed your c*m, and four she would of felt the pain yesterday when you made me orgasm all of your hand from pleasuring me and making me feel so as I smiled at her and then walked out of the kitchen." She explained. I looked at her surprised, I was speechless. I could not do anything but smile at her. "Now that she has been taken care of, what would you like to do today?" She asked me smiling. "I don`t know it is going to be your birthday tonight, what would you like to do?" I asked her. "How about we go back to the pond, and make a few memories to remember." She whispered in to my ear before placing a soft kiss on my lips. "mmmmm" I moaned in to it, returning the kiss with a little more aggression. She laughed into the kiss, and tightened her arms around my neck. Instinctively I picked her up and her legs wrapped around my waist, I started walking towards the door. We stopped kissing long enough to make it down the stairs and out the door, once we were outside the members of the pack looked confused and excited at the same time. They are confused at the way he was carrying me, but happy that he might of found his mate. We walked through the woods to the pond, once we were at the pond we sat down and looked at the water. After a few hours of laying there in each others arms, an idea popped in my head. I looked at Alisha, she was laying there smiling. I rolled over on my side and made her look at me, she looked confused at first. I slid my hand down from her face to her chest. I slid my hand over her breast making her gasp, I then reached the lining of her shirt sliding my hand underneath touching her stomach sliding it across to her hip. She smiled with her eyes closed loving the feel of my touch, I rolled on tip of her and started kissing her neck. Instinctively she opened her legs, and started quietly moaning from the kiss on her neck. I work my my down and I found her marking spot and placed my mouth over it. Her body jerked at the overloaded sensation, she let out a louder moan, She placed her hand on the back of my head holding me on her sweet spot. Her lower body, bucked against mine, witch made me emit a growl which only ignited her even more, the vibration from the growl on her sweet spot sent out another loud moan from her lips and another buck against my manhood. She was fighting control over her body, holding my head with my mouth on her sweet spot she used her other hand to find mine. Once she found it she grabbed it and slid my hand up her inner thigh under her skirt. I reached her thong and It was soaked, I slide my tongue over her sweet spot on her neck and she just about screamed forcing my hand into her thong to play with her clit. I swirl my fingers around her clit, making her grip tighten on my arm keeping me in place, she gasped and moaned in my ear causing me to growl in approval. The vibration from the growl caused her to buck her hips sliding my hand down farther in to her thong sliding two fingers inside her. The feeling sent her into overdrive I moved my fingers around inside her causing her to buck against my hand making my fingers go deeper in her. She bucked faster, moaned louder, her climax building with in her, her grip tightened on my arm and head. I knew she was close so I sucked on her sweet spot causing her to scream my name, she bucked one last time as she tightened around my fingers and had one of the strongest orgasms by far. "OH GOD JAMES!!!!!!" I retracted my fingers and placed a kiss on her lips. "How was that for a memory to remember?" I asked teasing. Out of breath she looked up at me and smiled. "Best memory by far." She said smiling. Alisha`s POV: I had never felt that way before, I had a strong orgasm and he gave it to me by touching me. It would be the best memory by far that we have at the pond. I let myself come down off my euphoric high, and we laid there holding each other. Before we both knew it it was night time. We laid there looking at the moon when I got the scent of pine flooded my nose, I looked around but did not see anything out of the usual. Then I looked at James to see if he smelt the same thing I did, but he was already looking at me. We were laying there looking at the moon When the scent of blueberries hit my nose. I looked around but did not see anything, I kept looking but nothing out of the usual. I turned around to ask Alisha if she smelt blueberries like I did, but she was looking around like she was trying to find something. Then she turned to look at me, and that when I realized the smell was her. We both said the same thing at the same time. "MATE."
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