It`s To Late

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James POV: I immediately hung up the phone, I told Alisha we had to go and that it was about my brother. She understood and we got up and took off running as fast as we could towards the hospital. I did not think we were that far from the hospital, but it turns out we were a lot of farther than we thought. It took us about thirty to forty-five minutes to get to the hospital. We ran in and everyone became silent, and Jack saw me and camping running up to me. "Where is he? What is going on? What happened?" I started bombarding him with questions. "I`m sorry Alpha, It`s too late Ryan has passed." Jack said to me with hurt in his eyes. "What happened? Where were you at?" I asked as anger surged through my body. "I was there, a nurse came in and said she was there to give him his antibiotics for the infection from the silver in his cuts on his stomach. She inserted the antibiotics in his IV and left, about ten minutes later he just started flat lining. We called for another nurse and explained what happened, but they claim that it was not time for his next dose of antibiotics. She said that the next dose was not for another hour and a half and that nobody should of been in here to put anything in his IV." Jack said explaining the situation clearly and hung his head in disappointment upset that he was there and could not do anything. "Jack, There was nothing you could do, you thought the nurse was just doing their job it is not your fault." I said a little less angry, I put my hand on his shoulder to reassure him that it was not his fault. "I put the hospital on lock down nobody has been in or out of the hospital since the incident occured." He said lifting up his head to look at me. "Good job Jack, you did the right thing." I said to him with a smile. "I want you to take Cynthia home and watch over her carefully, I want you to stay at the house with her. I do not want to take any chances of anyone coming after her." I said to him with a serious look. "Are you sure maybe some one else should, I mean look what happened to Ryan and I was there when it happened." Jack started to say. "I trust you, and there was nothing you can do about Ryan it is not your fault what happened to Ryan. The person who did this to Ryan will be punished severely, and I know you will take good care of Cynthia, I know you want let an incident like this happen twice." I said to him. "Yes Alpha, it will not happen again and I will watch her like a hawk." He said with a look of determination in his eyes. I smiled at him proud of the gamma title he has earned, with that I dismissed him to take care of Cynthia so that I can talk to the doctor. I walk passed him with Alisha so we can talk to the doctor, the doctor sees us and immediately waves us over to him. We walk down to his office passing by Ryan`s room, it was taped off for investigation. All of us walk into the doctors office and close the door behind us, as we all sit down the doctor begins to speak. "Alpha, I am sorry for your loss, my condolences go out to you. I have heard what happened and as of right now it looks to be an accident with antibiotics. I will have an autopsy done and a report by morning for you if not sooner, I will also send you the video footage from the hospital video cameras." The doctor said. "I would really appreciate that but I will want to speak to all nurses on duty that were assigned to my brothers care as well." I said to him. "Of course you have the hospitals full cooperation with this if there is anything you need just tell me, and I will provide it." He said in an instant. I got up and exited the doctors office, I stopped at Ryan`s room and looked in the window. I saw my brother laying there not breathing, I felt a tear stream down my cheek. I felt Alisha wipe the tear away, She then wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me into a long, tight, warm, loving hug. I hug her back and cry quietly into her shoulder, She rubs my back while telling me that it is going to be okay, that we will get the person responsible for this as well. We hugged for what felt like hours, but it was only twenty minutes, we decide to head back to the pack house being that it was going on eleven o`clock at night. We get back to the pack house and make it to my office, I open the connecting door to my bedroom. I pulled back the covers to lay down, when I noticed Alisha was about to leave. I grabbed her arm to stop her from leaving, she looked at me a little confused, I pulled her close and held her in my arms. she wrapped her arms around me as well, just as I let go she placed a kiss on my cheek with a warm smile. I have not slept in the bed alone since we started hanging out, and with everything that has happened today I do not want her to leave. "Will you stay again tonight?" I finally asked softly holding her arm close to me. She looked at me with the most loving eyes, and shook her head yes. I picked her up in my arms and slid us underneath the covers, I pulled the covers over us and wrapping my arm around her waist. I was the one hold her close this time, I did not want to be alone and having her around made me feel amazing and secure all at once. I pulled until her backside was laying against my front side and held her tight. We both drifted off in to some much need sleep, holding on to each other once again. Cynthia`s POV" *Cynthia`s thoughts* I could not believe Ryan was gone the pain in my heart does not want to go away, James has made Jack my personal watchmen basically. He brought me home and I wanted to be alone to process the fact that my mate was gone, he understood but could not leave me alone so he compromised. He stood outside my bedroom leaving me alone in the bedroom, I can understand why he is being really protective. He feels it is his fault my mate is gone, but it is not his fault. He took good care of me while Ryan was in a medically induced coma, he made sure I had everything I needed. I really appreciate everything he has done, I did thank him while we were on the way home. I understand why the Alpha has placed me under his protection, so that nobody comes back and tries to hurt me in anyway. We do not know why Ryan was targeted, first their mother now Ryan I hope nothing happens to James next. I looked over at the clock and it said midnight, I was exhausted and needed some sleep. I decided to take a shower to relax my muscles and hopefully fall asleep afterwards. I walked over to my closet and picked out some comfortable clothes and opened my door to see Jack standing there with two cups. "I made you some tea to help you relax, and hopefully get some sleep since you have had a long day." He says with a look of hurt in his eyes handing me a cup. "Thank you Jack, I really appreciate it but we both had a long day. I was planning on taking a hot shower and heading to bed myself." I say with sincerity in my eyes. "Okay well make sure you drink this tea it should help you relax as well." He says with a small smile. "I will I promise I will drink it after my shower, you should get some rest to you look exhausted yourself." I say to him with concern. "I will get some rested after you go to sleep, it`s is my job to protect you until we figure out who did this and we know your safe." He says with determination in his eyes. "Okay. I will see you in the morning sleep well." I say to him. "You too, enjoy your shower and see you in the morning." Jack says to me. I walk over to place my cup on my nightstand before jumping into the shower, I take a quick shower allowing the hot water to relax my muscles. When I come out of the shower I see Jack waiting for me at my bedroom door, as I pass him he smiles at me before opening my door to my room for me. I thank him and close the door, and climb in to bed and sip on my tea, it was so good I finished it in less than five minutes. I place the cup back on my nightstand, and lay down pulling the covers over me. I toss and turn in the bed it is so cold, I am used to my mate here to keep me warm. I finally find a comfortable position, and finally start feeling some heat now I drift off and fall in to a deep sleep. Jack`s POV: *Jack`s thoughts* After making sure she was asleep I walked down to the guest bedroom, I pull back the covers and slide underneath them. I laid down listening intently making sure I can still hear her sleeping right next door. I do not have a mate yet, so I cant imagine what she could be going through. I am only twenty-two years old, I have a whole lifetime to find my mate but she lost her mate. I know second chance mates are rare, but she is a good woman I hope the moon goddess gives her a second chance mate. Some one that can take away her pain, and let her be happy again. She will not ever forget her first mate but having a second chance mate will take away the pain of losing him allowing her to be happy again. Hearing her snore next door lets me know she is still sleeping, so I drift off to sleep to get some much needed sleep myself. *The Next Morning* James POV: I wake up with Alisha in my arms and all I can do is smile. I look down at her she looks like an angel when she sleeps. I slowly and quietly slip out of bed with out waking her up and walk in to my office. I sit down at my computer and open up my emails, I see there is one from the doctor with the title "Hospital Footage" I click on it, and watch the video from the hallway my brothers hospital room was on. I watch a nurse walk in to the room, about five minutes later she walks out. I do not recognize her at all, I do not even think she belongs in the pack. There have been no new pack members that joined the pack recently, I would have to approve that. How did she get a nurse outfit or even on our territory if she is not a member? how did she get passed security? I continue to watch the video seeing that after she left my brothers room she just left out of the front door of the hospital. Who the hell could it be? I click to go back to my inbox and received another email the said "Autopsy Report", I click on it and read it. I scroll down the file until I reached the section "Cause Of Death" and it said "COD: Wolfsbane". Someone poisoned my brother, someone intentionally killed my brother, but why?
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