The Next Attack

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Alisha`s POV: I woke up and I was in the bed with the Alpha, at first I was confused but then all the memories from last night cam flooding back to me. I found myself smiling, I looked at the clock it said two o`clock in the morning. I looked over at James and he was fast asleep, I decided to jump in the shower and make breakfast for us this morning. I go take a quick shower and make my way down to the kitchen, I could not help but have a smile on my face thinking back to everything that happened last night. That is when I heard a voice in my head talking. "That is because I think he is our mate." The voice says with excitement. "Hello, is anyone there?" I ask looking around the kitchen, but it was empty just me. "Oh I am sorry I am Alexa, I am your wolf." She says to Alisha. "Oh okay, nice to meet you Alexa now what were you saying about mates?" I asked her. "You were smiling at the memories from last night correct? Well that is because I believe he is our mate!" She says with excitement. "Well I mean I like him, but I don`t know about him being our mate. He is the Alpha every woman likes him." I said not really believing her. "Well I guess we will find out soon, your birthday is in a couple days. We will know for sure then." She says and then retreats to the back of my mind leaving me alone with my thoughts. I ponder over it a little more as I make us breakfast, I make his favorite breakfast T-Bone Steak and sunny-side up eggs with corn-beef hash on the side. I finish plating our breakfast and make us a pot of coffee as well, while the coffee is brewing I grab a rolling cart. I place creamer, sugar, silverware, napkins, our plates with covers on them to keep them warm, the coffee, and coffee cups. I head back upstairs with the cart in tow behind me, when I reached the office I wrote a note for the Alpha and then I took my plate and sat down on the couch and ate before setting to work on this investigation. After finishing my plate I grabbed me a cup of coffee and set to work on the paper work laid out. I called a few of my friends that were really good at tracking things down and investigating things to help me figure this out. *In the mean time* Sam`s POV: "I told you I wanted him to love me and to make me his future Luna of the pack, and you said you can help me!" I screamed frustration evident in my voice. "I told you it will take time, and some sacrifices would have to be made in order to do that. I never said it would happen instantly, but we also have to keep an eye out for his mate because if he finds her than it would be all over for you no matter what we do." an unknown voices says to me. Sam nods her head in understanding before speaking again. "You said there had to be sacrifices made, did the mean his mother that died and his brother in the hospital?" I ask her cautiously. "Yes we have to get rid of everyone that he loves so that he has no choice but to fall for you. We have gotten rid of his mother, now his brother, and soon his father. That should be everyone unless there is someone I do not know about." the unknown voice says to me. "His brother is still alive, he is in a coma in the pack hospital so he has not lost his brother." I stated confused. "I know and today he will die as well, you are going to go in the undercover and place this in his IV and he will die ten minutes after you leave the hospital." the unknown voice says and hands me a vile of blue liquid. "I cant do that, everyone knows me there they know I am not a doctor." I stated getting irritated. "you will be disguised you will drink this vile, it will change your appearance to everyone who looks at you, it will also hide your scent so no one can track into or out of the hospital." The unknown voice says. I take the vile and put it in my pocket so I don`t confuse them, I get up to leave the room and I stop to take one last look but by time I looked back she was gone. I left the house I was at and quickly went back to my house making sure no one sees me. Alisha`s POV: *On the Phone* "So there is no way he could have done it?" Alisha asked "No there is no way, he called ten minutes before the attack, you guys are two hours away from him he would of had to fly at the speed of light to be at to do that attack," Her friend states. "Okay, that helps out a lot I will call you if I need anything else I really appreciate it." Alisha says before hanging up the phone. *Alisha`s Thoughts* Okay so that eliminates the father from the attack but it still does not explain who could of done it. I take one last look at the video of that night, and my eyes widen in realization of the time clock on the video. The video was altered based on the time stamp, I pick up my phone and dial my other friends number that is good with this kind of stuff. It rings and rings and goes to voicemail, I leave a message and ask him to call me back telling him that it is urgent. Just as I finished the voicemail I heard James moving around in the bed, I looked at the time it and saw I had been working non-stop for 4 hours, it was six thirty in the morning. I made great progress on the investigation but I would not stop until I figure out who it is. James POV: I woke up and look at the clock it said six thirty, I rolled over and saw I was alone in the bed but the was a note that read: "Good morning James, Meet me in the office when you wake I have made coffee and breakfast for you, I hope you slept well. Sincerely Alisha." I sat up and stretched my back, I looked down and saw I was naked, then all the memories came flooding back to me. All I could do was smile, I went over to my closet and got dressed before walking into the office. I saw Alisha drinking coffee and working on the investigation paper work and writing down information in the notepad here and there. I grabbed a cup of coffee and my breakfast plate, when I uncovered it I smiled It was my favorite breakfast just the way I liked it. I took my coffee and plate, and walked around the table to sit down beside her, she looked up at me with the warmest smile. "Good morning James, I hope you slept well." she said in the most angelic voice with a smirk on her face. "Good morning Alisha, I did sleep very well thanks to you." I said in a teasingly playful tone. She blushed a little bit turning her head away, before speaking again. "I have looked over a few things, and called a couple people who specialize in some areas that helped me with this investigation this morning" she began to update me. I ate my breakfast as she updated me on everything she found this morning, by time I finished my breakfast she had just finished explaining everything. I was in shock, if there was no way he could of done it then why did Ryan say he was the one who attacked him I thought to myself. As if she read my mind she explained to me that the sliver that was used on Ryan was also laced with a hallucination drug. That means that Ryan only hallucinated that he saw our father, when he actually saw the killer but does not know he did. I take in everything for a moment, when Alisha`s voice pops into my mind breaking me out of my thoughts. "Why don`t we go do something this is a lot of progress for today, lets go for a walk or go hang out somewhere for a little while." She said in the sweetest voice, smiling at me. "Sure, we could both use a break for a little while let me just call Cynthia and check on her." I said. She nodded and cleaned up all the paperwork, and the dishes and started to head down stairs, when she called to me. "Be right back, ill meet you in your office so we can leave together." "Okay, hurry back." I called back to her I heard her laugh all the way down the hall, I picked up my phone ignoring the messages from Sam. I dialed Cynthia s number but it went to voicemail, so I dialed Jack`s number. It rang once and he picked up. "Good morning Alpha, how are you?" He asked. "Good morning Jack, I am doing well I just called to check on Cynthia and Ryan, are they okay she did not answer when I called." I said to him. "Yes, she and Ryan are both okay Alpha they are in the hospital room Ryan is still in his medically induced coma and she has not left his side, she gets plenty of rest and food and new clothes everyday so she can shower. I even have Ryan`s clothes sent up here as well that way when they wash him up he has fresh clothes to wear as well." he said reassuringly. "Okay if anything happens or anything is need just mind-link or call me okay." I said to him in a serious tone. "Absolutely Alpha will do, I promise." He said in a serious tone as well. I hung up the phone just in time for Alisha to walk back in the office. "Everything okay?" She asked. "Yeah, everything is fine so what do you want to do today?" I asked her. "Lets just go for a walk and see what happens." She said bouncing her eyebrows up and down. All I could do was laugh, she walked over laughing as well grabbing my hand dragging me out of the office and down the hall. We walked down the stairs and out the door, we walked around the perimeter of the pack land territory. Then we walked through the woods until we cam across a lake, Alisha`s eyes lit up at how beautiful the view was. We sat down on the ground beside the lake and just talked, I told her about how it was growing up and becoming Alpha. I told her about the abuse my mother and my brother and I went through, but then I told her about everything I do on a daily basis as Alpha of the pack. She listen to every word I said, she had admiration in her eyes as she looked at me. She told me about herself how she grew up in this pack. That her birthday was in two days and she cant wait to find out who her mate was. She went on to tell me that she loved to take charge and cook and write and draw, she and I talked for hours. Before we knew it we had laughed and talked for about five hours. Alisha looked at me with the most sincere look and asked me if she could tell me something. "Could I tell you something?" She asked me. "Of course, you can tell me anything." I told her. She leaned in a close face inches apart from each other, lips with in kissing distance. "I hope that your my mate." she said as her eyes shot down to my lips. "Me too" I said with out hesitation and placed my hand on the side of her face. She leaned into my touch my thumb traced her lips, and I leaned in closer and softly placed a kiss on her soft plump juicy lips. She returned the kiss with more force, I slid my tongue across her lips asking for access. She gladly opened her mouth allowing my tongue to invade hers, her tongue was fighting for control with mine it felt right. Things heated up very quickly she rolled on to her back pulling me on top of her, I moved my kisses from her lips to her jaw line to down to her neck. I found her sweet spot licked it and I heard her gasp, I started to suck on where her mark would be one day, and she let out a small moan. I slid my hand down over her breast, her n*****s were hard I slid my hand lower and found the lining of her thong. Her thong was wet witch meant she was wet I slid my hand over her p***y, and found her clit her skin so soft and shaved. I swirled my finger around her clit while sucking on her sweet spot she started moaning more and louder. I moved my fingers a little faster feeling her body start to shake I knew she was close, I started groaning against her sweet spot as if she was making me feel good. The vibration on her sweet spot send her over the top and she had a huge orgasm cumming all over my hand and screaming out of euphoria. I got off of her and let her come down off her euphoric high, I smiled at her as she finally caught her breath. She looked at me with the most loving eyes and the warmest smile. We laid there until just about sunset, when I heard my phone ring. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and saw it was Jack. I immediately answered it. "Yes Jack, what is it?" I asked concerned. "ALPHA COME QUICK IT`S RYAN!!!!!!!!!"
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