Chapter 9

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POV: Elijah "Don't worry we will find her." I tell the omega sitting in front of me. I've just been informed that Minnie our head omega is missing. No one has seen her in the past two days or three days. I call Tyler in to my office along with Dylan. Tyler is a Sigma. Sigmas are trackers. Tyler is my best tracker. I dismiss the Omega and she leaves. Ten minutes later Tyler and Dylan arrive. "Alpha you wanted to see me." Tyler says. They both sit down. "Yes we have someone in the pack missing. It Minnie, the head omega. I need a group of trackers formed and see if you can find her. Dylan you will lead this investigation as to her disappearance." I order. "Yes Alpha." They say and leave to carry out there orders. They know what to do. They train for this kind of stuff. I'm leaving tonight to the Crystal pack for that treaty. I'll only be gone a day or two at most. I'm preparing things for when I'm gone. Then I'm going to spend the rest of the day with Lacey. I haven't seen her much the past few days. She's been studying a lot for exams. She graduates high school in three weeks. She has a lot happening with school in the next few weeks. She has prom in two weeks, exams are on the same same as prom and she graduates. Lacey's a little upset that Jack might not be there for it. I'm trying to work out a way he can be. I haven't even told her that I'm leaving yet. She will be here by herself. I wish I could take her with me but I can't she has school and stuff. I know I won't be gone for long but it feels like it will be an eternity. I finish up a few things and find Lacey. She should be home from school by now. Knocking on her bedroom door she answers it opening the door. "Hey can I come in." I ask. "Yeah. Whats up?" She asks as I enter the room sitting on the bed with books scattered on it. She picks them up. "Sorry. I've just been studying." She apologizes for the book. "No need to apologize. I understand. Though I was wondering if you could take a break for the rest of the day." I ask her wanting to be with her. I miss her. I haven't seen much of her lately. "Sure. Is something wrong?" She asks seeming a little worried. "No. Every thing is fine. I just have to leave on little business trip tonight and I haven't seen you much so I wanted to spend the day with you." I admit. "Oh how long will you be gone?" She asks looking away from me. Why is she looking away. "Only a day or two not long." I tell her. "Ok" she says in shaky voice. Is she crying. I turn her towards me so I can see her face and there are a few tears. "I wasn't trying to upset you. Whats wrong?" I ask. This doesn't seem like something that would upset her like that or this much to the verge of tears. "I don't know. I.. I just don't want you to go. I've had this bad feeling all day. Like something bad is going to happen." She confesses. "Lacey nothing bad is going to happen a warrior is going with me. Brandon and Dylan will be here. Nothing bad is going to happen. If I could bring you with me I would." I say holding her to comfort her. "But how do you know?" She whines clinging more to me. I don't think this is a normal upset. Her inner wolf is starting to push to be at least marked and she having a reaction to it. If she's not marked soon her wolf could push her all the way into heat. I really don't want her to go through that. That can be a very painful thing for a female wolf. She'll become more like this until her wolf throws her into heat. Not all wolves go in to heat. It only happens when the mating is delayed for a while. Its only been three weeks since we found each other. Normally mates mate and mate that same week if not on that day. This is the first sign of it so it's just starting it could take up to two weeks to fully form. "Lacey nothing bad is going to happen. Now when I get back from my trip we do need to have a serious talk ok." I tell her. "What about. Am I in trouble?" She says worried. "No you did nothing wrong. You'll find out when I get back ok. I don't want to talk about it now because of reasons to do with this talk." I tell her. If I talk to her about marking now she might says yes and then I won't want to leave. It would be very hard and with her wolf already pushing it the mark could cause her to go into heat and I have to be there for that. I know she doesn't understand what she's so upset by this. She hasn't realized what's happening and she probably won't. "OK." She says still upset and sniffing. "Now stop crying. I need my happy Lacey here right now." She tries to stop and puts a fake smile on. She is not happy. My poor baby. "How about we watch a movie." She nods. We go down to the living room and watch the movie. She snuggles up to me as the movie plays. My hand plays with her soft long blonde hair. After the movie I ordered a pizza for dinner. Lacey hasn't left my side once since I told her I was leaving. I don't know if she'll go the whole two weeks without going into heat at this rate. "Lacey can you stay down here and wait for the pizza to get here while I pack for my trip?" I ask her. "Ok." She says sadly. I go put a few things in a bag to take with me. It doesn't take me to long to pack. It won't be long until I have to leave the Crystal pack is about a six hour drive from here so I have a long drive ahead of me. When I get back down stairs with my bag Lacey I at the door getting the pizza. "That'll be twenty two dollars." Says the delivery guy. I hand the guy the cash. "Lets eat." I tell Lacey. "I don't feel like it." She says upset. "Lacey I need you to eat something before I go. Please eat." I practically beg. She nods and grabs a slice. Thank you. She needs to be marked soon. I don't like her like this. Jack is just going to have to deal with it. We eat in silence. She only ate half the slice of pizza. I guess she's just to upset to eat. "OK Lacey I have to go now. I'll miss you." I hug her tight and kiss her lips softly. "Bye." She says sadly not knowing what else to say. I hate leaving her like this. I have a few mated warriors posted at the pack house just in case she does go in to heat earlier than I'm expecting. Any unmated male around will be drawn to her and try to mate her and I don't want that. The warriors are to immediately link me if anything happens. The zeta im going with is out by the car waiting for me. Zeta's are elite warriors that have an elemental power. We get in to the car with me driving. Halfway the zeta will drive the rest of the way. I drive for about thirty minutes when I come to a stop. A tree fell down across the road blocking my way. Its going to take a while to get this tree out the road and this is the only way through to the Crystal pack from here. I turn back planning to leave early in the morning thinking nothing of the reasoning as to why the tree fell down. Getting back to the pack it's raining. A thunder storm is here. Lacey is my first thought. I need to get to her. She must be terrified. I get to the pack house to hear music blasting inside. I run inside now soaked. "Lacey!" I yell out to her. The music is so loud she probably can't hear me so I don't get any response. The music is coming from her room. I walk into a dark room with no lights on. I turn the music off coming from her laptop making it now quite so I can now concentrate. A small light pops out from her cracked closet door. "Lacey." I say opening the door. She has ear buds in her ears and tears flowing down her face with them closed tightly. She's shaking. Pulling the ear buds out her ears I pick her up bringing her to my room. I close the curtains so she can't see the lightning. My bedroom is sound proof from the inside and outside. She won't be able to hear or see the storm in hear. "Elijah? You came back." She sniffles out. "Yeah. A tree was in the middle of the road." I tell her. "I keep remembering it. Why did that wolf kill my mom?" She crys. "Oh baby. I don't know. I wish I did." I set her in my lap holding her close rocking her trying to comfort her. She suddenly pulls back with her eyes glowing blue. She looks like she struggling to control herself. "Lacey whats wrong?" I ask concerned. "I don't know. I suddenly got this urge to mark you. Its hard to control." She says. I was not expecting that. "Lacey you remember I said we needed to talk. This was what we needed to talk about. Your wolf is pushing for the mark. If your not marked you will go into heat." I tell her whats going on with her. "Do you want to mark me?" She asks still struggling. "More than anything. I love you Lacey." I tell her for the first time. "You do? I love you too." She sniffles. "Are you ready to be marked?" I ask her over the moon that she loves me back. "I know I want to be with you and fully accept you as my mate so yeah." She admits. "Then don't hold back. You can mark me. Its ok." I tell her. She does exactly that. She bites down into my neck marking me as hers. I feel the bond locking into place. Its still not complete and it won't be until we mate but for not the mark is enough. When a female marks you it barely hurts regardless of rank. When your marked by a male and the higher the rank the more painful it is. I hate to cause her pain. It want hurt for long though but me being Alpha its going to be bad. She finishes her mark. Now its my turn. I hold her close tightly. "Ready?" I ask to be sure. She nods yes. I kiss her lips moving the kiss down her jaw to that spot on her neck. My canine elongated biting into her marking her deep. She cringes from the pain trying to push me away. I hold her tight not letting her move. She relaxes into me with the pain now gone. I retract my canines from her licking the blood up from her neck sealing the mark. I kiss he lips tucking a few strands of hair behind her ear. Her eyes start to close and I know she's tired from the mark. The mark can be intense and take a lot out of you and with the storm and her being upset she is rightfully tired. I lay her down in my bed tucking her in. I change my clothes to go to bed my self. I get in with her holding her falling asleep.
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