Chapter 10

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POV Jack I've been laying low in the lightning pack lately. I don't trust Marcus. He's after something I just don't know what. I'm walking around the training field like I do everyday keeping close eyes on the warriors. Part of our job here is to help train the warriors so they can deal with the rogues themselves without outside help. As I'm looking around I spot a familiar face walking into the packhouse. In this pack everyone lives in the packhouse. I go chase after her to know why she is here. I catch up to her. "Minnie? What are you doing here?" I ask her. "Beta Jack." She bows her head. "What are you doing here?" I ask again. "Umm i..I have a sister that um lives here and I'm um visiting her." She says. Plausible excuse. I would have believed it had she not seemed so nervous and paused so much in her words. "Really and yet I don't believe you." I tell her. "Beta i assure you im not lying." She says a bit more calmer. "I still don't believe you. Why don't you introduce me to your sister. In all my years that I've known you Minnie you never mentioned having a sister." I tell her knowing full well she is lying. I can hear her heart pounding in her chest. "Beta please I can not. He will kill them if I tell you." She begs. "Who? Is it Marcus? What is he up to?" I demand answers. She whimpers back. I used my beta command on her so she has to tell me now. "Can we go somewhere a little more private first?" She asks looking around. We go to a more private area where no one is around to hear us. "Speak." I demand her. "I'm from this pack, the lightning pack that is. Alpha Marcus is not the alpha he looks to be. Omegas in this pack are highly abused and trafficked. He does a lot of criminal activity. He sent me to the Stone Thorn pack to spy because of your late mate. You see she is originally from this pack and Marcus is her cousin. She found out about his wrong doings and killed her. He is looking for the evidence that she hid." She tells me. He killed my mate. I am beyond pissed. "What else? What evidence?" I need to know. Lacey has suffered everyday since that night. She is terrified of storms now and can't be left alone for to long during them. "I don't know. All I know ow is he believes that Helen hid evidence in something with someone close to her that she trusted." She informs. Lacey's locket is all I can think. Helen gave it to her the day she died. Lacey never could open it. There must be a key that can open it to reveal what is inside. Its time to go home now. I link the warriors to pack up but tell no one they are leaving. I need to do this decreetly. If Marcus finds out whats happening this could turn into a blood bath. He kept me here because he thought I had it but it was lacey. No way am I revealing that to him. I have to protect my daughter. I grab my bags packing them quickly to leave. As I put my bags in the car Marcus appears. "Going somewhere?" He asks. "Yes something came up and our alpha has called us back to the pack." I lie using the excuse. "Oh. So if I call Elijah he will tell me the same?" He taunts. Damn. "Yes he will." I lie. I link the warriors to leave with out me now. This can not end well. The warriors reluctantly do as I say and leave back to our pack. Marcus smirks. "You'll have to remind me later to deal with Minnie. Its a shame I'll have to get rid of my favorite toy now." He says lunging towards me to attack. I fight back barely getting away shifting into my wolf and running out of this pack. He chased me until I crosed over the pack boarders. I link Elijah that I'm in trouble and need to get out that I'm running to our pack but it will be a while before I can get there. "I just left the Crystal pack. Where are you? I'm coming to get you." He links back. I let him know my location. I can't stay in one place for to long so I stay around the area I told him keeping my guard up. Crystal pack is about two hours away from here so its going to be a bit before he is here. Elijah pulls up at the edge of the woods and links me that he's here. I go to his car. He tosses some clothes out for me so I can shift back. Now in the car in human form Elijah takes off to the pack. "What were you doing in Crystal pack?" I ask. "Treaty." He answers. He seems a little nervous to be around me. "Has it been that long that your nervous to be around me now? Awe honey I'm flattered." I joke. "Man shut up. I'm not nervous." He say irritated. We have a long drive ahead to the pack. We use the time for him to update me on. The things going on with the pack. "How are my kids? Has Lacey behaved herself? Thanks for watching her by the way." I tell him. "Lacey has been good." He says a little strained. "I asked her if she met her mate and I know she lied and said no. Tell me has she?" Elijah sighs. "Yeah but she wanted to wait until you got back to tell you and I'm not saying who it is." He says. "Oh come on at least give me a hint." I beg. I need to know. "Do I know him?" I ask. He nods yes. "Is he from our pack?" He nods yes again. "What rank is he?" I ask. "If I told you I'd give it away right away. So I can't give you that." Elijah says nervously. You know if I didn't know any better id say it was him by how he's acting. "Come on give me something." I beg. "He's older than her." He says. Older.... "how much older?" I ask "uh.. nineteen years older than her." He says. I'm shocked. Thats ... wow. So it would be someone that has been unmated for almost 20 years and I most likely grew up with. It's not Brandon and Dylan they have mates. The only person I know of in the pack that hasn't found their mate in that long of time is.... is.. Elijah. I look at him "its you isn't it." I see him swallow. "Yes. Ok yes. Believe it came to shock to me too." He says. I'm not as mad as I thought I'd be about it. "You know I thought I'd be mad about this but I can actually see no better person for her than you." I tell him. He looks at me shocked. "So your telling me I worried for nothing. Lacey worried for nothing. In fact it was her that didn't want to tell you until you got back." He says. "So how far has you mate bond gone with her?" I ask curiously to know if my daughter is the official Luna or not. "Marked as of yesterday not mated I haven't touched her like that yet." He says. I'm a little surprised he just marked her and not mated her in one go. "She was about to go into heat I had to stop it as soon as I could." Elijah informs. That would explain that. Heat for a female wolf is absolute hell. He shows me his mark. So she marked him to. Well this should be an interesting reunion with my daughter.
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